Chapter 30 – Lines Crossed. 
Emerson’s POV 
It was the middle of the night. After the doctor’s visit, my fever subsided. I woke up extremely thirsty. I desperately needed a glass. of water. “Isabel?” I called out in the darkness. I touched the bed “next to me, trying to feel where she was. But her side of the bed was 
I switched on the light and looked around. Where was she? She had promised to take care of me, hadn’t she? How could she leave me when I had a fever? “Isabel!” I called out again. No response. 

I really needed water. “I suppose I’ll have to get it myself then,” I muttered, frustration bubbling over. I got out of bed, slipped into my robe and made my way down the hallway. On my way to the bathroom, I noticed a light shining under the door of my study. 
That’s strange… Did I forget to turn it off? I opened the door and… There she was. Isabel. What was she doing in my study? I watched her fervently clicking through files on my computer. She was so focused, she didn’t even notice me entering. 
How dare she? There’s classified information on there! What is she even- Oh. It suddenly hit me. I knew what she was after. She must be looking through the files about her father. How did she find out? 
I stood there for a while, my anger building as I watched. Why didn’t I change my password right after our divorce? The files, the evidence against Allen White–she was digging into my private affairs with no right. Her audacity mirrored her father’s. It made my blood boil. 

“Isabel!” My voice thundered through the room. She looked up at me, startled like a deer in headlights. I expected her to be apologetic and submissive that’s how she usually responded to my anger. But instead, her intense rage surprised me. 

+15 BONUS 
“What is this, Emerson?! Did you have anything to do with my father’s bankruptcy?” She had always been protective over her father. Her fierce blue eyes made my heart flutter. I had a weakness for strong women who didn’t stand down. But I couldn’t let her 
notice my feelings. 
“How dare you question me?” I retorted, trying to sound even more 

As she continued throwing insults and allegations at me, I started feeling dizzy. My fever had weakened me significantly. And I still hadn’t had any water. 
I stumbled and held my head, trying to steady myself. She reached out a hand to help me, but my instincts kicked in. I was still wound up and charged from our fight. I pushed her away. But she was. much weaker than I expected. 
I never meant to hurt her. I didn’t plan for any of this. When I saw her fall and the glass shatter, I was horrified. My subconscious push had caused her pain. 
The sight of her blood–so stark against the hardwood floor–made. my stomach churn. I was in shock, standing there like a statue. It was the maid who finally snapped me out of my daze and reminded me to call a doctor. “Eric. Call Eric,” I demanded. He would be able to help. And he could finally examine her, like I’ve been wanting him to do for weeks. 

When Eric arrived, he looked puzzled. “What’s going on?” he asked, his exhaustion evident. “You called me in the middle of the night. I’ve had an extremely tiring day full of surgeries and consultations. Are you seriously sick or injured? You don’t look like you are.” 
I could see his confusion. He expected a medical emergency, not this. “I have a low fever,” I said, brushing off his concern. “But it’s not about me. It’s Isabel. She’s injured.” 
Eric’s eyebrows shot up. “What happened? Did you hit her?” He knew about our divorce and my impulsive temperament. He obviously suspected me. 
“No,” I replied quickly, feeling a pang of guilt. “I just pushed her. It was an accident. I didn’t mean for it to go this far.” 
“Eric moved swiftly, his professional demeanor taking over. “Alright, let me take care of her. I’ll clean the wounds and make sure they don’t get infected. Keep her away from water.” 

I watched him enter the room, my heart heavy. I knew Isabel wouldn’t want to see me right now, so I stood outside the door. My mind was racing as I peered at Isabel through the crack. I couldn’t stop thinking about the files she’d found. The way she looked at met was more than I could bear. I had never seen her so angry. 
Eric emerged from the room after a short while. He looked more composed but still tired. I pulled him aside, speaking in a low voice. Can you do a physical examination for Isabel?” 
Eric glanced at me, a hint of irritation in his eyes. “I can perform at basic exam. But I need to fetch some equipment from my car. Wait 

I nodded, watching him walk away. I turned to find something to distract myself. My mind was a whirlwind of thoughts. I walked to the study and opened my computer. I absently scrolled through my social media feed. The images and updates blurred together. Nothing seemed real–everything felt distant and disconnected. 
I saw Lilith posted something a few minutes ago. A holiday selfie of her and her friend on the beach, sipping cocktails. I supposed it was the middle of the day in Thailand. I gave the photo a like and reminded myself to message her back soon. With everything going on lately, I had been ignoring her messages. 
Moments later, my phone buzzed. Lilith’s name flashed across the screen. By liking her post I obviously notified her that I was awake. My bad. 
I hesitated. I wasn’t in the right headspace to talk to her right now. My mind was preoccupied with Isabel. But she hadn’t heard from me in days. She must be worried. I decided to answer the call. “Hello?” 
“Hey, honey,” Lilith’s voice was warm but tinged with resentment. It’s good to finally hear from you. I saw you were online. Isn’t it the middle of the night there?” 

I cleared my throat, trying to sound more composed than I felt. “It is, but… I had a fever and…” 
“A fever?” Lilith’s voice sharpened with worry. “What happened? Are you alright?” 
I took a deep breath, searching for the right words. But my mind was a jumbled mess. “Uhm, it’s a long story. There was a fire, and…” 
“A fire?!” Lilith’s gasp was audible even over the phone. “Are you okay? And Liam? Is he alright?” 
I could sense her panic and quickly tried to reassure her. “Yes, I’m fine. Don’t worry. Liam’s with my parents. He’s safe.” 

“Thank God,” Lilith said, relief evident in her tone. “But what about you? What’s going on? Why didn’t you call me earlier? And where are you now?” 
All her questions overwhelmed me. I fumbled for a plausible explanation. “It’s a complicated situation,” I said, trying to sound nonchalant. “I’m handling it. It’s just been a long night. I’ll explain everything later.” 
Suddenly, a blood–curdling scream pierced through the cut night. The sound came 
my throat. “Isabel,” I whispered without thinking. 
“What was that?!” Lilith asked, suspicion evident in her voice. “Did you say… Isabel? And was that a scream? Emerson, what is going on there? I demand an expl-” 

promptly ended the call. I’d deal with Lilith later. I must find out 
what happened to Isabel. I sprinted towards her room. The scream “echoed in my ears. 


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