Chapter 47 – His Return 
Isabel’s POV 
Maybe out of spite, or the deep well of resentment that had built up inside me, I deliberately said my ex–husband had died. I wanted to erase him from my life. To make it as if he never existed. 
The words slipped out without much thought. A final attempt to reclaim some dignity. But as soon as I spoke to them, a cold voice echoed through the room. 
“Well, that’s a pity, Miss White.” 

The room fell silent. My heart stopped. I turned around, wide–eyed and in shock. Emerson stood there, tall and imposing. His icy blue eyes. bore into mine. 
His wavy dark hair and carefully trimmed short beard outlined his strong jawline. He looked every bit the dashing figure I once fell in love. with. But there was no warmth in his gaze. Only cold mockery. 
Beside him, Lilith clung to his arm. Her presence was as calculated as ever. Her beauty was the kind that only money could buy–artificial yet striking. Thick lashes framed her eyes, which were heavily made up with a smoky shadow. It gave her an intense, almost predatory look. 
Her dress was designer. The kind that dripped luxury and revealed just enough to keep everyone guessing. A golden snake bracelet slithered up her arm, its jeweled eyes gleaming, making my skin crawl. I couldn’t help but compare myself to her. The contrast between us was painfully stark. 

I felt awkwardly aware of my wig and prayed it looked real enough to fool them. My simple yet elegant dress, in a soft blue that brought out my eyes, felt suddenly inadequate. It was nothing compared to the couture Lilith was wrapped in. 

Weakened by cancer, my skinny body and pale complexion stood out like a sore thumb. At least I had managed to hide some of the sickness. behind carefully applied makeup, accentuating my delicate features. I straightened my back. I tried to appear confident, but inside I was crumbling. 
Emma stood by my side, her head held high. As usual, che was ready to retort and defend me. But before she could say anythi., we were interrupted. 
One of the hosts came up to greet Emerson and introduced him to the group. He was one of the major shareholders in the medical enterprise they were discussing. 
“Mr. Williams has agreed to buy in because he wants to provide his love. with the best medical conditions to ensure that she has no worries for the rest of her life.” they said, referring to Lilith, who nodded demurely. 
I smiled bitterly to myself. A wave of self–mockery washed over me. He had no idea about my illness, believing it was a mere nervous headache. 

How ironic that he was now so invested in someone else’s health. I 
wondered how he would react if he ever found out the extent of my suffering. But that was a secret I would carry alone. 
Throughout the introductions, Emerson’s gaze didn’t leave me. There was something unsettling in the way he looked at me, a mixture of curiosity and disdain. 
“Let’s go, Isa,” Emma said as she gently took me by the arm. She tried to guide me away from the awkward encounter. But Emerson wouldn’t let it slide that easily. “Isabel!“. His powerful voice left no room for dismissal. 
“You said your ex–husband died, right?” he asked, his tone laced with fake compassion. “May I know how you’re dealing with the grief?” 

Chapter 47 His Retur 
His words sliced through me. I was stunned, unable to respond, but before the situation could escalate further, a familiar voice broke the 
“Sorry I’m late.” 
I turned to see Robert, his warm and gentle presence like a lifeline in this sea of hostility. He greeted me with a smile, co letely ignoring the tension that hung thick in the air. His arrival felt like a blessing, though it also made everything more complicated. 

Robert Evan’s family was well–known in the medical industry. If he decided to join this project, it would be a huge boost to its success. But none of my old classmates knew the history between him and Emerson. The deep–seated animosity that had been simmering for months. 
“Hey, Isabel,” Robert walked up to me and brushed his lips against my cheek. “You look beautiful. How are you feeling today?” 
“Hi Robert, what a surprise to see you here! Are you one of the investors?” I asked. 
“I sure am. You know I can’t pass up an opportunity to help those in need,” he replied with a wink. 
My classmates stared at me now, their earlier mocking and humiliation replaced with a mix of awe and curiosity. They were clearly shocked that both Emerson and Robert knew me. The sudden shift in their 

attitudes was almost comical, but I couldn’t find it in me to laugh. I didn’t know how to explain any of it. And truthfully, I didn’t want to. 
Robert took a seat directly next to me, his presence offering a small measure of comfort. I could feel Emerson’s eyes still on me, cold and calculating. He didn’t say anything, but his expression revealed his animosity toward Robert. 
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