Charlie had a good time staying with her brothers and the twins. Huxton had been able to reach James late on Friday. The only thing James told him was that he was okay and everything would be okay. Charlie had insisted on babysitting the twins on Friday, as they had originally planned. It was the least she could do to pay Huxton and Tyson back. On Saturday, they all went to the Zoo. The twins seemed to love it, and Charlie enjoyed being a part of it all. It did her good to get some socialising in. In the evening, when the twins were asleep and the three grownups were talking, Huxton got a phone call he left the room to take. When he got back, he had a frown. 

“Was it James?” Charlie asked. 
“No, it was dad. He and Rose would like to come by and visit the twins,” he said. 
“It’s okay. It’s time for me to head back home anyway,” she told him. 
“No, Charlie. They can come next weak,” Tyson objected. 

“It’s fine, really. I have work on Monday and I need to get home to my fish and to get into my routine,” she insisted. “And I refuse to let my screwed up relationship with dad affect the one you have with him,” she told Huxton. 
“You know I’m on your side,” he told her and walked over to take her hand. 
“I know, and I appreciate it. But he’s your dad as well, and the twins‘ granddad. What is happening between him and me shouldn’t mean any of you should miss out.” 
“You are a better person than I am,” Huxton said, giving her a k*ss on her hair. 
The following day, they helped her pack everything into Huxton’s car. Charlie gave Liam and Aiden a cuddle and a k*ss each, and then gave Tyson a long hug. 
“Thank you for making me come here. I have had a lovely time,” she told him. 
“Any time, Charlie. We are only a call away. Take care and be safe,” he told her. The ride into town was mostly silent. Huxton seemed lost in his own thoughts, and Charlie let him be. He helped her carry the basket up to her apartment. 
“I don’t like this. You shouldn’t be alone,” he said after placing it on her counter. 
“I know you have gone into protective brother mode, but I’ll be fine. I have lived on my own for almost ten years. I’m pretty good at it,” she told him and gave him a hug. He didn’t look satisfied with the answer. “You know James won’t do something,” she added. 
“I know. I might act like an idiot, but I know he wouldn’t hurt you. But now you are in the middle of all this, and I don’t 
like it. Why don’t you move in permanently with us?” he asked. Charlie laughed. 
“Because I don’t need to hear my brother and his husband have steamy sessions. And if you complain about me not dating now, that would most certainly put a hold on it. I love you. I love Tyson and the twins, but I can’t live with you,” 
she insisted. 
“Fine. But you call if anything feels off.” 
“I will. Now get going. You know how Tyson feels about Rose. Don’t leave him alone with her,” she told her brother and gave him a final hug and a k*ss on his cheek. After her brother had left, Charlie felt a little alone. She had grown used to the noise of the twins. She took a box of cereal and sat down in front of her computer. A couple of hours of playing would make the empty apartment feel more at home. As usual, a few hours ended up being a lot more. The cereal was all gone, and Charlie was feeling starving. She pondered what she could make that wouldn’t take forever. She wasn’t in the mood for noodles, instead she decided to phone in an order to the Chinese restaurant two blocks away. When she hung up, she grabbed her keys and started to walk to pick it up. It was late afternoon, and the streets were calm. It was a nice walk, and Charlie didn’t have to wait for long until the food was ready to go. The nice older lady that ran the register at the restaurant told her she had told her son to add spring rolls on the house. Charlie thanked her and walked back home. As the elevator doors opened and she stepped out, she saw James stand by her door. She froze as she tried to decide what to do. 
“Charlie,” he said. He didn’t move towards her, she didn’t move either. 
“James, what are you doing here?” she asked. 
“I have come by a couple of times, hoping that you would speak with me. But you haven’t been home,” he said. 
“I have been away. I would like you to leave,” she told him. 
“Please, just let me talk to you. I don’t care about you turning everything over to your boss. I don’t care about my boss tearing me a new one after internal affairs talked to him. F**k, I don’t even care about being suspended while they look into it. What I do care about is you.” 
“James, you should care about your career, about what you have built. You and me, give it some time and we’ll be friends again. I just need time,” she said. 
“I don’t want to be your friend, Charlie,” James told her and before she knew what had happened. He had grabbed her arm and swung her around. She found herself being pressed against the wall next to her door. James stood in front of her, his b*dy caging her in. 
“James,” she objected. 
“I admit I started dating you to get to Grim. But taking you out, spending time with you, k*ssing you, it felt right,” he said, closing the small space between them. She put her free hand on his ch*st to stop him. 
“James don’t.” Charlie turned her head as she felt him press against her palm. She needed to make a decision if she would let him continue or if she should press her point of denying him. 
“I thought you were told to stay away from my employees, detective,” someone said. Charlie felt relief flood her system as she recognised it. Both she and James turned around to look at Vidar. It looked as he had just come up the stairs. He looked relaxed as ever. 
“Mind your own f**king business. This is a private conversation,” James told him angrily. Charlie had relaxed. As always, she felt safe when Vidar was around. James turned to her and k*ssed her. It took her so by surprise it took her a moment to slam her hand into his chest. James stumbled back and Charlie wondered why until she saw Vidar’s grip on James‘ collar. Before thinking it through, she slapped James across his face. 
“Never do that again,” she told him.. 
“Charlie,” he objected. 
“You need to learn to tell when a woman is interested in you, detective. You can’t just go around forcing bad k*sses on them. Let me show you how it should be done,” Vidar said as he pulled James further backwards and letting go of him. While James tried to find his footing, Vidar stepped up to Charlie, his pale blue eyes honed on her, locking her gaze to him. She felt her breath hitch as he stepped into her space. He reached his hand out for her and she willingly put her hand in his. He pulled her flush to him, still not breaking his eye contact. “If you don’t want this, lilla lo, now is the time to let me know,” he told her in his raspy voice. Charlie only gave him a small smile, which he returned before taking hold of the back of her head and closing the last space between them. When Vidar’s lips touched Charlie’s, her b*dy ignited. His k*ss started out soft, playful and it quickly became demanding. Charlie dropped the take–out bag in her hand and wrapped both her arms around Vidar. His hand on the back of her n*ck gripped her hair and his other hand gripped her waist to make sure she stayed flushed to him. She felt his tongue lick her bottom lip, and she willingly let him in. The world around them faded away as the k*ss took up all of Charlie’s attention. When they finally needed air, Vidar drew back and looked her in the eyes again. He placed a gentle k*ss on her swollen lips as if he was unwilling to let the connection between them go. 

