Blood red love 

“He is my best friend, more like a brother. Why would I not be okay with you asking him to stay?” Vidar sent the question to Charlie. 
“I don’t know. I feel like there is a thing between the three of us and I don’t know what it is or if it’s just me who feel this way. I just don’t want to do something that makes you uncomfortable or something,‘ Charlie tried to explain. Vidar smiled at her and then looked over at Caine who was watching over Liam and Aidan as they wobbled around the living room trying to reach Shadow. Shadow kept a step ahead, but when one or both of the boys fell he stopped and waited for them to get up. 
‘It’s not just you, I feel it too, and I think Caine does as well. And Charlie, I’m not that insecure about your feelings for me. If you want to explore this thing between us, then I’m open to that as well. How about you ask him to stay and tonight we will sit down and talk when everyone else has gone to bed,‘ Vidar said. Charlie smiled and gave him a k*ss. 
“I love you,” she told him. 
“I love you too, lilla lo.” Charlie walked over to Caine, he looked like the protector he was as 
he watched over the toddlers. 
“Shadow seems to like the game,” she said to him. He nodded, never taking his eyes of the 
“I’m just keeping an eye on them, even if Shadows think it’s fun, he can get a little rough in the heat of the moment,” Caine said. Charlie smiled, he might not like being called sweet, but 
he was. 
“So this thing about moving out. I would really like you to stay, so would Vidar. If you feel like we have kept you here too long and you want to go back to your own place, you are of course free to do so. But if you are doing it because you think you are in the way, or don’t have a place here. Then you 
are wrong and you should stay. Even if you leave, the room will be yours, waiting for you if you need it,” she told him. He looked at her for a long while. Then 
he nodded. 
“Then I will stay,” he said. 
“I’m happy to hear it. It would have been empty without you,” she told him and reached out to squeeze his hand. “Now, will you help me wrangle the demon toddlers so we can try and put them down for a nap?” The look on his face was as close to pure terror as she had ever seen and Charlie had to laugh. “Don’t tell me you are afraid of the twins?” 
“I’m not used to being around humans that small. They are frail,” he told her. 
“I’m confident in your ability. We are three and they are two. The odds are in our favour,” she told him and smiled at Vidar that was making his way over to them. He patted his friend on the shoulder before he helped Charlie coral the boys and she happily handed over Aiden to Caine as she walked ahead of them to the movie theatre. She rearranged the seating so the front coach formed a big bed and added blankets. “Hop on,” she told everyone and the two men with the two toddlers shuffled around while she picked out a toddler friendly movie. Then she joined the rest of them. After some rearranging they ended up with Vidar and Charlie on one side, blocking the end, Caine at the other end with Shadow curled up on his lap, and Liam and Aidan in the middle. It didn’t take long before the twins were out. Charlie leaned into Vidar and relaxed. 
“What is the point of this movie?” Caine whispered. Charlie hadn’t paid attention and looked on the screen. She tried to stifle her laughter as she saw the colourful nonsensical figures jumping around the screen, pointing at objects and pronouncing the names loudly and clearly. 
“It’s supposed to teach toddlers to talk, very educational,” she told him. She felt Vidar’s silent laughter as he shook behind her. Caine frowned at the figures on the screen. 
“Never needed things like that before,” he said and sounded grumpy. 
“Didn’t need a computer either, still they come in handy,” Charlie pointed out. Vidar continued laughing and k*ssed her shoulder as Caine grumbled a little, but settled in and continued to watch. They all heard the door opening downstairs and Huxton and Tyson returning. “I’ll go down and get them settled. You can keep watching the angels,” Charlie told Vidar and Caine. She climbed over Vidar and went downstairs. Loyd was just putting down the last of the bags inside the front door. “Thank you for your help, Loyd,” she said. 
Emergency calls only …. 
“No problem, miss,” he happily said before leaving. 
“That is one strange, but adorable man,” Tyson said. 
“He is,” Charlie agreed. “Got everything you need?” 
“Yes, we think so. We really appreciate this, sis,” Huxton said. 
D77% 11:14 
“It’s not a problem. You took me in when I needed it, it’s the least I can do. And we have more rooms than we know what to do with. The boys are watching a movie with the angels. Which leaves us with the time to get you settled in. Follow me,” she said. She took them to the two inner guest rooms, they were at the end of the lower floor. 
“We get both rooms?” Huxton asked. 
“Yeah. Caine is using the room down the hall next to Vidar’s office and we converted one guest room to my office. You get the two rooms we have left. I sent a message to Lilly but she will be staying with her new girlfriend,” Charlie explained. 
“Will she be safe?” Huxton asked. 
“Okay, so how is it being immortal?” Tyson asked as they were unpacking the twins things. 
“I’m not immortal. But it feels okay. Not much difference from before, or maybe it’s just that I haven’t wrapped my head around it.” 
“Not going to lie, it’s freaking me out a little,” Huxton confessed. “But it’s your life, and I can see that you are happy so I’m trying to reign it in.” 
“You are doing a very good job at it,” she told him and k*ssed him on the cheek. ““And if you feel uncomfortable with it, I’m more than happy to take a step back and let you think about it. I don’t want either of you to be uncomfortable or to be scared that I’m around Liam and Aiden,” Charlie told them. 
“Charlie! I have never even thought of something like that. There is no doubt in my mind 
that you love the boys as much as we do,” Tyson told her. 
“There is no doubt in any of our minds about that. And we trust Vidar as well, or we wouldn’t be here or leave the boys with you. Caine seems alright, and if you say we can trust him, I will trust him,” Huxton agreed. Charlie hadn’t realised how much she had worried about them not trusting her after her change. Relief washed over her. 
“Talking about your ‘friend‘, is there something we should now? I get some vibes,” Tyson asked, wiggling his eyebrows. 
“Are you asking me about my S*x life?” she asked. 
“No! Don’t answer that. I love you Ty, but so help me god, I will not listen to my little sister talk about her S*x life. Especially if it includes two men. Oh, fuck. Now that idea is in my head. Let’s talk about something else so I can forget it,” Huxton said, looking miserable. Charlie smiled, her plan having succeeded. She didn’t want to talk about Ciane, not until the three of them had their talk. “How about we get the rest of the boys and then we can start getting dinner ready and talk about what will happen in the coming weeks?” 
“Sounds like a plan,” Huxton eagerly agreed. Tyson laughed and as they walked out of the room he whispered to her. 
“Don’t think I will let it go. You, little sister, are hiding something and I’m nosy enough to pry it out of you.” Charlie just laughed. Charlie stopped at the foot of the stairs and in a normal voice asked Caine and Vidar to bring Liam and Aiden downstairs. 
“I think you need to raise your voice a bit there, Charlie,” Huxton pointed out. But Vidar and Caine appeared at the top of the stairs, carrying a toddler each. 
“Good hearing, one of the perks of being a vampire,” she said. 
“I’ll have to remember that,” he huffed. The boys were passed over to their dads and Vidar put his arm around Charlie as they moved to the kitchen. Vidar and Tyson started preparing dinner, they worked well together and started talking, cooking, and exchanging tips. Huxton was entertaining the children, Charlie was working on her computer and Caine was reading. It was a nice feeling being gathered with what Charlie felt was most of her family.