Blood red love 

Despite Vidar insisting he didn’t like the idea of a cat, and Caine agreeing with him, Charlie would find Shadow curled up in Vidar’s lap when he worked or read, or perched on Caine’s shoulder as he worked out. Their home had been overtaken by cat things. Caine had more than once tried to move in the shadows like he always did, only to kick a jingle ball across the room. Charlie tried hard not to giggle on those occasions, but admitted she wasn’t always successful. Early Saturday morning, Charlie received a phonecall from Lilly, asking if they could talk. Charlie invited her friend over and told her to bring a bathing suit. They ended up in the hot tub and Caine brought them each a strawberry daiquiri. 
“One hunk wasn’t enough?” Lilly asked as Caine walked out of the poolroom. “If I was straight, I might have moved in if this apartment, apart from being amazing, keeps popping. our gorgeous men,” she added and they both laughed. 
“Caine is one of Vidar’s closest friends. He’s staying with us for a while,” Charlie told her friend. 
“Lost his job?” 
“No.” Charlie didn’t know how to explain it. She hated lying to her friends. “Vidar is being at little paranoid about my safety of lately, and Caine is also the chief of security for his company. And as Vidar trust him, he feels better with having him here for now and Caine was kind enough to move in.” 
“Is it James‘ trial?” Lilly asked. 
“Than I approve. If it’s keeping you safe, I’m all for it. I’m happy that you finally have. someone in you life that takes good care of you,” she told Charlie. 
“Thank you. But you and Huxton have always looked out for me,” Charlie objected. Lilly waved her hand dismissively. 
“That isn’t the same, and you know it.” Charlie could agree. “Besides, I have been so caught 
up in my own drama the last couple of years. I haven’t been there as much as I should,” Lilly said. 
“Don’t even say that. You have been there when I needed you. Despite everything with Nea.” 
“Speaking of Nea, that was what I wanted to talk with you about when I called Lilly said. 
“Please, please, tell my aren’t getting back together. I don’t think I have it in me to watch you go through it all again. I might ask Vidar to kidnap you and hire one of those reverse brain washing fellows, Charlie told her friend. Lilly laughed 
“Over reacting much? Geese. No, I’m not getting back together with her, despite her pleading and begging. No, but… there was a long pause 
“But what? You are killing me here, Lilly,” Charlie urged her on. 
“But I might have become interested in someone else,” her friend confessed, and Charlie laughed. 
“Hallelujah!” she exclaimed. “Wait, why aren’t you sounding happier about it? She isn’t married or straight or something?” 
“No. She is quite perfect. But is it too soon? I don’t want to make the same mistake again. I don’t want another Nea 
“Hmm. I can understand that Finaly a relationship topic Tm qualified to talk about daring losers,” Charlie said and chuckled. You know me, after the Vegas disaster with he who shadhi not be named, I took a year long break and ended my fast with James. So, you know…” 
“Don’t do as you do, but as you say?” Lilly asked, laughing. 
“Right. I want to point out that I did end up with Vidar. So you have to give me some points. Look, getting over losers and idiots is never easy. No matter what you try to tell yourself, they erode your confidence and self–worth. And that takes time to heal. Som of the healing need to do on your own. But what I have learned sine mesting Vidar is that some of the healing is much easier when you have someone who loves you by your side,” Charlie sand 
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“And if we are talking about how long time, you need. I don’t think you can set a time. Your need to be okay with it. If that is an hour or a year, that’s up to you. When you feel okay with sharing yourself with a someone else, then your are ready.” 
“You trusted Vidar enough to share yourself with him so quickly after what James did to you?” Lilly asked. 
“I did. I’m fortunate. He shares just as much about himself with me as I do with him. But, yes. It trusted him. I sometimes thought he was a jerk, but I did trust him.” they stayed quiet for a while. Enjoying the warm water and the icy drink. 
“How are the plans for the restaurant coming along?” Charlie asked. 
“Brilliantly thanks to your and Vidar’s help. Daniella has been a godsend,” Lilly said, and Charlie saw a pink hue on her friend’s cheeks she didn’t think was due to the hot water. 
“Really? I’m so happy. And this perfect woman you have met, is it Daniella, by any chance?” Charlie asked. 
“Honestly, why I try to hide things from you?” Lilly groaned. “Yes. It’s her.” Charlie 
remembered the conversation she had with Vidar and her own doubts about the safety of her friend’s heart when dating a vampire. 
“I say give her a chance. She seems nice and bubbly and fun. Just take it slow and don’t rush things,” Charlie said. 
“This from the woman who moved in with her new squeeze less than a month after they started dating?” 
“Do as I say, not as I do. I thought we already covered this,” Charlie said and laughed. “Seriously, Lilly. You deserve to be happy. And if Daniella makes you happy, go for it. Not every relationship needs to be the great ever lasting love story. I think it’s sometimes okay to just be with someone because they are perfect for you right now.” 
“I never thought I would hear you say something like that. What has Vidar been doing to you?” Lilly asked. Charlie continued laughing. After soaking in the hot tub for a while, they got up and decided to snuggle up in the movie theatre instead. They got cosy with popcorn and blankets, and Shadow joined them. They watched Disney movies and ranked the characters on who they would date, marry, or fuck. It was a lot of fun and Charlie felt like they both needed a break from life for a moment. As the third movie in the marathon ended, they took a break and Lilly left to use the bathroom. Vidar walked in just seconds after she 
had left. 
“Having fun?” he asked and bent down to k*ss Charlie. 
“We are.” 
“Good. I was 
thinking Lilly would like to stay for dinner,” he suggested. 
“Really? That would be awesome,” Charlie told him. 
“Then I’ll message you when the dinner is done. It’ll be about two hours,” he said. 
“You know you can just come up here or send Caine.” 
“No. You deserve some girl time. We won’t intrude on that,” he told her and k*ssed her again before leaving. Not long after, Lilly got back into their pile of blankets and pillows. 
“Vidar asked if you wanted to stay for dinner and I said yes,” Charlie informed her. 
“Nice! It’s a luxury to have someone else cook for me,” Lilly said. 
“Sorry, I can’t help with that.” 
“No one can be good at everything. That’s why we are such good friends. I cook and you do the computer thing. Perfect combo,” Lilly told her. They laughed. “Have you heard from 
Huxton?” she then asked. 
“No. We decided it’s for the best that we keep some distance during the trial,” Charlie told her. Lilly nodded. 
“I know Vidar dosn’t talk to me about it ass he think it’ll upset me. But I’m fine with some news. I’m actually a little curious,” Charlie confessed. 
“I talked to Huxton the other day, and he told me it’s not looking good for James. Huxton has tried to get him to take the plea deal the DEA is offering. But James is refusing.” 
“Of course he is,” Charlie huffed. 
“Huxton says James is more worried about you than about the case. Is that too much information?” 
“No, it’s fine. I appreciate it.” 
“James is under the impression you will make Vidar drop the changes and then dump him and 
James instead. Your brother has tried to tell him it’s too late for that. get together with Vida has no longer any say in what happens to James‘ case. But it’s not going through to him,” Lilly said with a sigh. 
“I don’t understand why he suddenly has this obsession with me,” Charlie said. 
“I don’t know either. Maybe the dates you when on opened up his eyes to what he had in 
himself for not doing anything sooner. Regret is a powerful emotion,” Lilly said. Charlie nodded. They continued to talk about it and then they drifted to talk about how things were at ‘the red lady‘. Before Charlie knew it, her phone buzzed to let them know dinner was ready. 
front of him this whole time and know he is kicking