Chapter 32–Critical Moments 
Why heart dropped when I heard the maid’s scream. Panic surged through me. I knew something must be wrong with Isabel. I ended my calll with Lilith scrupthe 
Rushing down the hall, I felt a cold sweat on my brow. Images of Isabel in canger fleshed through my mind. couldn’t bear the thought of losing her. I recalled all the beautiful moments we’d shared. Memories of laughter and tender words dashed violently with our twisted relationship now.. 
I reached her door, my breath shallow and uneven. The scene inside was worse than I feared. Isabel lay on the bed, her face contorted in pain. Her skin was mottled with red blotches. It was dear she was hexing a severe allergic reaction. The sight of mango residue on the bed explained it all 
I turned to the maid fury bubbling over. “Who allowed you to give her mangoes? Don’t you know she’s allergic to them? You’re fired! 

Her face paled. “I didn’t know, sit. She asked for it herself. 
“Enough” I snapped, cutting her off. My focus was solely on Isabel now. I knelt beside her, trying to wake her. Isabel, can you hear me?” My voice was desperate. She didn’t respond. The seventy of the suction hit me like a punch to the gut. 
The maid’s apology was a distant echo. I was too engulfed in my own fear to hear her pleas. My thoughts were a chectic mess I could barev process anything beyond the sight oflsabel’s labored breathing. 
The room seemed to spin. My heart gounded in my chest. I reached for Isabel’s hand hoping to offer some comfort. Her skin was clammy per 

pulse weak. My mind raced, trying to think of what to do next 

Just then, Eric burst into the room with a concerned look on his face. He took in the scene with wide eyes. “What happened?” he asked, his voice tinged with alarm. “Why is she like this?” 
“She had an allergic reaction,” I explained quickly, trying to keep my voice steady. “The maid gave her mangoes, and she’s allergic. What do we do?” I asked, with an angry glance in the maid’s direction. 
Eric wasted no time. He moved to Isabel’s side, examining h. with practiced efficiency. His brow furrowed as he assessed her condition. ” We need to get her to the hospital immediately. The allergic reaction could trigger anaphylactic shock if we don’t act fast!” 
The urgency in his voice jolted me into action. I helped him carefully lift Isabel off the bed. She felt so small and fragile in my arms. The gravity of the situation hit me anew. I glanced at the maid, who was still standing there, wringing her hands, 
“What are you still doing here? Just go home,” I said in a stern voice.” We’ll handle this.” 

Eric and I carried Isabel to the car. My mind was a whirlwind of panic and frustration. I tried to push away the guilt gnawing at me. 
As we loaded Isabel into the car, I fumbled with my phone. The screen lit up with a flood of missed calls and a bunch of angry messages from Lilith. I sighed heavily, feeling the weight of my choices press down on 


Lilith’s suspicious attitude and relentless questioning made me uneasy. I didn’t like feeling scrutinized or controlled. Her lack of trust was palpable, and it stung. But then I questioned myself–did she have a reason to doubt me? After all, I had been preoccupied with Isabel for weeks. 
As I glanced over at Isabel, any thoughts of Lilith faded. There, beside me in the back seat of Eric’s car, Isabel lay with her golden hair spread

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