Chapter 242 
Naomi looked at Heather with a smile. “Mom, this isn’t something we can control. Also, it’s very tiring for 
me to live like this.” 
Two years 
had passed, and one problem had surfaced after another. There were endless problems 
between her and Brendan. Indeed, she wanted to back down. 
If the fortune tellers‘ predictions were true, then she’d just spend the rest of her life alone! 
Brendan’s attitude toward Naomi had made her alter her goals in life. Whether she had children or became a mother seemed inconsequential now. 
“Naomi, let’s get rid of this exhaustion. In the future, get Brendan to appease you, alright?” 

Naomi smiled without saying a word. Brendan appeasing her? No way in hell. She didn’t have those daydreams anymore. 
In the face of Naomi’s silence, Heather was unsure of their eventual outcome. 
As a woman, she knew in her heart that a hurt woman would never turn back. 
However, Naomi was the only one Heather liked. She wanted Naomi as her daughter–in–law. 
She looked down upon everyone else, including women like Chloe or celebrities and models. 
Sophia wasn’t there now either. Even if she had been there, Heather wouldn’t have allowed Brendan to 
marry that woman. 
Preoccupied with something on her mind, Heather took the grapes out without even washing them. 
She thought it was best for her to tell Christine about this so that she would try to convince Naomi 
Heather understood that the problems within Brendan and Naomi’s marriage were largely a product of 
Brendan’s doing. 
Just look at their wedding ceremony! He’d done nothing–neither had he held a ceremony for Naomi, nor 
had he any wedding photos! 
If it had been any other woman, who would’ve been willing to stay with him for this long? 
Not before long, the kitchen personnel announced that dinner was ready. 
Heather walked over, as though lost in her dreams. When she thought of Brendan taking contraceptive measures, she felt prejudice and dissatisfaction bubble inside her. 
As a result, she glared at him with huge displeasure. 
Not only did she refuse to get him food, but when he tried to scoop some onto his plate, she whacked his spoon away and complained, “If you’re such a capable man, why are you eating?” 
When Brendan’s spoon got hit the fourth time, he looked at Heather and asked, “Mom, have I offended 
Chapter 242 
you in some way?” 
Heather responded, “You offend me every day and make me feel uncomfortable. The more I look at you, 
I the more I dislike you.” 
Heather’s anger made Mason and everyone around her laugh. 
Ronald laughed the loudest. He even continued to provoke them, saying, “Aunt Heather, Brendan’s the worst man alive. His heart is black. Indeed, you shouldn’t let him eat. You should ask him to repent in the corner.” 
Brendan glared at him, and Ronald picked up his cutlery immediately. He stuffed rice into his mouth furiously, as though he wasn’t the one who had spoken. 
Upon seeing that, Heather piled more food onto his plate and said, “Ronald, you’re right. Have a little 
She then continued, “You’re much more obedient. If your cousin was half as compliant as you, I’d be worry 
If Brendan was half as clingy to Naomi as Ronald was and eternally grateful. 
d appease Naomi like he did, she would be 
There wouldn’t be any friction between them at all. They would be extremely happy together. 
Ronald thanked Heather for her compliments. He then piled food onto Naomi’s plate and said, “Naomi, eat a little more. Later, I’ll get you a slice of cake.” 
Brendan said, “Look, Ronald’s such a good kid.”