Blood red love 

The apartment was silent. Vidar had his arm around Charlie as they made their way up to the balcony overlooking the city. After their four new guests had gone to bed and they were sure everyb*dy was asleep, he and Charlie had asked Caine to have a talk with them. Vidar could feel the nervous energy coming off Charlie. He knew she wanted the talk to go well, but he also knew she had no clue what she wanted the outcome to be. She was still so young and traditional values still were a big part of her view on relationships. Vidar knew Charlie was afraid of hurting him, or Caine, or both of them. In his own opinion the chances of that happening were low. No matter the outcome of their talk, both him and Caine knew Charlie well enough to not let that happen. They all sat down and for a moment they watched the nightlife of the city below. 
“We all feel it,” Vidar started and both Caine and Charlie looked at him. He had used a voice that would be hard for a human to hear if they stood next to him, but he knew the two others! could hear him just fine. 
“This thing between the three of us that we never talk about,” Charlie said. Caine watched the two of them, Vidar knew it was hard for his friend to claim things he wanted. It would be up to 
Vidar and Charlie to lead the way. 
“Yes, we have had some fun with it. But I think it’s time we talk about it. We are moving into uncertain times, the safer we feel at our core, the better,” Vidar said. 
“It’s not my intention to cause issues in your relationship, or to come inbetween you,” Caine said in his calm way. He was studying his hands and glanced up at the two of them. 
“We know that,” Charlie said. “I don’t think anyone here would doubt your intentions, Caine. I trust you completely. But there are times when I think there is… more between us than just trust. And it takes up a lot of mental energy when I try to figure it all out. I’m new to all of this and I would love to just get at least a hint of what is happening and what the options. are,” Charlie said. Vidar and Caine shared a look, they both knew she needed the guess work to be taken away. 
“What about you, Vidar?” Caine asked. 
“You know me, Caine. I trust you with Charlie’s life, there is no higher trust I can place on 
someone. We have had our fun times in the past, but this is different. This is Charlie. I 
wouldn’t hesitate to invite you in, but you need to feel the same way. I think I can speak for both Charlie and myself when I say that even if we decide that friendship is what we will move forward with, you will be a big part of our lives,” Vidar told him. 
“That is true,” Charlie agreed. “No matter what we decide tonight, or in the future, you are family. We all are.” Caine watched them and nodded slowly. 
“You are imprinted,” he said. 
“Yes. Nothing will change that,” Vidar confirmed and rubbed Charlie’s upper arm. Caine watched the movement. 
“Okay, I’m new at this and I’m not doing too good with all this subtlety,” Charlie told them. “As I see it we have three options. First is for you to remain our friend, we forget about the games we have played and keep it all on a friends only level. Or we can remain friends with benefits, we continue as we have been and we talk about how big part of “benefits” we are comfortable with. Last option is to invite you into a fully committed relationship between the three of us. Is there something I have left out?” she asked. Vidar smiled and k*ssed her temple. He loved the way she just went for it, she had done the same when the two of them had orbited around each other before any of them dared to take the first step. 
“There is the possibility of me taking a step back from your lives and giving you space to bond,” Caine pointed out. 
“Didn’t forget that option, I didn’t include it as it’s not an option. There is nothing wrong with the bond between Vidar and me, is there?” Charlie asked him. Vidar smiled. 
“No, lilla lo. There is nothing wrong,” he agreed and shifted his focus to Caine. “Truly, don’t worry about the imprinting. It’s strong and I’m confident enough not to fear it being damaged by your presence. No matter what role you choose to have in our life, it will be a positive thing to have you close,” Vidar reassured him. Charlie nodded. 
“What are you comfortable with? What do you want?” Charlie asked Caine. The expression on Caine’s face was almost one of pain. 
“I don’t want to cause any of you pain,” he told them. “The two of you are the most 
important persons in my life and I would never forgive myself if I did something that messed with what you have. I can see how special it is,” he added. 
“What do we do? There is this feeling in my gut that he isn’t telling us the truth,‘ Charlie asked Vidar in his mind. 
‘I would agree, but we can’t force him, love. He isn’t ready and we need to respect that,” Vidar said. 
