After they got home, Vidar and Caine convinced Charlie they should go after Bucanon through their usual sources. Vidar saw she was unhappy she couldn’t help them but accepted it. There was no way Vidar would ever let her near any of those humans ever again. Each time he thought he knew the full extent of their betrayal towards Charlie, a new curtain was pulled aside to reveal some new monstrosity. It was a f**king miracle that Charlie was as amazing as she was. She could just as well have been broken beyond repair after what her life had thrown at her. Vidar cooked them all dinner, as they didn’t stay at her father’s house long enough to eat. Eating with Charlie and Caine was relaxing, and Vidar preferred it to the stiff and tense dinner he had been expecting. Having Caine stay with them had been surprisingly easy going. Vidar had expected some issues to arise as Caine was a recluse most of the time and he was a vampire with a newly formed imprint. But their long friendship and Charlie’s lay back persona seemed to smooth over any edges. It helped that Charlie and Caine had begun to develop a friendship. Caine offered to clear the table after they were done, and Charlie announced she needed a long shower. Vidar’s first thought had been to join her. The one downside to having Caine in their home was that Charlie had a hard time relaxing and feeling comfortable to be intimate. She told Vidar that she knew Caine would hear them with a vampire’s hearing. Vidar couldn’t exactly tell her she was wrong. He just didn’t see why that would stop them. But he wanted her to feel comfortable and not pressured, so he settled for cuddling and k*ssing. That was why his instincts told him to follow her. He guessed she was as much in need of a release as he was. But he had other, more urgent matters to deal with. He walked into the kitchen. 

“I need to go out for a while tonight. Can you stay until I’m back?” he asked Caine. 
“Of course. Are you leaving soon, or can I get a couple of things done before it’s time?” Caine asked in return. Neither one of them, asked what the other needed to do. They knew if they needed to know, the other would tell them. 
“It’s okay to head out. Be back before two,” Vidar told him. Cain nodded. Vidar walked to the bedroom, and he heard the front door open and close and smiled. From the shower, there was a humming coming from Charlie. Vidar stripped and silently got into the shower behind her. As he put his arms around her, she jumped and squealed before giggling and leaning back against him. 
“Give a girl a heart attack, why don’t you?” she said, still giggling. 
“Never. I just needed some skin to skin contact,” he told her and k*ssed her shoulder. 
“Nice, I have missed this. What about Caine?” Charlie asked. 
“He won’t join us.” Vidar said, and Charlie giggled again. He loved the sound. “He’s left and won’t be back until early morning,” he then said. 
An hour later, Vidar carried a relaxed and happy Charlie to their bed. Her shoulder length hair was still damp, so Vidar sat her on the bed and got the hairdryer and helped her dry it. 
You pamper me. I’ll become spoiled rotten if this continues,” she said in a relaxed and dreamy voice. 
“Good. You deserve it and so much more.” 
“Sometimes I wish I could take care of you. I feel like all you do is to take care of me, and I don’t give anything back.” she told him. Vidar turned the blow dryer off and sat down with ber on the bed. 
“That is not true. You found out what was going on with my IT–issue, you have introduced me to my new favourite game, you have accepted me into your life and introduced me to your family and you make me a better man,” he told her. She scrunched up her nose in an adorable 
“That really isn’t something special,” she objected. 
“It is to me. No one has done that for me, so to me it’s very special.” He k*ssed her, and she seemed satisfied with the answer. They got into bed to snuggle and read. “Charlie. I’ll need to go out for a bit during the night. If you wake and I’m not here, don’t be scared. Caine will be in the guest room down the hall and I won’t be gone for long.” 
“Okey. Will you be in danger?” she asked. “Because if you will, I would rather you take Caine with you. Your other men can keep me safe.” 
“No, it’s sweet of you to worry, but I won’t be in any danger, he told her and k*ssed her. “Caine will remain with you, and I will be back before you notice I’m gone.” She nodded 
It was just after two in the morning as Vidar gently got out of bed. Charlie had fussed as he transferred her to the pillow, but hadn’t woken up. He took a moment to watch her sleep, and it filled him with peace. Vidar put on black cargo pants and a black long–sleeved t–shirt. He was almost at the front door when Caine stepped out of the shadows of the apartment. One 
day, that man would kill him by doing that, Vidar thought. 
“Haven’t seen you in those clothes in a while. Need me to call some of the men to join you?” 
Caine asked. 
“No need. It won’t take long” 
“She knows I’m going to step out for a moment, but she didn’t wake up as I left. 
“Stay safe,” Caine said, as he stepped back into the shadows again. Vidar left the building and 
headed towards the seedier district where people would go to drink cheap alcohol on a Saturday night. He arrived just as the bars started closing, and it didn’t take him long to find for. It took him even less time to track down its source. Donald was 
walking down the street. He wasn’t steady on his feet and he smelled like a brewery. When he 
stumbled into a side alley, Vidar took his chance. He saw the man fumbling with his fly, probably desperate to relieve himself. 
the scent he was 
“Hey,” Vidar called. Donald looked up at him with a half empty stare. 
“Hi,” he slurred. 
“Remember me?” Donald squinted at him. 
“Was that skirt back there with you? That’s why she said no to hook up?” he asked. 
“No, you idiot. We met earlier today at Charlie’s father’s house,” Vidar almost growled. 
“Oh, right, right? You’re the fellow f**king Charlie. Hey, I know she’s good in the sack, but if Mrs Maynard wants you to date the sister, I say go for it. She is hoooot,” Donald said and 
“Don’t you know who I am, Donald?” Vidar asked. 
“You just told me, you’re the guy that’s f**king Charlie,” Donald said with a frown. Vidar was using all his self control not to just rip the man’s head off. 
“I am. I’m also the man that owns Grim INC,” Vidar informed him. He watched the blood. drain from the man’s face. Yes, now he understood. 
“Y–you are the c–crime, t–the crime lord?” Donald stuttered and took half a step back, only to bump into a dumpster. 
“That’s me. If you ever go near Charlie, or have anything to do with anything concerning her, or even so much as whisper a sound about her to someone, anyone, I will end your miserable existence in a way that will be slow and very, very painful,” Vidar said in a low voice, looking into Donald’s eyes, taking a small step closer. The sour smell of fear and urine reached Vidar’s nose as Donald pissed in his pants. “Good, I see you got my point,” Vidar said, looking down at the dark stain covering Donald’s pants. “Pray that I never see you again. Now run along.” Vidar waved his hand in a dismissive manner, but Donald was rooted in place. Vidar leaned a little closer, despite the disgusting smell. “Boo,” he said a little louder. Donald jumped, tried. to move back, was again stopped by the dumpster and without letting Vidar go with his eyes, started moving sideways until he had cleared the dumpster. Then he turned around and ran. Vidar stood and chuckled at the scene. Too easy, he thought. But he wasn’t completely done yet. He had one stop left before he could head home and crawl into bed with Charlie again.