Chapter 50–Tangled Hearts 
Isabel’s POV 
I stood there, draped in the beautiful silk cape that Robert had gifted me. Its soft fabric felt almost surreal against my skin. It had been a long time since I’d worn anything nearly as luxurious. 
Emma’s bright smile caught my eye. For a moment, I wondered if she had known about Robert’s intentions all along. But my thoughts were still consumed by the shock of his words. 
“Pursue me?” The phrase echoed in my mind. Did Robert… like me? The idea seemed impossible. But then, I thought back on all the months he had spent supporting me through my illness. The countless times he had been there with patience and kind words. 

In my heart, he was just like a brother who always had my back and encouraged me. But now… Could he be something more? My heart fluttered with confusion as I tried to piece it all together. 
Why would he ask me in such a public place, in front of everyone? Surely, Robert had only spoken up to help me out. To shield me from the judgmental eyes of former classmates. 
But even so, his words had caught me off guard. I opened my mouth to respond. But before I could utter a single word, Emerson’s cold voice cut through the air. 
“No, she won’t agree with it, Robert,” he said, his tone dripping with arrogance. “She signed an agreement with her ex that she can’t date anyone within three years after the divorce.” 

Gasps and murmurs rippled through the room. Shock and confusion. spread like wildfire. “How do you know about this, Mr. Williams?” someone asked. 

“I happen to know her ex quite well,” he retorted, a malicious smile playing on his lips. His gaze hadn’t left me for a second. 
All eyes turned to me, their expressions a mix of curiosity and disbelief. My heart sank as I realized what Emerson had just done. 
He was getting his revenge on me, right here, right now. 
ather and myself. 
The agreement. It was true. I had signed it, back when I was desperate to finalize the divorce and get the funds to save r But I never imagined Emerson would actually go through with it. Let alone that he would expose it in front of everyone like this. 

I had foolishly thought that once he was happy with Lilith, he would forget about me. I thought he would let me move on in peace. 
But I had underestimated his cruelty. His need for control over me. 
Robert’s face darkened with anger. His calm demeanor was shattered by Emerson’s words. “That’s ridiculous,” he said, his voice tight with barely controlled rage. “You can’t just control her like that. She’s a free, independent woman. Leave her alone.” 
But before he could say more, I stepped in. I placed a hand on his arm to stop him. “Robert, please,” I whispered, my voice trembling. “Don’t get involved. It’s not worth it.” 
I could see the frustration in his eyes, the desire to protect me. But this was a battle he couldn’t fight for me. Emerson’s power was too great, his influence too far–reaching. I couldn’t let Robert get caught up in this mess. Not when it could bring trouble to him and his family. 

Robert’s gaze softened, and he nodded reluctantly. “I can wait,” he said, his voice barely audible over the noise of the room. “Three years, ten years–however long it takes. I’ll wait for you, Isabel.” 
His words should have comforted me. But instead, they only deepened 
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