“So friends?” Charlie asked. 
“Friends,” Caine agreed, but he didn’t look happy when he said it. They all stood up and Vidar walked over to Caine and pulled him into a hug. 
“We have time,” Vidar whispered to his friend. “You are my brother and nothing will change that.” Vidar then walked back to Charlie and put his arm around her. It was time for bed, they had one day left in the city and they had a lot to do. As they got ready for bed he could feel how the wheels were turning in Charlie’s head. When they got into bed and she curled up to him, he stroked her back. 
*Was it wrong of me to force the issue?” she asked him, keeping the conversation in their minds for privacy. 
‘No. It needed to be adressed,‘ he told her. 
‘I haven’t broken the friendship between us?‘ 
‘No, lilla lo. Caine cares for you, probably more than as a friend. He won’t disappear from our lives. He just isn’t ready to take such a large part in anyone’s life. It’s hard for him. For hundreds of years he has trained himself to be happy to just serve. I have tried to make him take the steps out of that role and become his own. But he has been satisfied with what he has. I think that is going to change now, but it will take time.” 
“At least that is something we have plenty of,‘ she said. 
“It is, he agreed. 
Emergency calls only MOO 
077% 11:15 
The following morning was a shock to Vidar. It had been a long time since he stayed with a large number of people and he couldn’t remember the last time he had children under the same roof with himself. He had seen more organised battles than what was breakfast. But he didn’t hate it. It was nice in a way, it was what a family home had been in the old days. Vidar was happy when he managed to snag Charlie up in the middle of the chaos and steal a k*ss. 
She smiled at him. 
“Do you know what to do today?” he asked. 
“Sure, I’m going into the office with you. I’ll work in my office while you talk to Lucas and if everything works out like I think it will. Lukas and I will spend the rest of the day working on my project.” Vidar nodded. 
“Cain will be going with us,” he reminded her to make sure she wasn’t worried. 
“I know. He’ll make sure we get there in one piece and then he will have his own things to do. He will meet up with us before we go back home,” she said. “Tyson is going to stay here with the angels, Huxton needs to go to work for the last of the formal things with James.” Vidar nodded again. 
“Have you taken your supplement?” he asked. 
“I have.” 
“If we 
we have time this afternoon it would be good for you to train with Caine and me,” he told 
“Okay,” she agreed. He let her go so she could eat her breakfast while helping Tyson to feed 
one of the twins. 
“Sorry about the state of your kitchen, I’ll make sure it’s clean once everyone has left,” Tyson said to him. Vidar looked at the kitchen that looked like a horde of starving Visigoths had 
“Don’t worry about it, it’s nice seeing it being used. The only reason it’s only in such a clean. condition is because I’m usually the only one using it. I don’t mind this look,” Vidar assured 
Emergency calls only MO 
“I knew I liked you, Vidar. Even with being a vampire you’re a good guy,” Tyson said as he grabbed a banana and headed back to the toddlers. 
“I’ll just change and then I’m ready to leave,” Charlie informed Vidar. He nodded and followed her to get his jacket and tie. He admired the flowing wool skirt and transparent blouse with a tank–top under that Charlie changed into. 
“You look amazing,” he told her and pulled her in for a k*ss. Her hair went past her shoulders, it had grown since he met her. 
“You look as handsome as you always do in your suits. It’s a good look on you,” she said, straightening his tie and brushing non existing lint off his shoulders. Together they joined Caine in the elevator and rode it down into the garage. 
“Mademoiselle Charlie, it’s so nice seeing you. Your new way of life suits you,” Malcom greeted them. 
“Malcom, it’s nice seeing you as well. You had me worried for a while,” Charlie told him. The chauffeur smiled and bowed and Vidar was reminded of how his love seemed to make 
everyone fall in love with her one way or the other. If he were a more jealous man he would have a hard time with it. Who was he kidding? He was as possessive as one could be. But he knew Charlie was his and it made watching others being pulled into her light with fascination. He helped her into the car and made sure she didn’t get anxious. It was the first time she had been in a town car since her kidnapping. But as she looked relaxed, he relaxed 
as well. 
“The office, please, Malcom,” he said.