Chapter 21 – Emerson’s Awakening 
Emerson’s POV 
I walked into the bar at my friend Alex’s party. I needed to vent my negative emotions. The looming divorce had annoyed me for many days, gnawing at my peace. I was grateful for his invitation. The bar ‘seemed like the best place to go. 
The thumping bass of the music and the clinking glasses should have been a distraction. But my mind was elsewhere. Thoughts of Isabel and our unraveling relationship overwhelmed me. I had some shots, trying to numb my confused feelings. 
Suddenly, I caught sight of a familiar face. Could it be? I made my way up closer through the crowd, and… There she was – Isabel! I was shocked. What was she doing in a place like this? 

She looked drunk. She was teetering on the edge of her stool with a drink in hand. I never thought she would be at this type of party. But tonight, she was here, and she looked… different. 
Her sweet smile and flushed cheeks made her seem almost ethereal under the bar’s neon lights. Her golden hair waved around her beautiful face. I couldn’t help being attracted to her. She was so different today–sexy and glamorous. I never thought she could be so hot. 
I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts. Realizing what I was thinking about, I warned myself, “I love Lilith. I can’t betray her!” But the sight of Isabel pulled me in: 
A sudden realization hit me: Isabel had always been an incredibly beautiful woman. I had just denied it for a long time. 

Suddenly, I saw a nasty man grabbing her waist. She was so drunk she just let it happen. As a man, I knew what his intentions were. Anger boiled up inside me, overwhelming my senses. 

“Isabel!” I shouted, breaking a glass to stop the man. Everyone in the bar turned to look at me, stunned by the outburst. The man let her go as soon as he saw the rage in my eyes. 
What was happening to me? I was beyond reason. There was only one thought in my mind, “I must take her away from this dirty place!” 
I marched over and grabbed her hand. I pulled her toward my car. She struggled, but her protests fell on deaf ears. I was determined. 
The drive back to my place was silent, except for her occasional mumbled protests. I couldn’t help but steal glances at her. Her look in the bar kept replaying in my mind. 

She had an angry outburst when she saw Robert’s car. I couldn’t believe it – that man again? Was she so obsessed with him? Only when I told her it wasn’t him, she relaxed again. 
I just had to spend more time with her. Lilith and the baby were out of town to a spa for her birthday….So I told Isabel a little lie about my lost watch to get her to come home with me. 
Once we arrived at my villa, I helped her inside. “You’ll stay in the master bedroom with me,” I said firmly. 
She glared at me, her eyes filled with fury. She turned around without a word and retreated to the bathroom. 
While she was showering, I couldn’t get the image of her in the bar out of my mind. She was intoxicating. My desire to approach her was overwhelming. 

When I heard the hum of the hairdryer, I opened the door just slightly, using the noise to cover my movements. There she was, wrapped in a towel. Her damp skin glistened like a dew drop. 
What was happening to me? When she noticed me in the mirror, her anger flared. I approached her and reached out my hand. 
“Get away!” she warned. I lost control and kept trying to get closer to her. My emotions were spiraling out of control. Until she slapped me. 
The hit instantly woke me up from my enchantment. What was ! doing?! Embarrassed, I left her alone and went out for more drinks. It was my turn to get drunk. 
-The next morning, I woke up with a pounding headache and fragmented memories of the previous night. I tried hard to recall what happened. Did I… drag her under the cold shower, clothes on and all? Oh God. It’s too embarrassing. I shook my head. 

As I was having a coffee, looking out over my garden, a sudden. memory startled me. I vaguely remembered Isabel saying something like “death“? I tried my best to remember her exact words, but failed. I needed a shower to clear my mind. 
When I went to the bathroom, I noticed the shower was full of long, golden hair. It must be Isabel’s. Why was she losing so much hair? This wasn’t normal! A surge of panic gripped my heart. 
I couldn’t shake the feeling something was seriously wrong. I grabbed my phone and called one of my contacts. “Hello, Eric. Your acquired a private hospital, right? I need to ask you something.”

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