Blood red love 

Charlie was walking through the castle in between Vidar and Caine. Vidar had his arm around her, holding her close to him. Now that Charlie could relax, she took in the amazing building and the decor. It reminded her of Vidar’s bookshelf, with all the things he had on display, just on a much larger scale. They came to a room where Jun stood waiting. To Charlie’s surprise, the usually stoic man had a faint smile. 
‘What’s going on with Jun?‘ she asked Vidar in their minds. Vidar smiled at her. 
‘I think your punishment has worked like you hoped,‘ he sent back. They had decided to keep her new ability to themselves for now. Charlie found it very useful when surrounded by vampires with super hearing. They had just greeted Jun when they were joined by Mauritius and Britta. 
“You look much better today, Charlie,” Britta told her. 
“Thank you, I feel it. And thank you for letting us stay,” Charlie said. 
“It’s our honour to house a maiden, and our duty after the way our son treated you,‘ 
Mauritius told her. 
“I never gave much creed to a child inheriting their parents‘ sins, and I think a child’s sins shouldn’t be blamed on their parents either,” Charlie said. 
“That is most gracious of you,” Britta told her. They continued with small talk for a whit 
Charlie could tell the others knew each other well. 
“I’m guessing you will be heading to see my son,” Mauritius finally said. 
“Yes, it’s time,” Vidar agreed. 
“Would you like to keep me company?” Britta asked Charlie. Charlie could tell their hostess was devastated at the thought of what was going to happen with her son. But it also looked like she had made her peace with it. 
Emergency calls onlyмOO*-_- 
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“I’ll be joining Vidar and Caine,” Charlie told her. There was a little surprise in both Britta’s and her husband’s expressions. “I would also like to ask if it would be alright to talk to Loyd. 
Just talk,” Charlie asked. Both their hosts looked surprised. 
“You are free to talk to him,” Mauritius agreed. 
“Thank you. What will happen to him?” Charlie asked. 
“We haven’t decided. He was complicit in what happened to you, but only followed my son’s orders. He is a giant and we all know how those are.” Charlie nodded and decided to wait and 
see if she got any brilliant ideas after talking to him. 
“We will head–down now. I don’t know how long we will be. It might be a good idea for you to step out for a couple of hours,” Vidar told Mauritius. Charlie could hear the companion it was said with. No one wanted to upset their hosts more than necessary. 
“Thank you, but we will stay,” Britta told them. Vidar gave her a sharp nod. He then put his 
arm around Charlie and with Jun leading the way and Caine on her other side, Charlie was 
escorted out of the room. 
“We can start with talking to the giant,” Vidar said to her. Charlie was starting to recognise 
the corridor they were in. 
“Yes, I think that is a good idea,” she agreed. Jun opened a door and Charlie recognised the stairs leading down to the dungeon. She hesitated. 
“You don’t need to go down if you don’t want to,” Vidar told her. 
“I can do it,” she said, just as much to herself as to the men that had paused. Going down the stairs was both a throwback to her memory of being led out, but also a completely new experience. The stairs and the room below had been dusky, but now it was like it was daylight. The smell of damp building had amplified and she could hear the scattering of small clawed feet over the stone. She was happy she hadn’t been able to hear or smell the rats 
when she had been down here. They didn’t take a lamp with them as all of them could all see perfectly fine without one of the lanterns hung on the wall. They stopped before the first cell. It had been empty when Charlie had walked past it before. Now Loyd sat on the stone floor. There was no furniture, no blankets, nothing in the cell with him. Charlie felt her heart ache. 
“Hello, Loyd,” she said. The giant had been sitting, resting his hands on his knees and with his head down. At the sound of her voice, he looked up and found her amongst the men that surrounded her. 
“Miss Charlie,” he said, and he sounded pleased to see her. Charlie tried to take a step closer to the bars that separated them, but Vidar held her back and Caine put his arm out in front of her to block her. She batted their hands away and stepped up to the iron bars. 
“I needed to come and see you and tell you I’m sorry for getting you in trouble. You were very kind to me and I had to betray you. I’m sorry, Loyd,” she told him. The giant looked at her in stunned silence. 
“Miss Charlie, you don’t need to apologise. Master Millard’s father explained to me that what we did to you wasn’t the right thing to do. I think I should apologise to you, miss,” he said. 
“How about we forgive each other and put it behind us?” Charlie asked. 
“I would like that,” Loyd said and nodded excitedly. It made Charlie smile. 
‘Do you think we could take him with us?” she sent a thought to Vidar. Vidar looked at her in disbelief. 
*Charlie, we need to get your hero tendencies under check. Bringing home stray cats is one. thing, bringing home stray giants. That’s another thing entirely,‘ he responded. Charlie giggled. She had made up her mind and she would talk to Britta when they were done here. That made her hesitate for a moment. 
“Jun, do you think you could run up and ask if we could put Loyd somewhere else in the 
castle? I’m guessing the next part is going to get loud,” Charlie asked. 
“I will go at once,” Jun said and headed off. Charlie continued to talk to Loyd. He was a real sweetheart when you got to know him. Charlie learnt his parents and most of his siblings lived the border between Norway and Sweden. He had four brothers and two sisters. One of his brothers had moved to the US and one of his sisters was living in Estonia. They were a close family and when he described the shenanigans he and his siblings had got into, Charlie suspected they all were like him. Jun came back with two of the DeVoen men. 
“Loyd, these men are going to take you somewhere else for a while. I’ll come by and talk to you before we leave. Is that okay?” she asked. 
“I would like that, miss.” he said. As the men led him awa 
to Charlie. 
“Ready for the next part?” he asked her. She nodded, even if she wasn’t sure it was the truth. “Caine and Jun will be with us the entire time. If you feel like you need to step away, Caine will take you. Okay?” 
“Yes, that sounds okay. I’m ready” she told him 
“We have all discussed it.” Jum told them as they walked further down the murine. “The can 
all agrees that it’s your right to handle Millard. We won’t claim betrayal. And now that Charlie is true one of us, she has the first claim. he continued. 
laim our right to retribution for his 
Thank you.” Vidar said.. 
Does it mean that they give you the okay to Bailll him 
im?” Charlie asked 7 
Yes. Millard betrayed us all. According to the laws, they have a go at least he mesent un he dies, he reniled 
Where are the rest of the clan?” she asked. She hadn’t digit alone their three missing 
“Central America. Millard had two mails for us to follow. I just boy I followed the nigh 
one, be told her and k*ssed her hair. They were coming up on the nexa–an–last cell, non far 
from that was the cell that bad beld Chattle. She looked nowants the init incertation in the 
wall that was the only thing wasable of it. She refused to back down and les fear worn. They 
stopped in front of the inom bar to the second to last cellll Her new eversight er her see into in 
even in the faint light. Milland sat on the cold stone floor in much the same way as Loyd mrad 
done. He did look up when they came or when thes sommei 
Vidar, Jum, why did yo 
why did you o bring the maiden and a sulied with you? Can’t do the joih 
vourselves.”” Villard asked without looking in. The mer growded agrix and to her sumpatise 
Charlie joined in. The growls ended as soon as they had begun and four sets of ever looked a 
e in surprise. 
“Whops,” she said. Vidar and Caine looked amused and laughed quietly. Jun almost smiled 
and shook his head. But Millard looked at her like he couldn’t believe it. 
“You are not a human,” he pointed out.