Blood red love 

Charlie woke up and for a moment, everything felt normal, normal, but better. She was warm and felt safe, and the world just seemed to make sense. Then her brain woke up and memories of last night flooded her system. The information that she lived in a world with magic and creatures she previously had thought were only real in books and movies. It had surprised her how easily she had accepted it. Maybe it was because she apparently was a part of this new world. But none of it had to do with why she felt so amazing. No, that was because she was snuggled against Vidar with his arms around her. As her head had found a very comfortable position on his chest, she wasn’t able to look at him, but she sensed he was awake. Part of her wanted to pretend she didn’t know and just stay like they were. It was utterly relaxing and comfortable. The other part wanted to know what would happen now. She understood Vidar’s hot and cold behaviour better after their talk. But she still didn’t know where he saw their relationship going. 
“Ready to get up?” Vidar suddenly asked and raked his fingers through her hair. Charli closed her eyes for a moment and enjoyed the feeling. She wanted to say no. 

“Yeah,” she instead told him and shifted to look up at him. It shouldn’t be legal to look as good in the morning as Vidar did. His blond hair looked effortlessly untidy and his pale eyes. had a faraway look in them. “I should get home so I can change clothes and get some things done before work.” She felt his arms tighten around her for a moment, as if he objected to the thought of her leaving. Then he relaxed. 
“My men have got a description of your father. He won’t be able to come near you,” he told her. 
“Thank you,” she said. He nodded in a way which told her he didn’t think it was a big deal. 
“We will have breakfast and then we can drive to your place on my way to the office,” he told her. 
“It sounds like a good plan,” she agreed. There were no more excuses to stay in bed. They detangled from each other, and Charlie trotted back to the guest room to put her clothes back on. When she came back out, she smelled something cooking in the kitchen and her stomach guided her there. Vidar had also dressed, he was in a suit, as usual. He had taken off his jacket, it was neatly folded over a bar stool. He had an apron on and rolled–up shirtsleeves 
and stondiinfront of tliestuve. “Cimilassist with something?” she asketiinitorshielial committed the scane tulier mumu.Biettumedhis headtowards her withungzim. 
Canyonumumagestatikeettinenge jugentofthe refrigerator! he asket.. 
“Not even licamfill witthreatly matte nice,” she saith with auchucite assshieetonkkoutthejure She was about tuffter tomaiketthecoffeeuntil she sawlliis coffee machineettiattiketimore like a spaceshi.instrull.shettoikasetattthe breakfast bar and looketas Warnmatte pancakes. Because le never diitisomethingmilfhearted, he served therwitthbutter.symp antifresinfnutt. This is ovenbetterthanalhotel breakfast!” shectoliimasslesautomnext 
to her. He gave hura genuine smille. 
“like tocank hetwiller. “It’s like meditation. 
“Icantelll.Permite whelinvetto cookailways make food ithatitaste offthe passiontheyputinto 

it. mylimther’s husband, is the same way, she told him. Theyyatteimsilience antiWida insistediomimmilling the dilemup as well. Charlie satumiwatchierim Sitewasnittussstitto being smile and found it almost stressful. 

