Blood red love 

“Yes,” she admitted and leaned into his k*sses. As he continued to k*ss her n*ck and scrape his sharp teeth over her n*ck, Vidar’s hands caressed the top of her thighs. He moved his hand so her skirt started to bunch up, slowly moving the hem up her legs towards his fingers. Charlie could feel his erection against her ass and she grind down, moving in a way she knew would pleasure him. His low grunts told her she was doing a good job. Charlie was so caught. up in the moment, she didn’t notice Caine walking into the room. It wasn’t until Vidar stopped k*ssing her n*ck to look over her shoulder that she saw Caine standing, frozen, in the doorway. Charlie froze as well. She didn’t want to force Caine into something. He had said this wasn’t what he wanted and she was afraid he would turn around to leave and never speak to them again. The room was silent, the only sounds came from three fast beating hearts and breathing that sounded heavier than usual. Vidar was the only one not frozen. His hands were still moving over Charlie’s thighs, gathering up her skirt. 
“Vidar,‘ she linked him. 
“Trust me, lilla lo,‘ he told her and she did. She had always trusted him and he hadn’t let her down, not once. Charlie kept looking at Caine. His eyes were following the movements of Vidar’s hands. The tension in the room was hard to read, but Charlie felt her desire rise. She felt Vidar’s fingers reach for the hem of her skirt and grab hold of it. He placed a k*ss on her shoulder and paused. Charlie could see Caine’s eyes move and she assumed the two men had locked their gaze. “Join us?” Vidar’s words were half way between a question and a suggestion. Charlie held her breath as she waited for Caine’s reply. The moment he started to move forward, towards them, Charlie let out her breath and Vidar lifted her skirt up and spread his knees wide. As Charlie’s legs were draped over his, her legs were spread as well. Caine walked up to them in confident strides, without a word he dropped to his knees between their spread legs and leaned in. Caine’s hand found its way to the back of her head and before she knew it, Charlie was being k*ssed by Caine. She sighed and surrendered to it. Caine k*ssed her like a man walking the dessert for years and finally found water. Charlie echoed the need and Vidar sighed against her skin as if he shared in the emotion. He started k*ssing her n*ck again and his hands took a hold of her hips–as he ground his hips against her ass. Caine let her catch her breath as he moved his k*sses from her mouth to the other side of her n*ck. Charlie’s one hand grabbed Vidar’s blond hair, her other wrapped around Caine’s head and pressed him to her. 
“Caine,” she moaned as she felt his hands on her n*ked thighs. 
“I’m right here, my star. Let me taste you,” he told her. He leaned back to look at her. She felt lewd as she was sprawled out over Vidar with her legs wide open and with Vidar’s hand moving her to stimulate the two of them. “f**k, you are the most beautiful thing I have seen,” he said, full of awe. Only one other man had ever made her feel as desired as Caine did in that moment. That man was moving his hands up her b*dy to show it off to Caine. 
“This needs to go,” Vidar told her and pulled on her blouse. Charlie didn’t object and Caine helped Vidar pull it over her head. As Caine finished pulling it off, Vidar made short work of her bra, Charlie was n*ked from the waist up as Caine again took her in. Vidar cupped her breasts from behind. The men again shared a look and Caine bent down and closed his mouth over one of her nipples. His tongue was caressing her as he suckled her. Charlie moaned and arched herself into him as her hands intertwined in his hair. Vidar’s hands were still massaging her breasts and he pinched the nipple Caine wasn’t sucking on. “She tastes like sunshine,” Vidar said. “Use your teeth, she like. 
Don’t you baby?” 
“Yes,” Charlie confirmed and added a loud moan as Caine used his teeth to tug at her nipple. 
