Chapter 41 – Lost Potential 
Isabel’s POV 
e aves wеrе 
Emerson stood before me, scrolling through his phone. unreadable. There was something off about the way he looked at me, as if he was doubting whether I spoke the truth. “I don’t see any record of your call,” he finally said. 
I wondered if Lilith had hidden it from him. It wouldn’t surprise me. She was cunning like that. But that wasn’t what I wanted to discuss. I needed to focus on the real issue. 

“When are we signing the agreement?” I asked directly, my voice colder than I intended. I didn’t have the luxury to dance around the subject. I needed that money. My father’s life depended on it, and so did my own. I watched as Emerson’s expression shifted slightly, almost 
“Why are you in such a hurry?” His tone was careful, almost probing. He stepped closer. But I took a step back, unwilling to close the distance between us. 
“I need to save my father and support myself,” I replied flatly. It felt like I was stating the obvious. But Emerson seemed to be struggling with something more profound, something that he couldn’t put into words. 

For a moment, there was silence between us. I couldn’t help but let my mind drift back to how things used to be. Before all this chaos took over. Before my life spiraled into this endless nightmare.. 

or was 
Before I met Emerson, I had been a straight–A student in university. My future had seemed bright and full of possibilities. My so proud of me, always pushing me to reach for the stars. He was my biggest supporter, my rock. And then my feelings for Emerson entered my life like a whirlwind. He swept me off my feet with his charm and wealth. 
still remember hang at the crema when I cattered all my 
courage and confessed my feelings to him. His agreement to give us a To Tad sent me over the moon. I was so in love fallecit consume me 
When te proposed don’t restate to say yes. That was when I made the fareful decision to give up furter sudes. I thought I was making the right stora fat was muesing in our love and our future to ter 

I could still see the disappoiment in my father’s eyes when I told him was leaving school be had always been suspicious of Emerson, rever fuly musing am Sur Emerson was ich successful and he promised to make care of me. I believed him. And so did my father, abet ralumantu 
Our families had been close for years, practically imerwined it seemed 
The the perfect match. My fate, thoigh restant, accepted Emerson.  ́E STOUGË TË Mould que me the life deserved how wrong we both 
Looking at Emerson now, I felt a surge of biteness. The man I had OnCE (ved with all my heart now seemed like a stranger. How had I seen so bine? How did not see thathis love for me was never real? That had been nothing more than a pawn in his twisted game? His Tear fad always belonged to Liith had been a fool to think otherwise 
Trapel Emerson’s voice broke through my foughts, pulling me bac to the present His tone was softer now, almost hesitant There’s Sonering me need to do before signing the agreement” 

I eased an eyebrow, confused What is it?” 
I prysra svatnation” he said, nswords dow and deliberate, as if te was testing how I would react it’s important that you get one before we fraize eryting 
I stared at fire, no congeeding. Why are you so obsessed with my Raito The station in my voice was palpable. You can see I’m 

struggling. Isn’t that enough? What more do you want from me?” 
His eyes searched mine, but he didn’t answer right away. Instead, he just stood there, watching me. As if he was waiting for some .ng. It was infuriating. 
“I’m tired, Emerson,” I said, my voice breaking slightly. “I’m tired of all this. If you want me to get the examination, fine. I’ll do it. But don’t think for a second that I’m doing it for you. 
I couldn’t believe I was giving in to his request. But the truth was, I was beyond caring. Maybe, just maybe, if I went along with his ridiculous demands, I could finally get what I needed and be free of him forever. 
But as I agreed, a dark thought crept into my mind. How would he react. if he knew my secret? The thought of it made me shiver. 

There was a part of me, deep down, that wanted to see his face when he realized what I had been hiding. Would he feel regret? Would he finally understand the pain I had been going through? Or would he just see it as another obstacle to overcome in his endless pursuit of control? 
Whatever it was, I was tired of guessing. I was done trying to figure out what made Emerson tick. All I wanted was to move on. To start fresh and leave this nightmare behind. But first, I needed to survive this one. last encounter with the man who had once been the center of my world.

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