Blood red love 

Lilly was the first of their guests to arrive. After letting her in and giving her a hug, Charlie got a punch in the shoulder. 
“Ow, what was that for?” she asked and gave Vidar a glance, making sure he understood it was in good fun and not an outright attack. He was walking towards them, but was relaxed 
and had a true smile on his face. 
“That was for not informing me about going to live in a penthouse guarded by two gorillas,” 
Lilly told her. Vidar laughed as he put an arm around Charlie. 
“Nice to see you again, Lilly,” he said. 
“You too, Vidar. Thank you for having me around.” 
“Charlie says you are like her sister, so you are welcome around anytime you want. If you like the look of the two gorillas, I know that the one behind the desk is available if you want to give it a go,” he said. Lilly scrunched up her nose, and Charlie smiled. 
“Not my cup of tea. I prefer a partner with the same parts I have. I hope you don’t mind that,” Lilly told him, and watched for a reaction. Vidar smiled and shook his head. 
“I don’t get involved in what parts someone prefers their partners to have.” Lilly relaxed and smiled back at him. 
“It smells amazing. Do you cook Vidar because I know Charlie didn’t?” 
“I dabble,” he confessed. 
“Don’t listen to him. He is an amazing cook. He has made some kind of potato balls for a starter, then roasted chicken and, as a dessert, Panna cotta with passionfruit drizzle,” Charlie told her friend, excitedly. She had been drooling over the food Vidar was making for hours. 
“That sounds amazing. Can’t wait to try it. Even the potato balls,” Lilly said. 
“They are called kropp kakor. As you were thinking of going for a Scandinavian theme of your restaurant, I thought I would at least serve one Scandinavian thing,” Vidar told her. 
“Shut the fuck up! You made kropp kakor? My nanna used to make those, but I haven’t had them since I was a child. How come you know how to cook Scandinavian food?” Lilly sounded like this was the best news she had all year. Vidar laughed. 
“I spent a lot of time in Sweden when I was growing up,” he said. 
“If this idea of mine comes to fruition, I need you to be my guinea pig.” 
“I am sure you will have your restaurant. Charlie tells me it’s a sure thing. I would love to taste test for you.” Lilly looked ecstatic and Charlie loved how the man she loved and her best friend got along. It was all she ever could have hoped for. While Vidar manned the kitchen, Charlie took Lilly on a tour. 
“I was thinking you and I would have a girl’s day with launching by the pool and then have at 
movie night,” Charlie said. 

“Name the day and you got a date. This place is like nothing I have ever seen,” Lilly told her.. 
“Isn’t it awesome?” 
“It is. And you look happy and at home here.” 
“I am happy, and after we moved my things here, it feels like home,” Charlie agreed. 
“I saw your things all around the place like they have been here from the start. To be honest, when I heard you were moving, I was worried. It all seemed a little too fast and too rushed.. But I’m starting to see why it made sense,” Lilly told Charlie and put her arm around her waist. Charlie mirrored the gesture. 
“I don’t blame you for worrying. I don’t have a good track record with men. But Vidar is different.” 
“I agree. He’s the first one of your boyfriends I haven’t wanted to either strangle or castrate, or both.” The two of them last 
smiled at them. 
“I just got a message from Jones, Henry and Daniella is on their way up,” he told them. 
“I’m getting nervous,” Lilly confessed. 
“Don’t be. Henry is a sweetheart,” Charlie told her. Vidar snorted and went to get the door. “Don’t mind him. He just lives in the male delusion that he and his friends are big, bad, manly men. The truth is, they are all sweethearts and gentlemen,” Charlie insisted. 
“Charlie, please don’t tell me you are badmouthing me to your friend before I get a chance to charm her,” Henry said as he came walking with an unfamiliar woman. 
“Just telling her the truth. Hello, Henry. It’s nice to see you,” she told him and let him give her a quick hug and two cheek k*sses. She saw him watching Vidar and Vidar watching him. 
“This is my best friend in the world, the closest thing I have to a sister, Lilly. Lilly, this is Henry, the owner of ‘La petite cuisine“,” Charlie introduced them. 
“Charmed,” Henry said with a smile, shaking Lilly’s hand. “This is the manager of all my restaurants in the city, Daniella,” he introduced the woman. She was nothing like what Charlie had thought. She had imagined a tall, exotic woman with pale skin and long dark hair. Cool and sensual and all business. Instead, she was introduced to a short, curvy woman with rich, dark skin, puffy natural hair and a bubbly personality. Nothing at all what Charlie would think of as vampiric. But she liked the woman at once. 
