Blood red love 

“We called in reinforcements. We called in all vampires we had a connection to that we knew we could trust. We even banded together with other magical creatures. It all culminated in a battle. We won, but in the chaos Amulius vanished,” Adisa said. 
“Some thought him dead. But we knew he was too stubborn to die so easily. For years we followed every rumour of teachings like his. Until one day, Nasir found him,” Vidar told them. 
“I did. And I didn’t hesitate to kill him before he knew I was on to him and could vanish again,” Nasir confirmed with a grim face. 
“So why do you think this is connected to him?” Jun asked. 
“The phrases Millard uses are almost word by word the phrases Amulius used. the years he spent on the run, he used to spread his teachings, writing texts and talking to like–minded,” Vidar said. 1 
“You think Millard is a disciple of his? Do you think the same goes for his family?” Henry asked. Charlie couldn’t imagine Millard’s parents having such views. 
“The one who created me, you said he had corrupted views,” Caine said to Vidar. Vidar nodded. 
“Yes, the one who turned you was a follower of Amulius,” he confirmed. The clenched jaw and rigid stands told Charlie that Caine didn’t want to keep talking about it. She wasn’t the only one who got the message, the subject was dropped and they moved on. 
“That is why it felt off,” Vidar said. 
“You don’t think Millard is trying to pick up where Amulius left off?” Nasir asked. 
“Not even Millard could be so cocky and naïve that he would plan an all out war with both humans and other magical creatures?” Henry said. No one said it, but it was on the tip on everyone’s tongue; Yes he was. 
“The big question is if he is working alone or if he is part of something bigger?” Vidar asked. 
“Right, if it’s just Millard, it will be annoying, but we can handle it. If he is just a cog in a bigger machine, then we have a real issue,” Adisa agreed. 
“We need to talk to him again,” Jun said. 
“This time we will all be there,” Henry added. 
“You don’t have to come, I can walk you up to our rooms,” Vidar told Charlie, the rest of the men smiled at her and nodded. 
“And quit when we are getting to the exciting part? I don’t think so,” Charlie told them. 
“Well then, no point to put it off. We may not have time to spare,” Nasir said. All of them stood 
up and walked out of the room. Vidar had his arm around Charlie and she could feel the tension. The same kind of tension came from Caine that walked on her other side. 
‘Are you okay?‘ Charlie sent a mind link to him, she had a feeling the connection to how he had been turned was affecting him more than he wanted to admit. 
‘I’m okay,‘ he replied. 
“If you need to talk, I’m here and so is Vidar if you feel more comfortable talking to him,‘ she reminded him. 
‘Thank you.‘ They were back on ground level and Vidar took them out of the main building. and towards a building that looked to been a stable once. It had been converted to a garage and in the far end of it was a door that lead to the basement. The basement looked like a storage room for auto parts, oil containers and so on. Vidar walked over to a light switch and pushed it to the right, revealing a keypad. The keypad opened a hidden door, leading down to what looked very much like the dungeon Charlie had been kept in. 
‘Are you okay?‘ Caine asked Charlie. 
“I’m okay, not good, but okay,‘ she answered. Only one cell held a guest. Millard looked worse. than when Charlie had seen him just the day before. Some of the wounds he had got during 
the last session had still not healed. The two gargoyles were standing on either side of him. 
“Smith, Bishop, would you give us the room?” Vidar asked. They both nodded and headed out 
of the cell. 
“Made sure to head to the kitchen and get something to et and make sure to rest some,” Charlie told them as they passed her. 
“Thank you, miss,” Bishop said and gave her a half smile. All six of them listened to the foot fall of the gargoyles to make sure no one was around to overhear what would happen next. 
“So, everyone is here now. Is this where you kill me?” Millard asked. 
“You would be so lucky,” Henry told him. 
“We need to have a talk,” Adisa said. 
“Shouldn’t you make her leave?” Millard asked and looked at Charlie. 
“It’s to late to act like you have manners,” Charlie told him. 
“She has as much right to be here as any of us,” Adisa said. 
“Do you include him in that statement?” Millard asked, looking at Caine. 
“I would take a turned vampire like Caine, over a born one like you,” Charlie told him. Vidar 
“I don’t think you realise how much trouble you are in,” he told Millard. 
“You will torture me some more. Not my favourite way to pass the time, but it will all end 
“You forget how old we are, young one,” Adisa told him. Millard looked at him as if he had no idea where Adisa were going. 
“We remember things, people. You can’t even imagine how much we have seen,” Nasir said. 
