Vidar took Charlie upstairs as they got home. It made her feel good to see how excited he was at the thought of introducing her 

to the sauna. 
“Come, take a shower with me while the sauna gets hot,” he told her and led her to the shower in the gym. 
“Hands to yourself, handsome. I’m not missing the sauna experience because we get caught up in other things,” she said with a laugh as she stripped and stepped in under the water. 
“If anyone is getting caught on something, it will be you,” Vidar joked as he stepped in behind her and dragged his erection over her ass. 
“Vidar!” she scolded him and she turned around and gave him a playful slap over his abs. 
“I won’t apologise for finding you irresistible. I would be crazy not to need to feel your skin against n mine,” he said, and let his hands glide over her shoulders and down her back. “It’s a most seductive drug.” He pulled her flush to him and k*ssed her. Charlie surrendered. To be 
honest, she was as obsessed with being close to him as he was with being close to her. She 
lost track of time as they k*ssed in the shower, their hands exploring each other’s bodies. Vidar drew back a few inches and used his hand to push her hair back from her face. He smiling down at her and her heart felt light. “Ready to head into the sauna?” he asked. 
“Yes, so tell me what to do,” she said. He laughed and stepped out of the shower and held out a towel to her. Charlie wrapped the towel around herself and looked as Vidar wrapped a towel 
around his waist. 
“We’ll just grab some beers and go and sit in it and relax. It’s one of the best things you can. do, you’ll see,” he told her and reached out his hand towards her. 
“In our towels?” she asked as they stopped by the bar and Vidar took out beers for them. 
“No, we’ll be n*ked. The towels are to sit on or used to pull the moisture down,” he 
“Okay,” she agreed without understanding. He took her to the sauna and paused outside the glass doors. 
“There are three levels of benches. The higher up you sit, the more intense the heat. Don’t overdo it. It’s your first time, so we will take it easy and make sure you have an enjoyable 
“I’ll trust you,” she told him. 
“Big mistake,” he told her as he opened the door and handed her a beer. Charlie felt a wave of heat lapping at her. It was a dry, intense heat, and she stepped inside the sauna. The room was clad in light wood, it was ribbed with small gaps between the wood. The ribs felt hot and dry against her feet and her damp skin started to dry. Vidar joined her and took off his towel and put it down on the lowest bench and sat down. He patted the space next to him. Charlie smiled and mimicked what he had done. The heat felt nice, intense, but relaxing. She sipped on the beer and leaned her back against the bench behind her. “Do you like it?” he asked. 
“It’s really nice. I can see why you like it so much,” she said. They sat in silence for a while. The heat dried Charlie’s skin, but soon it was damp again with sweat. She didn’t find it unpleasant. It was like being wrapped in a warm blanket. Except she was n*ked sitting next to a n*ked Vidar. Which made the experience much better than a warm blanket. 
“Ready for the next experience?” Vidar asked. 
“There is more? Sure,” she said, having no idea what was coming. Vidar got up and walked over to the heat source. It looked to be filled with black stones. Next to it, a wood bucket stood, filled with water. Vidar took a ladle and poured water onto the stones. There was a loud hiss and steam rose up. Charlie felt the air change, the dry heat was replaced by a humid. one and it surprised her how different it felt. It was more intense and pressing. She felt Vidar watching her. 
“Still okay?” he asked as he walked over to her and cupped her face. She could feel how hot his skin was. She admired the way sweat beads ran down Vidar’s sculpted b*dy. The heat from the sauna mixed with her b*dy’s heat. “Baby?” he asked. Charlie had forgotten he had asked her a question. She met his eyes and smiled. 
“Yes,” she said. 
“Still good?” 
“Still good,” she agreed. He leaned down and k*ssed her gently. Then he took his towel, raised it over his head and flung it around, like a helicopter blade. The towel pressed down the steam that had risen to the top of the room. As the air was circulated by the towel, it brought it down onto Charlie and she felt like someone had cranked the heat up by the double. Her breath caught in her ch*st and she got overwhelmed by the sensation. Vidar lowered his 
towel and crunched down in front of her. 
“Time for a cooling shower,” he said. 
“No, I’m fine. We don’t need to stop,” she said. The pressing heat had stopped and Charlie had managed to catch her breath. 
“It’s okay. It’s part of the experience. We will cool off for a moment and then we will get back inside and warm up again. The most important thing is to listen to your b*dy. Let’s go,” he told her and took her hand and led her out of the sauna. The cool air in outside chilled her 
skin. Vidar adjusted the temperature of the water in the shower before he stepped into it, dragging her with him. Again, Charlie’s breath caught in her chest. The water felt freezing. “It will get better. Just hold on for a moment,” Vidar murmured as he pulled her into his 
“I’m not sure I like this part,” Charlie told him, and heard him chuckle. 
