Chapter 26–Bound by Secrets 
Isabel’s POV 
I returned to the bedroom. My hands were trembling as I tried to mask the storm of emotions raging inside me. The email I had juust seen haunted my thoughts. 
“Evidence of Allen White’s crimes, What were they talking about? Had Emerson been behind my father’s downfall all along? Yechere he was, injured because he risked his life to save me. It didn’t make 
any sense. 

I took a deep breath and forced my expression into something neutral Emerson was still where I left him. Sitting on the edge of the bed, shirdess. His back was full of deep gashes and burns. The sight of the wounds stirred something in me a mix of pity and anger. If he hated my father so much, why would he save my life? 
“Let’s get this over with,” I said quietly. I approached him with the first–aid kit in hand. 
He didn’t say a word, just nodded and turned his head away. I started to clean his wounds. My touches were as gentle as possible despite the turmoil inside me. My mind kept drifting back to that email. Was there a possibility that Emerson had orchestrated everything that had led to my father’s downfall? 
Perhaps there were more clues on his laptop. I must try to find out more when I get the chance. 

As I finished cleaning the wounds, the doctor finally arrived. He was a middle–aged man with a stern expression. He quickly assessed the situation. After one frowning glance at the wounds, he told us that Emerson’s injuries were more severe than we’d realized. He prescribed some topical medicine and antibiotics. 

tof infection.” the doctor said as he prepared to 
leave. “He needs rest. Someone should stay with him to monitor his condition. If his fever worsens, call me immediately.” 
I nodded, though the thought of staying with Emerson made my stomach twist. But what choice did I have? He had saved my life, and now he was injured because of me. I couldn’t walk away, even if my heart was screaming at me to leave. 
As soon as the doctor had left the room, Emerson took the opportunity to impose further. “You’ll stay in the same room,” he said, his tone leaving no room for arguing. “You owe me that much.” 
I glared at him, but I supposed I could use it in my favor. It wasn’t. just about repaying a debt. It was also about finding out the truth. I needed to stay close to him, to figure out what was really going on. But I wouldn’t make it easy for him. 

“Fine,” I agreed reluctantly, “but I’m keeping the lights on. And don’t. you dare try anything.” 
He chuckled, though there was no humor in it. “Don’t flatter yourself,” he retorted, turning his back to me as he settled into bed. 
The bed was wide. I positioned myself as far from him as possible. But no matter the distance, I couldn’t escape the turmoil inside me. Sleep eluded me. The soft glow of the lamp beside me didn’t help. 
I lay there, staring at the ceiling. My mind was racing with unanswered questions. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw the email again. I was worried about my dear father. It appeared even more trouble may be awaiting him. 
The hours ticked by. I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was missing something. Emerson’s betrayal, the way he had risked everything for me, the email–it didn’t add up. My thoughts spun in endless circles. Each one brought me back to the same unsettling conclusion: I needed to know more. 

As the night wore on, the silence in the room became deafening. I couldn’t take it anymore. I needed to get out. To clear my head. To figure out what to do next. 
I sat up slowly, careful not to make a sound. But as I turned to check. if Emerson was asleep, I noticed something that made my heart skip a beat. 
His face was flushed, his breathing labored. Beads of sweat dotted his forehead. His skin was hot to the touch. Panic surged through me. Emerson had a fever. His wounds must’ve gotten infected. I shook him gently, trying to wake him. 
“Emerson,” I whispered urgently, “Emerson, wake up.” 
There was no response. His eyes remained closed. Fear gripped me, and I shook him harder. 

“Emerson, wake up! You’re burning up, you need help!” I said with a trembling voice. 
He stirred slightly, but instead of waking, he reached out and 
grabbed my hand. His grip was weak. But he held on as if he were clinging to life itself. Then he murmured, “Don’t go. Please… I love you.” 
I froze, my heart pounding in my chest. His words hung in the air, heavy and filled with emotion. For a moment, I couldn’t move, couldn’t think. All I could do was stare at him. The man who had caused me so much pain, yet now seemed so vulnerable. 
What was I supposed to do with that? 


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