“Okay.” Millard looked even more confused. 
“Sometimes, especially when it’s really shitty persons, it takes us a moment to remember them,” Vidar explained. “That was the case with Amulius, he really was the shittiest of the shitty.” Charlie had turned on the voice recording on her phone. It was her task it seemed. She could see Millard pale even further as Vidar mentioned Amulius. “You see, I knew there was something that was nagging my mind during out first little talk. Now I know why and I’m so happy that we kept you alive. Henry?” 
“Oh, I’m happy as well. But mostly because I would have hated to miss what we are going to do to you. I have detested your privileged and snotty attitude since you came to us,” Henry said. He pulled out a velvet bag and Charlie wondered what was in it. “You got everything served on a silver platter because we all respected your father. And you don’t even have the f**king sense to be grateful.” Charlie saw Henry put on gloves and pull a silver object out of the bag. Millard’s eyes grew bigger and for the first time he tried to stand up. Caine and Jun place a hand each on his shoulders and he couldn’t move. Henry gave him a cold smile as he walked up to Millard. Millard’s eyes never left the object in Henry’s hands, not even when it got so close to his face it made him cross–eyed. Henry pressed the silver object to Millards forehead, just above the bridge of his nose. Charlie herd the sizzling noise and smelt burning flesh. Millard screamed. When Henry finally moved away, there was a V with a T over it, branded into his skin. 
“The mark of a traitor to vampires,” Vidar said. Charlie knew he did it for her sake, so she would understand. Millards screams had died down to sobs and he now hung forward in Caine’s and Jun’s grip. The two looked at each other and took their hands away, making Millard face plant in the hard stone floor. 
“There is no use pretending, Millard. We know you have been reading Amulius‘ texts and have fooled yourself into thinking the mad man was right.” Adisa said. 
“Who is working with you?” Vidar asked. Millard was trying to get his arms to support him as he tried to sit up. 
“I–I don’t know what you are talking about,” he said. Caine moved at the speed of light, Charlies new senses made it possible for her to see him move up to Millard and plunge a 
small knife into his shoulder. Millard called out in agony and tried to swipe with his claws at Caine. But Caine was already back to his place. “What the fuck!” Millar screamed. 
“Do you think you are the only one that can work with 
…Caine asked. 
“We found our own, one more powerful than your. She helped us lift the spell to hide you, provided us with protection against any attempt made to release us of our magic, and she even threw in some nice enchantments on a couple of our weapons,” Henry informed him. 
“A couple of thousands,” Nasir corrected him with a chuckle. 
“Who is working with you?” Vidar asked. 
“No one. It’s just me,” Millard explained. The men laughed. 
“We’re not buying that, traitor. You aren’t smart enough to pull off a disappearance like the one you pulled on us,” Jun said. The questioning continued. Charlie was surprised Millard held out as long as he did. He had been sliced, punched, burned and a range of other things. “Time to motivate him properly,” Jun finally said. He left the cell and returned a couple of minutes later with a bag. He placed it on the floor and opened it. He took out a syringe filled with what looked to be clear liquid. “Colloidal Silver,” Jun said, holding the syringe up for Millard to look at. “Some human thinks it cures most diseases. What it really is, is fine silver particles put into water. Doesn’t really do much to humans. Vampires, on the other hand, react to the silver. When it’s injected into a vein, it will literally burn you from the inside. out.” Millard looked at the syringe. 
“No, please, don’t,” he whispered. 
“Names,” Nasir said. 
“It’s just me,” Millard whispered. 
“Silver it is. I have actually never used it on a vampire before, this will be interesting,” Jun said. 
“No, please. I’m your clan brother,” Millard pleaded. 
“So now he remembers the bond,” Henry scoffed. Jun didn’t hesitate to take a hold of Millards arm and stick the syringe in a vain. Charlie flinched and braced for what was about to happen. Vidar walked over to her and pulled her into his arms. 
“No, no, please dont. Please don’t do this. I’ll tell you, I’ll tell you everything!” Millard screamed and tried to pull out from Jun’s grip. He didn’t manage and Jun looked like he didn’t care. They all watched as Jun’s finger slowly pushed the end of the syringe. “Okay, okey! Michael Popov, Janis Drakos and Kieko Sato!” With a final push the liquid left the syringe. The scream coming from Millard were inhumane. 
“Whops, I forgot I was supposed to stop,” Jun said and let go of Millard 
“Accidents do happen. Don’t be too upset,” Adisa told him. Millard was twisting on the floor, clutching his arm to his chest, screaming and whimpering.