Dindie–anterskumw? That know limean.” she asked, asslie wassalinussidione. 
Theydo, beconfined. Siemodded. 
“Does that mentthings will change whenili goimfor work today? Witaristhethwhat hewa dingbetore.answering. He walked around the counterdistoppericcouplecofssteps away 
“Wes, they will.” The told heraand watchedlier: Slitenunderlagaiinnittelittoppushdown the memettit came with change. Charlie got the impression Wawantelittusstep upt colher, h Hedidntt.ifleletilict;, tiittirritateder Sliemayariyumterstantiisteisaviour, but it didnt mean die wasn’t confusedliat the same time. Wisstivelinding because this amprintingling adiforced liimtoliave feelingsstowardslierlitedidn’twant?hailie liked Witir. Hvenile luketeyondthecrazyattractiim stitelliott Herman SSure, he coulcifie jet, hit the even imutitthat indioftcharming Bittiffitedlitinttiliichtertthatway, Charlie amiti see why he would fighttheatrnetion. Maylilielidismenneskethe hallowed, that stilllinval. Or maybe he just wasnt thisstyne Hewasslightlyillerthantier. Chatlichat umedatovila incause he was five yearslerjur.Wakarwasarcount: twelve huntireti.yea 
older. That was a little more than five. Maybe he just couldn’t see himself with someone like her. Or it was this idea that he and his clan were supposed to protect her. Was that like her being their ward or something? It was a mess, and it was screwing with her mind. Vidar was studying her as she was thinking. She tried to collect herself and smiled at him. 
“I’m ready,” she told him. 
“You’re sure? You could stay here for a day or two if you need time to think,” he offered. 
Charlie shook her head and got down from the stool. 
“No, no hiding from the real world, or at least one of the real worlds,” she said. He nodded and held out his hand. She took it and they walked out into the hall where her bag stood. Vidar took it and together they walked to the car where Malcom was waiting. They drove to her apartment in silence. Vidar hadn’t let go of her hand and she didn’t feel the need to point it out. Vidar followed her up and this time he came inside. Charlie wondered if he had ever been in an apartment like hers before. It was tiny in comparison with his. He looked around as he followed her into the livingroom. Charlie fed her fish and Vidar stood beside her and looked at the colourful aquarium. 
“Yes,” she said, turning her head toward him. 
“Are those computer parts?” he asked, pointing at the bottom of the tank. 
“They are. I built my computer on my own and I decided to use water cooling. I found this a good way of doing it,” she told him. 
“So you just plopped the parts into the water?” She laughed at his question. 
“No. I filled the bottom of the aquarium with cooling liquid. It is heavier than water, so I can pour the water on top of it. The two stay separated and the fish keep in the water,” she 
“It’s fascinating,” he said, bending down to get a closer look. He stood up and looked at her. “I need to head into the office. Things are hectic or I would stay,” he told her. She shook her 
“Go. Do what you need. I’ll see you this evening,” she said. He hesitated and took her hand 
“Caine is looking out for you, but if you feel unsafe, lonely or have any questions, you call 
me,” he told her. There he went, switching the mood again, Charlie thought. 
“I promise,” she said. He led her to the door. 
“Lock the door after I leave,” he insisted and raised her hand and placed a k*ss on it. Then he walked away and left Charlie with a heart that was jumping all over the place. She locked her door. She wouldn’t be surprised if Vidar was listening to make sure she did. Then she grabbed a box of cereal and jumped onto her bed. She took out her phone and dialled Tyson. She could phone her brother, but he was at work and Tyson was more open–minded. 
“Little sis, are you okay?” Tyson answered. Charlie smiled. 
“I’m alive and well,” she told him.. 
“Are you still at Mr. Forbidden Love’s?” he asked. 
“First, who said anything about love? Second, no. He dropped me off at home on his way to 
“He offered to let me stay a couple of days, but I turned it down,” she explained when she heard his disappointed voice. Why did she want Tyson to know Vidar had offered her more than to stay one night? 
“Oh,” he said, sounding more enthusiastic. “Did you do the horizontal mamba?” 
“The what now?” she asked. 
“The horizontal mamba, the two person squeeze, hiding Pedro, you know…,” he said. 
“Are you trying to ask me if we had S*x?” 
“Then why not just ask, and who is Pedro and why is he hiding? Is it a gay thing?” Charlie 
heard Tyson laughing–at the other end. 
“Because I have two easily influenced boys with ears like antennas,” he told her. 
“Please, they aren’t even a year old. No way you will corrupt them this early. And if it was the case, you and my brother will have seen to it long ago the way you to are going at it,” Charlie said with a giggle. 

“You may have a point,” Tyson confessed. “So, is that a yes?” 
“No, not S*x. We k*ssed and… cuddled. But he didn’t want to take advantage of the situation 
as I had a bad evening,” she told him, modifying the truth a little. 
“A gentleman, that’s nice,” he said. 
braid There w 
“Yeah, or he isn’t that into me,” a laughter at the other end. 
“Charlie, lovely little sister, it’s time you listen to your older brother Tyson. There is no way a man invites you to his place, spends the night talking, k*ssing and cuddling, put you to bed and not suggests S*x if he isn’t in to you. If you had done the nasty, then maybe I could have bought your version. But that man is seriously into you. Trust me, I’m a man,” he told her. 
“I guess, but then you married my brother. I don’t know if I can trust you when it comes to men,” she joked. Charlie was grateful to Tyson. He had silenced the worst of her fears. 
“Invite him over to dinner and I’ll make my final judgement,” Tyson said. 
“I don’t know, Tyson.” 
“Why not?” 
“Well, Huxton would have an aneurysm if I brought Vidar around the kids, and I don’t think Vidar does the whole family thing,” she said. 
“Let me handle your brother. And you will never know unless you ask him,” Tyson said. He was being far too reasonable for Charlie. 
“I’ll think about it, but last time I followed that advice, I started dating James.” They continued talking for a while, switching over to other topics.