Chapter 46 – Final Wishes & Regrets 
Isabel’s POV 
Julia’s words offered me a glimmer of hope. But I didn’t know if I would ever find out the truth about my father. My time was running out. I could feel the cancer spreading, sapping my strength day by day. 
My new apartment, a relic from my divorce, became my sanctuary. It was the only luxury I had left. A reminder of a life that seed like a distant dream. I found a low intensity online job to pay for my medical bills. The work kept my mind occupied, but my health declined rapidly over the next three months. 
Chemotherapy took its toll. I lost all my hair. I invested in a wig that looked just like the golden hair I once had. But every time I looked in the mirror, I saw a stranger staring back at me. The wig was a small comfort, a way to hold on to a piece of myself. 

I bought some new clothes for myself. They weren’t nearly as nice as the ones Emerson had once bought for me, but I had lost everything in the fire. The new outfits felt like trying to paint over cracks in a wall that was crumbling from within. 
Robert and Emma were my lifeline. They were always there, helping with groceries, driving me to and from the hospital, and offering the kind of support that words couldn’t capture. 
Emerson had left me alone since the medical examination. For that, I was grateful. I didn’t have the energy for more battles. 
One afternoon, as we sat together in my apartment, Emma turned to me. “Have you thought about making a bucket list?” she asked softly. 

Her words hit me like a tidal wave. My heart sank. I hesitated, not wanting to acknowledge the truth behind her question. “I… I haven’t really given it much thought,” I murmured, my voice barely above a 

The idea of planning for the end of my life felt like admitting defeat. Like saying out loud that I didn’t have much time left. 
But I knew Emma was right. I couldn’t keep running from the inevitable. I needed to face my reality, no matter how terrifying it was. 
There was no escaping the truth. My life was slipping through my fingers. If I didn’t do something now, I’d leave this world with too many 

“You must have some things you’ve always wanted to do,” he insisted, her eyes filled with a mix of determination and sorrow. 
I thought about it, and together, we came up with a list. I wanted to see the sunrise at Rivermont Beach, try painting again, and visit the old bookstore where I spent hours as a child. Simple things, but they 
mattered to me. 
Emma made it her mission to ensure I ticked off each one. Robert 
joined us for some of the activities, his presence a quiet comfort. 

But even as I tried to focus on these small joys, the weight of my situation pressed down on me. I couldn’t shake the regrets of the past. They haunted me, especially at night when the silence became overwhelming. 
Maybe if I had taken the elevator instead of the stairs that day, my baby would still be alive. Maybe if my father had stayed with me just a little longer that night, he wouldn’t have had the car accident. Maybe if I had been a better wife, Emerson would never have left me. All these maybes were driving me crazy. 
I visited my father often, talking to him as if he could hear me. Despite everything, he was still my father, and I loved him deeply. The mystery surrounding his actions with Lilith gnawed at me. But I chose to believe in the man who had always supported me. The man who had once been 
One day, I received an invitation to a high school alumni reunion. Emma insisted we go together, despite my reluctance. “T’ll be good for you,” she said, squeezing my hand. I agreed, more for her sake than my own. 
The reunion was held in a lavish venue. Most of my old classmates were living comfortably, their lives marked by success and wealth. I was the odd one out. The one whose life had taken a different, more painful path. 

As we mingled, the whispers started. “I heard you mar a rich man.” someone said, their tone dripping with sarcasm. “Where is he now?” 
The words stung, and I didn’t know how to respond. Another woman laughed, her eyes scanning me with disdain. “I bet it’s just a lie,” she sneered, eyeing my skinny figure and the modest dress I wore. 
Emma stepped in, her voice sharp as a knife. “She doesn’t need to explain herself to you.” But the damage was done. Their words had reopened old wounds. 
The conversation shifted to the establishment of a new medical 
enterprise. They were excited about it discussing the arrival of two important guests who were potential investors. I wasn’t interested. 

Their world felt so far removed from mine. 
Suddenly, one of them turned to me. His voice was laced with malice. Doesn’t your ‘husband‘ want to buy in?” 
I looked at him, feeling the anger and sadness well up inside me. I’m divorced,” I said flatly. “He’s dead now.” The words hung in the air, heavy and final. I couldn’t take their taunting any longer. 
“Well that’s a pity, Miss White,” a cold voice cut through the room, capturing everyone’s attention. 
I froze, recognizing the voice instantly. My heart pounded in my chest 

Chapter 46 Final Wishes & Regrets 
as I slowly turned to face the speake

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