“I think you will love it once you get into it,” he said. His hands made sure the cool water reached all parts of her b*dy. It didn’t take long for her b*dy to adjust to the new temperature and relax. She leaned into Vidar and let her own hands run over his b*dy, making sure the water washed away the sweat that had collected on his skin. She placed at k*ss on his shoulder, Vidar sighed and leaned his head on her shoulder. 
“Maybe it isn’t that bad,” she admitted. Vidar hummed against her shoulder. 
“Ready to get warm again?” he asked. Even though her b*dy had got used to the cool water, she liked the idea of getting back into the warmth again. She nodded. “Go ahead and get warm. I’ll be with you in a moment,” he told her and k*ssed her. She sat down in the sauna and enjoyed the heat. The second time around, it wasn’t as challenging. The air had gone back to being dry, and she enjoyed the sensation of the cold water on her b*dy drying and 
being replaced by warm beads of sweat. Vidar walked in and joined her on the lower bench. 
He leaned back against the bench above them and closed his eyes. Charlie studied him and 
she smiled. He looked a lot better. 
“Feeling better?” she asked. 
“Yes.” There was a moment of silence. It was the nice kind of silence that made Charlie relax. 
Vidar’s arm rested on the bench behind her and he was playing with her damp hair. “How are you doing with all of this?” Vidar asked. 
“Me? I’m fine. A little pissed off, but I haven’t known Millard for long enough to feel betrayed by his actions. I never liked him. He always gave me the hibbie jibbies,” she said. 
“The hibbie jibbies?” Vidar asked, the amusement clear in his voice. 
“Yes, big ones,” Charlie said, trying not to giggle. 
“I’m sorry to have made you be around someone that made you feel like that,” he said. 
“It’s not your fault. You can’t expect to get along with everyone you meet. I’m sorry he 
betrayed you.” 
“That is most definitely not your fault, lilla lo. Nothing for you to feel bad about,” he told her. 
“I know, but I don’t like it when you are hurt, no matter if the hurt is emotional or physical.” 
Vidar turned his head and looked at her. She did the same, and he caressed a strand of hair 
that had stuck on her forehead away. 
“You are amazing.” He pulled her closer and k*ssed her. Charlie reached for him and let herself get lost in his k*ss. Everything from the moment Vidar pulled her into the first shower had been one long tease, a constant foreplay full of teasing touches, looks, visual impressions and sounds. It made her desire ignite instantly and roar to life like an engulfing forest fire. Vidar guided her back until she lay flat on the wood bench. He placed k*sses along her jaw and down her n*ck as Charlie moaned and arched her back. She willed him to go lower, to trace her b*dy with his heavenly lips. A soft growl escaped him as he reached her nipple and dragged it into his mouth. He wrenched his name from her lips as his hand found her drenched pussy and he dipped a finger into her. The dual sensation of him stimulating her 
nipple and filling her with his finger had Charlie panting. The dry heat sticking to her lungs. Vidar made his way up to her mouth again, k*ssing her and adding another finger to the one that rhythmically pumped into her. “I need to be inside you,” he said, breaking their k*ss. 
“God, yes. I need to feel your cock inside me,” she moaned. Vidar came closer, placed one of his feet on the floor, and wrapped her leg around his hip. He lined himself up with her and when Charlie felt his cock stretch her opening, she raised her hips to urge him on. When all of him was sheeted to the root, he stilled and k*ssed her. 
“So perfect,” he said, running his fingers over her face, tracing her features. Charlie locked eyes with him and smiled. She cupped his face with both her hands and drew him down into a k*ss. Vidar started to move. His hips rolled against her, putting pressure in all the right places. The movement wasn’t desperate or fast–paced. It was slow and deliberate. As if he wanted the moment to last forever, finding pleasure in their joining and not just the release. Charlie took everything in, the warmth, Vidar’s scent, the feeling of his b*dy on top of her, inside her, his eyes watching her, his strong arms caging her in, his lips placing lazy k*sses on her lips. She leaned into him and k*ssed down his n*ck and across his shoulder, tasting the salt on his skin. Time lost all meaning as they stayed entangled, connected in the heat. When Charlie felt the familiar pressure build inside her, she tried to hold it back. She wanted this moment to last forever. It was a perfect moment. Her b*dy refused her wish and started moving with more urgency under Vidar. As always, Vidar responded to her need and his pace quickened. His thrusts became more forceful. She could see in his eyes that he was as close as she was. When she finally tumbled over the edge into bliss, he followed her. She had never had an orgasm like it. It was deep, overwhelming and warm, full of love. She was almost certain she had blacked out for a moment. When Charlie came to, Vidar was still recovering from his climax. He pulled in deep breaths and tried not to put too much of his weight on her. In a second, it all became too much. The intense heat, Vidar’s b*dy pressing down on her, the sticky, sweaty warmth of both their bodies. 
“Vidar.” It came out as barely a whisper, but it was all it took for him to look at her with 