Chapter 49
” I exclaimed, giving her a playful poke. I could feel my face redden, but I couldn’t help but laugh at her boldness. 
Lilith, who had been observing us with a cold, calculating gaze, 
suddenly chimed in. “Actually, I do have a friend who might be just the right person for you, Isabel. I could set up-” 
Before she could finish, Emerson swiftly interjected, “Oh, your glass is 

empty my love? Can I grab you another drink?” His voice was firm, a subtle edge of irritation cutting through his words. He steered the conversation in a new direction, drawing attention away from the awkward exchange 
The room’s focus shifted as Emerson’s strong voice had interrupted the conversation. I took the opportunity to step back. I raised my glass of wine to my friends, offering a polite test. To everyone’s happiness.” I said, trying to mask my discomfort. Let’s not wastr 
more time on 

I took a deep gulp of the red wine, letting the rich, full–bodied taste wash over my senses. I hoped it would help drown the uncomfortable feelings that had surfaced tonight. The wine, warm and velvety, seemed to offer a temporary escape from the swirling emotions and awkward encounters. As I let the glass rest against my lips. I savored the fleeting comfort it provided 

Robert’s hand gently touched my arm, pulling me aside with a 
concerned look. “You can’t drink too much,” he said in a low voice. It’s not good for your chem 
He stopped abruptly, his eyes widening as he realized his slip. He had almost exposed my secret. “I know, dank you Robert Trepied sorty trying to keep the conversation between us discreet. My mind react. hoping no one else had caught his incomplete sentence and sudden silence 
But Emerson, ever perceptive, narrowed his eyes at us. “Why did you pause, Robert? Chem–what? His gaze was sharp. His suspicion was evident in his voice. His attention was now fully on us and I could feel the tension thickening in the air. 
by sont see the sourite ses My worts seemed to have th Tessened the suspicion Emerson was Tee one to things p 

Before he could press funter acted sucky Showers you TICIS DT your future wife Emersonnes dime” wy voice red a stap ene 
I glanced one at ith thy words radiceaty struck a chord. She paret tackar me foolt sea ter mind wording hans tyng to find a way 
always the serser scress gratbed Emerson’s am Her 
expression was a mix of discomfort and vulnerability “Darling, I think I might be coming down with something,” she murmured. Her voice was tinged with just the right amount of weakness. Tve been feeling a little off. And I’m so cold.” 
She shivered and looked up at him with those wide, doe like eyes. could see the concern flicker across Emerson’s face. He immediately shrugged off his blazer and draped it over her shoulders Lilith smiled, a delicate curve of her lips that was both smug and swe he had him wrapped around her finger. And she knew it. 

As I watched them, a 
pang of something bitter and twisted coiled in m 
chest. But before I could dwell on it, I felt a soft warmth on my shoulders. I looked down to see a stunning silk cape being draped over me. Turquoise and golden threads entwined to create a delicate, 
intricate pattern. 
“This is beautiful,” I murmured, genuinely surprised. I looked up, right into a pair of golden–brown eyes. 

Robert, who had been silently observing the exchange, was the one who had placed the cape on me. His calm, steady presence was like a balm to my nerves. He smiled down at me. His gaze was full of warmth. 
“It’s a gift,” Robert said simply, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. “I thought it would suit you. It compliments your blue eyes and golden hair perfectly.” 
I blinked, caught off guard. When Robert had arrived with an exquisite gift bag, I had assumed it was for someone else. Perhaps a crush–one of the other ladies here. But he hadn’t spoken to any of them. And now, here he was, offering his gift to me. 
“Wow… Thank you, Robert. You really shouldn’t have,” I said with a bright smile. I haven’t bought any new clothing recently. All my funds. went straight to my medical bills. This really was a thoughtful gift. 
sor plan at Rabent with an inersity that surprised me. Around as a few of my female dismaltes exchanged looks and whispered to she another south hear shippers ofther conversation,” wok” and “tromantic foster through the air. One of them even joked about how they enved me for winning Robert’s heart 

“Wat nostammered trying to dispel the misunderstanding “Voule got tall wrong Robert and I were is not like that with us. He’s just being kind” 
But Roter’s next words stoned me cot 
Do have the privilege to pursue you Miss Sabel? His voice was soft. 
But the impact of his question was like a thunderclap in the quiet room 
Bests echoed around us. Someone muered, “Oh my God” The playful aumosoteres of moments ago red bean replaced by something far more 

stared up at Robert completely at alloss for words. My mind was reeling irving to process what he had just said. 
This was the last thing had expected. Especially after everything that tar tappened tonight. Why would hewant to pursue a sickly, dying 
And yet there was something in the way he looked at me. Something sincere and genuine that made my heart flutter in my chest. 
As stood there, caught between the piercing gaze of Emerson and the unexpected declaration from Robert couldn’t help but wonder–whet dic this mean for my already chaotic life?

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