“What the actual f**k!” James bellowed, bringing Charlie back into reality. With his arm still around her waist, Vidar turned toward James. 
“I hope you took notes. That is how you k*ss a woman. Get out of here before I decide to stop being civil and report this to the department,” Vidar told him. 
“Charlie?” James objected, almost sounding desperate. 
“Just go James,” she said. James looked like he couldn’t believe she had chosen Vidar before him. Then he turned around and stormed down the stairs. 
“Did he hurt you?” Vidar asked as he turned back to Charlie. 

“No. Thank you for stepping in,” she said, finding it hard to collect her thoughts when he was so close to her. He smiled and let his thumb run over her lower lip. 
“It was my pleasure,” he told her. It almost sounded like a purr. 
“Did you need something?” Charlie asked, wondering why he had shown up. 
“No, I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I guessed you would be coming home today,” he said. 
“That was sweet of you, thank you.” Vidar laughed and the sound was amazing. 
“Charlie, I am many things, but sweet is not one of them,” he told her. She smiled at him. 
“I think I get to decide that. And I think it was sweet of you to ch*ck up on me,” she insisted. There was a silence between them. They were observing each other. They both gravitated closer. The tension grew and Charlie’s eyes looked at Vidar’s full lips. That’s when Charlie’s stomach decided to let everyone know it hadn’t been fed. Vidar froze. Charlie blushed. Vidar smiled and bent down to pick up the dropped bag of food. He gave it to her. 
“Unlock your door and 
inside and feed the beast,” he told her. 
“Do you want to come inside?” she asked. He sighed. 
“I do. But I have an important call I need to make. I will take a rain check,” he said. He sounded reluctant. She nodded and took out her keys and unlocked to door, then looked back at him. “Go on, lilla lo. I’ll stay until the door is locked. 
Call me if you need anything, anything at all,” he told her, k*ssed her forehead and gave her a gentle push. 
“Okay, thank you,” Charlie said, stepping into her apartment. She closed the door and watched through the peep hole as 
she locked the door. Vidar stayed a moment after the final lock had clicked in place, like he had a hard time leaving. When she saw him head down the stairs, Charlie spun around, leaning against the door with a fool’s grin on her face. 
Her phone rang, and she looked at it. It was her brother. Of course, James had called and told him, she thought.