His hands were caressing her thighs and his thumbs moved closer to her panties with each pass. “Caine, please,” she begged him, expecting him to let his fingers finally move to where she needed them. Instead, he let go of her breast and k*ssed her, then placed a k*ss between her breasts and continued moving down. She drew in a sharp breath as Caine tore her panties 
from her b*dy. Vidar grunted approvingly and made her turn her head so he could k*ss her. Charlie wrapped her one arm around his n*ck and focused on their k*ss as she felt Caine lick her pussy. It caused her to moan into her k*ss. Vidar was stimulating her breast as Caine’s tongue pleasured her. She didn’t know where to place her focus and when Vidar started k*ssing her n*ck, she surrendered and just let it happen. Her arm around Vidar kept her from sliding down and she placed her other hand on Caine’s shoulder to steady herself. “Getting close,” she panted and felt her orgasm rushing towards her. Caine plunged two fingers inside her and let them drag along her inner walls until they hit the pleasure point that only Vidar had found before. Charlie’s world exploded and she shouted out as she came. Caine and Vidar 
slowed down a little, letting her catch her breath. But as soon as they felt her breathing returning to normal, they continued their treatment of her b*dy. Charlie moved her hips in pace with Caine and she felt Vidar’s hard cock through his pants. She wanted to feel both of their cocks, but was too caught up in the moment. Caine’s hands shifted from rubbing her thighs and sides, to start moving up Vidar’s legs. Vidar shifted his hands and helped raise Charlie’s hip so Caine could unbutton Vidar’s pants. He stripped them from Vidar and Charlie heard him grunt in pleasure and realised Caine was pumping Vidar’s cock. The thought got her even more aroused. Vidar began to lower her down and she felt Caine guiding Vidar’s cock inside of her as he was still licking and sucking on her clit. Both Vidar and Charlie 
Emergency calls only 
moaned as she took all of him inside her. Vidar held her hips and helped her ride him, Caine’s hands ran down her legs and guided her feet to the edge of the couch. It helped her get the leverage she needed to move on her own. “Caine,” she sighed as Vidar k*ssed her n*ck. She tugged on Caine’s hair and he looked up at her and what he saw in her eyes made him straighten up and k*ss her. Their k*ss was as fevered as the first one. Charlie couldn’t get enough of feeling the two men surrounding her. She tugged on Caine’s hair again. “Clothes off,” she managed to gasp. Caine smiled, k*ssed her a final time before he rose and started to strip. Vidar took the opportunity to k*ss her. 
“I got you,” he whispered as they broke apart. Somehow he knew what she wanted and he steadied her as she leaned forward on his lap. Charlie supported herself on his knees just in time to see a completely n*ked Caine watch her and Vidar as he stroked his cock. It was like seeing a renaissance statue come to life. Unlike Vidar he didn’t have any tattoos, he had some scars that decorated his b*dy that Charlie could see. She marvelled at the sight as she rode Vidar and felt her hands guiding her movements. She held out her hand towards Caine. He took it, stepped closer again and k*ssed it before he placed it on his n*ked chest. Charlie sat up so she could add her second hand to the exploration of his b*dy. Her hands caressed his skin and felt his strong muscles play underneath it, reacting to her touch. He k*ssed her and his hands found her breasts, she moaned into the k*ss as he played with her nipples. Charlie’s hands followed his abs downwards and Caine drew in a sharp breath and leaned his head back as she wrapped her hand around his cock. The sound made a ripple of pleasure go through her and Vidar groaned behind her as he felt her pussy contract. Caine’s cock had a different shape from Vidars, but it felt just as right in Charlie’s hand as she pumped it. She k*ssed and licked Caine’s exposed throat and let her sharp teeth drag over his skin as she moved lower. 
“Charlie,” he said in a broken voice as she licked her way from his navel down. She smiled and licked the head of his cock before she let it slip into her mouth. “f**k!” he exclaimed as his hands took fistfuls of her hair. Charlie braced herself by holding onto his hips as she tried. not to lose the momentum she had while riding Vidar. 
“That’s it, baby. Show him how good you are with your mouth,” Vidar encouraged her as his grip on her hips became stronger and his thrusts into her more powerful. Charlie moaned. around Caine’s cock and got a curse as reply from him. She could tell he was holding back, standing still and letting her set the pace. It was sweet, but she wanted something else. She took a deep breath and let his entire cock go into her throat. Caine stopped breathing for a second and his hips twitched. She swallowed around him and he lost the last piece of his control and started moving his hips as his hands guided her head. Charlie moaned and matched his speed with her riding Vidar. “You need to slow down, gorgeous, or this won’t last 
long.” Caine growled. It thrilled Charlie and she started to work faster. She felt her second orgasm building and as one of Vidar’s hands slipped between her legs and started stim her clit she was thrown over the edge again. She heard Caine call her name and felt filling her mouth as she swallowed. After two spurts, he pulled back and the rest he spilled over her chest. Vidar was the last one to climax seconds after Caine Charlie felt his powerf grip on her hips as he made short strokes. Caine helped Vidar guide Charlie back so she again rested on him. Vidar k*ssed her hair. 
“You really marked her.” She heard him say to Caine. 
“I didn’t want her to choke,” Caine told him. 
“It’s okay, she won’t mind.” Vidar said as Charlie tried to avoid falling asleep. There were things they needed to talk about. 
“And you?” Caine asked, still standing in front of them 
“I don’t mind either. It’s a good look on her. Will you help me get her to the shower and wash her?” Vidar told him. Charlie felt strong hands pick her up from Vidars lap and she curled into Caine and put her arms around his n*ck.