“Oh my gosh, hi. I’m so happy that Henry invited me along. Your idea sounds amazing,” Daniella said, shaking both Charlie’s and Lilly’s hand with enthusiasm. 
“Really?” was all Lilly managed to say. She looked stunned and most people would probably think she was overwhelmed by Daniella’s bubbly and over the top personality. But Charlie knew her well enough to see that Lilly’s silence had more to do with the fact that her friend found the exuberant woman attractive. 
“Let’s go into the dining room and we will get started with the dinner while you talk,” Vidar said. 
“I’ll help you with the food,” Charlie offered. The others headed into the dining room and 
while Vidar plated the potato buns, Charlie got out her phone and sent him a message. 
C: I think Lilly is interested in Daniella. Do you know if she is single? 
Vidar stopped what he was doing and looked at his phone, chuckled and sent a message back. 
V: Why are you texting me when you are standing next to me? 
C: Vampire hearing. So, do you know? 
V: Smart. No, I don’t know. Henry and I rarely, if ever, talk about the love life of our subordinates. 
C: Can you find out? 
V: I can ask her. 
Charlie rolled her eyes and took two of the ready plates. 
“Useless, I can do that myself,” she whispered to him and he chuckled and k*ssed her. They served the food, and they all started to eat while Daniella interrogated Lilly about her idea. The potato buns filled with smoked pork belly, red onions and spices, served with clarified butter and lingon berries, were surprisingly good. When Vidar went to get the main course, Charlie took out her phone and texted Henry. 
C: Asking for a friend, is Daniella in a relationship with someone? 
H: Really Charlie? Has it come to this? 
C: Is that a no? 
H: I will answer your question if you answer mine: What is your real name? 
C: Oh no, that wouldn’t be fair to the others. 
H: Vidar already knows I’m presuming. So it’s already not fair. 
C: Vidar doesn’t participate in the game. He never has. 
H: True. But I won’t give in, information for information. 
Charlie thought about it as they started in on the next round of food. Lilly and Daniella were talking about the finer details about getting a liquor license. She didn’t want to give him the win. To be honest, she liked the game too much. But she wanted the inside information about 
C: I’ll give you the first three letters. 
Henry looked down at his phone, and a small smile appeared on his face. 
H: Agreed. 
C: They are the same as in my nickname. 
H: No, but it looks like she likes your friend. 
Charlie smiled to herself and told Vidar how amazing the food was, and the others agreed. Now that she knew Daniella wasn’t in a relationship, Charlie felt free to help Lilly out. she wondered if a vampire was the best choice for her friend. But she had already had a fling with. a werewolf, so why not a vampire? It could get complicated if things got serious. Charlie hesitated at the thought. What would happen if Lilly and Daniella really liked each other, if they developed feeling for each other and wanted a longtime relationship? Charlie was insecure about Vidar for the same reason, wondering what future they had if she remained human. She decided to talk about it with Vidar and hold back her matchmaking for now. 
After dessert was over, they moved upstairs to the couches. Vidar made sure everyone had something to drink and then sat next to Charlie and drew her into his arms as they listened to Henry and Daniella giving Lilly advice on the research she needed to do and Daniella offering to help her. 
“I think it has been a successful evening,” Vidar whispered to Charlie. She smiled and nodded. 
“Charlie, if I make a guess now and get your name right, do I still win?” Henry asked. 
“You mean as the others aren’t here?” Henry nodded. “Yes, I think we have enough 
“Charleen,” he said, sounding happy. 
“Nope,” she told him, and his smile disappeared. 
“You are sure?” he asked. 
“I’m positive.” 
“Are you guessing her real name?” Lilly asked. 
“It’s a fun game we have going,” Henry admitted. Then Charlie could see the lightbulb go off in his head. “You must know her real name,” he said, looking at Lilly. 
“I do, but if she isn’t telling you, I won’t either,” she told him. Daniella laughed. 
“I’ll guarantee your restaurant becomes an instant success,” Henry tried. 
“Nice try, but I’ll choose Charlie over a restaurant.” 
“That’s fair,” he agreed. As the evening continued, the conversation moved from business and onto other topics. Everything felt effortless and relaxed. Charlie couldn’t remember when she had such a relaxed evening around people that weren’t her family or Vidar. Henry and Daniella left first, Charlie saw Lilly and Daniella exchange numbers, and when she said goodbye to her friend, Lilly seemed happier than she had in a long while. 
“Thank you for this, Charlie.” 
“You are most welcome, Lilly. I hope this evening will bring you what you hope for,” Charlie told her friend. To her delight, a slight blush coloured Lilly’s cheeks. When they were alone, Charlie k*ssed Vidar and helped him get the kitchen in order.