Chapter 6 – It’s Him 
Isabel’s POV 
“Excuse me? Is this yours?” A voice stopped me in my tracks just as I was about to make the biggest–and last–decision of my life. I 
turned around and saw a hand holding my purse. 
Relief and confusion washed over me. The money wasn’t lost. A sliver of hope returned to my heart. Maybe it wasn’t my time yet. But that meant facing all the pain of living. 

The whirlwind of emotions became too much. My stomach churned, and a sharp headache surged through my skull. My legs gave way beneath me. I started to fall backward, off the edge of the pavement, toward the rushing cars. I held my breath as I felt myself slipping out of consciousness. Was this the end? 
But then, just in time, the figure’s arms caught me. He held me. tightly as my world faded to black, 
The world slowly came back into focus as I vaguely heard someone talking. The voices were low and concerned. Slowly opening my eyes, I saw two doctors communicating with another man. The man noticed I was awake first. He rushed towards me. 
His eyes were filled with concern. Something about him seemed oddly familiar. His golden–brown eyes reminded me of someone from the past. But who? 

I studied his features. He was taller than most. His dark blonde curls were impeccably styled. His tailored suit was undeniably expensive, but he wore it with a gentle humility that made him seem down–to- earth. 

“Isabel, are you alright?” he asked, his voice warm and comforting. The sound of it stirred a distant memory, though I couldn’t quite place it. 
“I… I think so. What happened?” I murmured weakly. 
“Someone stole your purse. I saw it happen and got hold of the thief. But you suddenly fainted when I came to give you your purse back. So I brought you here… You’re safe now,” the man explained. 
“Oh… Right,” I said in a trembling voice. The memories came ‘flooding back. I was about to end my life when this man pulled me 
back. Tears started welling up in my eyes. I tried to find the right words, but all I could muster was a weak, “Thank you, Mr. Uhm…” 

He gave me a gentle smile, noticing my distress. “My name is Robert Evans. We were classmates in primary school. Do you remember?” 
Robert. The name triggered a cascade of memories. We had been friends as children, though those days seemed like another lifetime.” Robert,” I said slowly, recognition dawning. “Of course, I remember.” 
As children, Robert had been a very cute but shy boy. He often sat alone, watching the other children play, too timid to join in. But he went abroad for studies, and we lost contact over the years. 
“It’s been so long. How have you been?” Robert asked with a gentle smile. 
I was silent for a while, not knowing what to say. “Things have been intense, lately,” I said eventually. Robert’s expression grew serious. 

“Isabel,” he said softly, “the doctors tell me you need an operation. It’s serious, and there’s a high risk. Does your family know?” 
His question hung in the air, heavy with implications. I was silent for a moment, my mind racing. I didn’t know how to answer. 
Robert noticed my hesitation. “Isabel, what’s going on? You can tell me.” 
The dam broke. Tears spilled over once again as I poured out my 

heart to him. I told him about my father. He was in a vegetative state after a competitor had ruined his company and plotted a car accident. 
I told him about Emerson and Lilith, the betrayal and the impending divorce. I told him about the baby had lost, the pain of my father’s medical expenses, and the overwhelming feeling of having no one to rely on 
Robert listened, his face filled with shock and empathy. When I 
finished, he took my hand gently. I’m so sorry you’ve been going through all of this trauma, Isabel ” 
His kindness was almost too much to bear. I had been so strong for so long, and now someone was offering me support. I didn’t know how to respond 

“Isabel,” he continued, “I’m a shareholder in this hospital. I can help you to afford the treatment. You won’t be alone in this. I promise.” 
His words overwhelmed me. Was he seriously offering to pay for my cancer treatment? The thought that someone from my past, someone who had once been a close friend, was now in a position to help me was almost too much to comprehend. 
“Isabel,” Robert said, his eyes meeting mine with an unwavering sincerity. “Perhaps you can try to believe that there are people in this world who care about you–such as your friends, and me. Would you let me be that person?”

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