Chapter 181 
Acrisp slap sounded. A handprint quickly appeared on Jordan’s face, leaving him somewhat stunned. 
“What are you doing? You hit the wrong person!” Lyta was furious and quickly went over to jordan to check on him. 

Jordan was both shocked and angry. “I told you to hit them, not me. Have you lost your mind?” 
“You’re the one who’s lost your mind for daring to insult our Ms. Quirrel Who gave you the courage?” the manager demanded sternly. 
“Ms. Quirrell?” Jordan suddenly looked at Zia. Then, it dawned on him. “Are you the heiress of the Quirrell family? 

Zia scoffed. “Oh, come on, Mr. Hunter. In your presence, I can’t exactly call myself an heiress, can 17 But I appreciate you not labeling me as a bitch.” 
“You’ve got a bit of self–awareness, being a little bitch. Now kneel and apologize to Jordan!” 
Not understanding the situation, Belinda took Zia’s sarcasm seriously. 

Hearing this, Jordan was terrified. “Shut up!” 
He then slapped Belinda across the face and then apologized to Zia, “Ms. Quirrel, I’m sorry. I didn’t know it was you‘ 
Jordan’s arrogance had vanished. Although the Hunter family claimed to be the number one family in Wave City, that was only on the surface. The quirrel family was far stronger 

than them. 
Moreover, it was said that the Quirrel was a family of martial artists, with many powerful warriors in each generation. 
It could truly be said that in Wave City, there was royalty Offending the Quirrels was equal to courting death. 

“Jordan, why did you hit me?” Belinda held her swollen face, looking aggrieved. 
Lyra also puzzledly asked, “Yeah, Jordan, my mom was speaking up for you. How could you hit her?“/ 
“That’s right, Jordan. You should’ve hit her instead,” Lucas pointed at Zia 

“All of you shut up! I don’t want to die with you,” Jordan roared and then turned to Zia. “Ms. Quirrell, please be generous and don’t stoop to my level.” 
His demeanor completely changed from before. 
It was only then that Elijah and the others realized why Jordan was so respectful–he had addressed Zia as “Ms. Quimel“. 

Elijah was taken aback and quickly stepped forward to bow. “Ms. Quirrel, hello, I’m Elijah Smith, the head of the Smith family. I didn’t know it was you earlier. Please forgive any offenses.” 
Zia didn’t respond to him. Instead, she turned to Sebastian and asked, “Mr. Wilder, how should these people be handled?” 
Everyone from the Smith family was stunned. The fact that Zia had asked for Sebastian’s 

n’s opinion further confirmed that everything Sebastian had said was true. 
“Handle it as you see fit” Sebastian didn’t give his opinion, which essentially meant he was letting them off the hook. 
It was mainly because of Lillian that he was so tolerant. 

Zia looked at Jordan and the others. “I can overlook your offense against me, but your insults to Mr. Wilder are unforgivable. You must be punished” 
Belinda was both shocked and angry. “Ms. Quirrel, are you mistaken? He’s just a poor guy. How could you know him? 
Lyra quickly said, “Right, you’d offend Jordan over some poor guy? That’s not worth it!” 

Zia immediately became furious. She raised her hand and delivered a loud slap to Lyse, then backhanded Belinda. She coldly said, “If you dare insult Mr. Wilder again. I will have 
Zia’s imposing demeanor stummed Belinda and Lyra Despite being slapped, they didn’t dare retaliate.