Chapter 37–The Price of Survival 
Isabel’s POV 
I krew signing the papers was a trap But I needed the money, so I had no other choice. I avoided thinking about the uneasy encounter that awaited me with Emerson. The last thing I wanted was 
had to sign those papers to secure my future 
ce him, but I 

The next morning, I woke up with a pounding headache. My thoughts felt like they were tangled in a dense fog. I forced myself out of bed and made a simple breakfast eggs on toast and tea. 
I needed to clear my head, so I decided to take a brisk walk and explore the area. The sun was shining. The fresh air felt good against my skin. 
The suburb was picturesque and tranquil. White picket fences lined the streets. The sound of children playing in the distance reminded me of a simpler time. I dialed Emma’s number while I strolled, hoping to catch up with her and escape the overwhelming stress for a few moments. 
“Hey, Isabel! It’s so good to hear from you!” Emma’s voice was warm, but there was an edge of concern. 

“Hey, Emma. How are things? How’s everything at your parents‘ place?” 

“Oh, you know, it’s a bit cramped, but we’re managing. Mom’s been a saint, though. It’s hard with everything going on. But enough about me. Where have you been? I’ve been trying to reach you for days. I was 
I hesitated, gathering my thoughts before answering. “I’m okay. I’m living in the suburbs for a month, helping Robert’s sister. I’ve been… dealing with things. There was the fire, and then there’s Emerson. 
“What about Emerson?” Emma’s voice grew sharper with concern. 
“He’s been… out of control. He was the one who saved me from the fire. 

But since then he’s done some horrible things. He’s just constantly trying to control me,” I explained, desperation evident in my voice. 
“Isabel, I don’t get that man. He’s like a storm you can’t predict What’s he done now?” I could hear the fury in her voice. She had never liked Emerson. She always said he didn’t treat me well enough and I deserved better. Maybe she had been right all along. 
“He’s been plotting against my father. He’s trying to do a medical examination on me, and now he’s involved me in this twisted 
agreement. I need to sign papers to get the compensation h romised, but it’s all part of his game.” 
Emma sighed. “I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. You have to do what you need to for yourself. But be careful. He’s a powerful man. He could be dancerous.” 

“I will. Thanks for understanding, Em 
I ended the call. feeling a small sense of relief. Emma’s support, even from afar, was comforting. I returned to Robert’s sister’s house and called the lawyer. His voice was brisk on the other end. 
“The agreement is straightforward.” he said. “You’ll receive a sum of money and an apartment. Emerson has already signed. Once you sign, the agreement will be finalized” 
I felt a pang of confusion. Emerson’s behavior had been erratic, and ! couldn’t understand his motives. But had no time to think it through. My thoughts were interrupted by a sharp pain in my head. It hit me suddenly. A searing, neuseeting pain that made me clutch my temples. 
I stumbled to the bathroom, barely making it before I vomited. The sight of the sink, stained with blood, made my heart race. I felt a surge of quilt for inconveniencing Robert’s sister. The idea of her returning to a house stained with my suffering was mortifying 

Once I felt a little better, I dearned the sink, scrubbing away the 
remnants of my sickness, I fed the cats, trying to keep my frand off the throbbing pain in my head. 
Throughout the day, I kept busy cleaning the house and getting chore off my to do list. In the late afternoon was sitting in the garden with the tabby on my lap. 1 pondered about the lawyer’s offer 

The choice was clear. Signing the agreement would secure my financial future and reduce the burden on others. I couldn’t afford to be a 
problem for anyone else. 
By the evening, I made my decision, would sign the papers 
I dialed Emerson’s number, bracing myself for the inevitable taunts, Bun 
the call connected, it wasn’t Emerson’s voice that greeRES ME, 

“Hello?” Lilith’s voice was crisp and cheerful. 
I was taken aback. “Lilith? You’re supposed to be away for another Week” 
“I decided to come back early. Sorry dear, Emerson’s not available. He’s in the shower. We just had a wonderful night together, she laid it on thick. 
Her words were like a knife twisting in my gut. I felt a wave of sickness wash over me again. I couldn’t stand to hear about their intimate 

“I don’t need to hear this,” I said, barely controlling my voice. “Tell him to call me back.” I ended the call abruptly.

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