Blood red love 

Charlie again woke up by Vidar gently transferring her to a pillow. She yawned and sat up. The sunlight shone in through the gaps in the curtains covering the window, telling her they had slept for several hours. 
“Go back to sleep,” Vidar told her, k*ssing her forehead. Charlie rubbed her eyes and shook 
her head. 
“No use,” she said. “Are you leaving again?” 
“No, baby. Caine just messaged me. He is on his way up.” 
“Okay. Let me get dressed and I will make all three of us breakfast, or lunch or whatever, while the two of you talk,” she said. 
“You don’t need to do that.” 
“I know, but I want to. I’m assuming he has been awake for most of the night until now and you had a tough night as well. My food may not be as good as yours, but I think I can manage to make something which is at least eatable.” 
“I’m sure you can. Thank you.” She sat in bed and watched as he pulled on a snug pair of jeans and pulled a t–shirt on. It looked a little odd. She was so used to him in suits or dress pants and shirts. After him leaving the room, she heard him opening the front door and muffled voices drifted her way. She got up, got ready, and headed for the kitchen. Vidar and Caine stood in the living room, talking in low voices in a language she didn’t recognise. 
“Hello, Caine.” she said as she passed them. 
“Charlie,” he greeted her with a bow. She smiled and shook her head as she stopped to figure out what she would make. Charlie looked at her phone and saw that it was almost lunchtime. She decided a couple of sandwiches would be her best option. At least she didn’t need to worry about burning them. She decided to go all out, guessing the two vampires would be hungry. She made a tray full of sandwiches with all the tasty things she could find in the fridge. Charlie put the tray on the breakfast bar, made sure there were three plates and 
glasses, and got some juice. 
“The food is ready,” she called to the men. They came into the kitchen. Vidar walked up to 
her and k*ssed her cheek. 
“Thank you, baby,” he said as he helped her up onto the stool. To her surprise, she was placed between the two of them. 
“Dig in, and don’t let me stop you from continuing your discussion,” she said. Vidar reached out for a sandwich, as did Charlie. As she was about to take a bite, she stopped as she noticed Caine not eating. “Do you not like sandwiches? I can make something else,” she offered. Caine looked at her and then at Vidar. Charlie looked over at Vidar as well and saw him smile. 
“It’s okay, my friend. You have always been welcome at my home, to my table and to share my food. This has not changed,” Vidar told Caine. Charlie looked back at Caine with surprise. 
“Of course you are welcome in our home and can eat anything we have,” she said. “Why would you think otherwise?” she asked. 
“I’m a turned vampire, Charlie. In most vampire circles, I am not worth to share food with,” he answered her. 
“Well, that is just stupid. You are Vidar’s friend, his second in command and you have been most kind to me. Now eat.” 
“Yes, Charlie. Thank you,” he said. Charlie felt Vidar’s hand on her knee, gently squeezing. She smiled at him. After eating in silence for a while, Vidar and Caine continued their conversation. Charlie had expected them to continue talking in the foreign language, but they switched to English. 
“Have you found out what killed Jones?” Vidar asked. 
“Magic, ice magic hit him directly in his weak spot,” Caine grunted as he reached for another. sandwich. 
“f**k. That’s bad,” Vidas said. 
“It is.” Charlie had no idea why it was bad, but by the sound of their voices and the look on 
their faces, it was really bad. 
“We need to find him,” Vidar said. 
“He will fuck up and when he does, I’ll be there,” Caine promised. Vidar nodded. 
*I will call an extra meeting. We need to deal with this.” Vidar said. 
“When does Min get here?” Caine asked. There was something in his voice which made Charlie study him. He looked even more closed down than usual. When she studied him, she 
also could see the traces of lack of sleep and rest and it made her frown. 
“I don’t know. I had hoped she would already have arrived,” Vidar said. “Excuse me for a moment. I need to make some calls. I’ll be right back. He k*ssed Charlie and walked off. Charlie turned to Caine, who was starting on his fourth sandwich. 
“So,” she said. Caine’s attention shifted to her. “What is the thing with you and Min?” she asked. Caine’s eyebrows shot up and then he scowled. 
“She has no honour,” he told her. Charlie nodded. It hadn’t been hard to pick up on the fact that honour was important to Caine. 
“Why would you say that, and should I be worried?” she asked. He shook his head. 
“She knows she is getting in between her creator and his imprinted mate and she doesn’t take herself out of that equation. But I don’t think you have something to fear from her. Even if she tried to cause any issues, I would not permit her,” he told her. 
“And you think it is her place to take herself out of the situation, not Jun’s? Charlie asked. 
“Jun has a big ownership of the issue. But Min is a free vampire and she would be blind not to see how much pain the situation is causing. If Jun isn’t strong enough, she should be the one to refuse to answer his calls, refuse his visits. There are few things as dishonourable as to come between an imprinted pair,” he explained. 
“I get what you are saying. But it only applies to that specific relationship.” 
‘If you lack honour in one aspect of your life, there is always a risk you lac it in others.” Charlie smiled. He truly saw the world in black and white. Vidar walked back into the room. 
“We will meet at ‘The red lady‘ in four hours. Min will have arrived by then. I would like you to join us, Caine,” he told them. Caine nodded as he was chewing the last piece of sandwich. 
“Would you like another one, or two?” Charlie asked. Caine gave her a crooked smile. 
“I think five is more than enough. They were tasty, thank you.” 
“You are welcome. I suggest you take one of the guest rooms and get some sleep if you are joining us,” Charlie said. Again, Caine looked shocked. “Vidar, tell him.” She heard Vidar chuckle as he walked up to where she was sitting and wrapped his arms around her. 
“It’s best to do as she says,” Vidar said and k*ssed her shoulder. Caine nodded. 
“We will make sure to wake you up in time, so make sure you relax and get some well–earned sleep,” Charlie insisted. 
“I will, thank you.” Charlie just smiled at him. He took his plate and glass and put into the dishwasher and then headed off to find a guest room. 
“Thank you,” Vidar said and k*ssed her shoulder again. 
“You’re welcome. But why are you thanking me?” 
“For making us food, for including Caine, and for looking out for him. He is used to being excluded. It has become better as people, vampires, have become more including. But he still expects to be excluded. For a maiden to accept him and to make it so obvious she thinks it’s natural to do so, it does him good,” Vidar told her. Charlie’s heart broke a little when hearing him speak. 
“I like him,” she told him. 
“Should I worry?” he asked. She could hear the jest in his voice. 
“Never,” she reassured him and turned around and k*ssed him. “What do we need to do to prepare for the meeting?” she asked. 
“Not much. You need to rest. We need to be on top of our game when it comes to this 
“Fine, it sounds like a good time for a movie. Then we will be out of Caines way as well.” 
Vidar smiled down at her. 
“Movie it is. But no naughty behaviour this time,” he said. 
“Fine. It will be hard, but I guess I will survive,” she agreed. 
“It’s always hard when you are close,” he said, wiggling his eyebrows. Charlie laughed, and it felt good. It released a lot of the tension she didn’t know she was carrying. “Let’s get you in 
under the blankets and a movie rolling.”