Chapter 38 – Shadows of Desire 
Emerson’s POV 
Since Isabel vanished from the hospital, I hadn’t seen her. My calls went unanswered, which only fueled my frustration and anxiety. Isabel, where are you?! 
Every night was a torment of nightmares. I saw Isabel homeless and lost. She wandered alone in freezing streets, e sed to the biting cold. 
In other dreams, she lost her hair in bunches and lost more and more weight. Until all that was left was a hollow shell. Her once–lustrous hair and curves were gone, leaving behind only a skeleton. The images plagued me, leaving me restless and guilty. 

I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to do something. I picked up the phone and dialed the lawyer. “We need to talk about the divorce settlement,” I said, my voice lacking its usual firmness. “I want to make some changes.” 
He hesitated before responding. “What kind of changes?” 
“I’m willing to give Isabel the apartment,” I admitted. “She needs a place to stay. And I stopped, my thoughts clouded by the realization of what I was offering. “-and some additional money. Just make sure it’s fair. Oh, and tell her she has to sign the papers in person. I need to see her.” 
The lawyer agreed, though I could sense his confusion. 

I expected Isabel to contact me soon. The offer would make her situation a bit easier. But as the day wore on, there was no sign of her. 

Instead, my phone buzzed with messages and calls from Lilith. Her frustration was palpable in her texts. I hadn’t answered her calls since that night. I’d been avoiding her, but I couldn’t ignore her forever. 
When I finally picked up, her voice was surprisingly sweet, almost disarming. “Surprise,” she said, her tone cheerful. “I’m back in Rivermont 
The surprise struck me like a jolt. Why was she back so soon? Was it because of the phone call? She heard me say ‘Isabel, which caused her to be suspicious. I didn’t ask. The possibility made me uneasy. 
“Liam and I miss you,” Lilith continued “We’re at my you come over for dinner tonight?* 

e. Why don’t 

She hadn’t moved in with me. I couldn’t understand why the idea of 

living with someone else in the house where I had once lived with isabel made me so uncomfortable 
Shouldn’t I be excited to live with my first and only love? Perhaps seeing Lilith again would be good forme. Perhaps it would help me forget about Isabel. At least for a while 
I joined Lilith and Liam for dinner Lilith was wearing a new dress. “I got it in Thailand. What do you think?” She asked with a twirl, while blinking her fake eyelashes ostentatiously. The dress was extremely revealing in an almost distasteful way. “It’s, uh, lovely. It really brings out your curves,” I said 
The evening was strained. We ate mostly in silence, exchanging occasional chitchat After Liam went to bed, I was ready to leave Thanks, hun. It was good to see you again,” I said as I stood up from the 

But Lilith had other plans. She leaned closer, her touch lingering. She pulled me in for a hug and kissed me passionately 
Tve missed you, Emerson. I hope you haven’t been naughty while I was away,” she said in a coy voice. I swallowed hard “Perhaps you need little reminder of what I mean to you” 
I knew what she wanted. Leould see in her eyes, the way her lips brushed against mine. But I wasn’t in the mood. I excused myself, mumbling something about needing & shower. I could see the disappointment in her eyes. 
ne? Why 

The hot water beat down on me as I ted to clear my mind. My thoughts kept drifting back to Isabel What was wrong w was I unable to be intimate with Lily? 
I had always been drawn to Lilith. Her raven hair and slanted eyes had a feline allure. Her body was shapely and fit, with proportions that were striking, though some of that perfection was enhanced by surgery. But now, her beauty fell superficial. 
In contrast, Isabel’s natural charm was captivating. Her golden hair and sun–kissed skin seemed to radiate a genuine warmth. Her natural curves and full, luscious lips spoke of an effortless beauty that Lilith’s artificial looks couldn’t match. 
I turned off the shower and dried myself, but the unease lingered. My mind replayed the last few days. The quilt gnawed at me. I had been so absorbed in my feelings for Isabel that I had neglected Lilith, 
The next morning, my assistant arrived with urgent news, “I found Isabel’s current address,” he said, handing me an envelope. “And… I saw her with someone. A man. I took a few photos.” 

I opened the envelope and looked at the photographs. My heart sank. There was Isabel, looking somewhat weary but not alone. A man stood beside her, his back turned toward the lens. But I didn’t need to see his face. I knew exactly who he was.

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