Chapter 31 – Fruitful Deception 
Isabel’s POV 
The bed in my old home felt like a strange comfort. It was surreal to be here again, knowing my life had shifted so drastically. The villa, once a symbol of my success and happy marriage, was now home to Lilith- the woman who had destroyed it all. 
The sprawling modern villa was a marvel. High ceilings, sleek marble floors and expansive glass windows that framed lush gardens and a shimmering pool. It had been my haven. 
Now, it was a place of bittersweet nostalgia. Emerson was with Lilith now. They had Liam. The child I was carrying, Emerson’s baby, was gone. I was painfully aware of the nursery next door. The one I had prepared meticulously, I hadn’t had the courage to go in there again. It would hurt too much. 

I glanced over at the bedside table. A photo of Lilith, Emerson and Liam seemed to mock me with their happiness. I sighed and set the frame face down. I couldn’t bear the sight of them. 
I lay there, staring at the ceiling. I felt the weight of my secrets pressing down on me. I couldn’t let Emerson know about my cancer, not now. The thought of Eric examining me made my stomach churn. 

I needed to keep my condition a secret, at least until I figured out my next steps. Emerson had been meddling in my life more than enough. I couldn’t handle his strange and erratic behavior anymore. 

The room felt empty despite its grandeur. I glanced around, searching for something that could help me. My eyes fell on the fruit bowl on the coffee table. An idea sparked in my mind as I recalled something I noticed yesterday. I called the maid over. 

“Excuse me,” I said, forcing a smile. “I’m feeling a little dizzy. 
Something healthy might help. Could you bring me some fruit? I’d love some mango if you have one. 
The maid nodded, her expression poffte but curious. “Of course, ma’am. I’ll be right back.” 
As she left, I felt a pang of quilt. She was probably new here, trying her best in a job that wasn’t easy. But right now, had to prioritize getting out of that examination, whatever it took Mughts were racing. Would my plan work? I knew it was risky, but I had no choice. 
When the maid returned with a plate at mango, I thanked her sincerely.” Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.” 

She smiled and tried to engage in small talk. For my plan to work, I needed her to leave and return shortly. I gently asked, “Oh, could you check if there’s a book I might borrow from the study? I’d love to read something.” 
As she left the room to fetch the book I glanced at the mango slices arranged neatly on the plate. They were cut into perfect, delicate pieces. I felt a twinge of regret for the maid, knowing she was only doing her job. 
With a deep breath, I picked up the fruit fork and began eating the mango slices. I ate quickly, but savored each bite. The sweet, juicy mango was a fleeting pleasure. 
Once I finished, I lay back on the bed, closing my eyes. I waited for the mango to work its magic. Slowly but surely, I felt my body react. 
The silence was abruptly shattered when the maid returned. She was clutching a couple of books. “Ma’am wasn’t sure about your preferences. Can you tell me 

Her voice trailed off as she saw me lying there. Her face went pale. She let out a shrill, deafening scream. 
The itch on my skin was intensifying noticed my throat tightening My mango allergy was flaring up. My vision blurred as I struggled to 
breate. I must look terrifying–I knew how much my face swelled up when I had an allergic reaction. 
Emerson burst into the room, his voice filled with sto and fear.” Isabell What’s happening? 
I tried to speak, but my voice came out as a raspy whisper. I could see Emerson’s eyes darting between me, the mango leftovers and the maid. who was now standing frozen in terror 

Emerson started yelling at her, his voice echoing in the room. The maid just stood there, frozen. Her face was still contorted in horror. Emerson knelt beside me, his hands trembling as he looked for any sign of what to do 
I felt my consciousness slipping away. My breaths came in ragged gasps, and the room seemed to spin around me. The last thing I saw was Emerson’s panicked face leaning over me 
Good, I thought through the haze. Everything is going to plan.

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