Chapter 17 – Unwanted Encounters 
Isabel’s POV 
Emma and Robert were my constant support during my chemotherapy. They made the unbearable bearable. Their friendship was like a comforting balm. Emma, ever the optimist, *often suggested I start a new relationship. Her own new crush 
seemed to have reignited her belief in love. 
One evening, as we sat together, her phone buzzed incessantly. Annoyance flashed across her face as she checked the messages. “What’s wrong?” I asked, noticing her frown. 

“Alex invited me to a party. He wants me to meet his friends. But I don’t want to go. We’re not even dating,” she replied, sounding frustrated. 
“Why don’t you give it a try? You might have fun,” I encouraged her, though I wasn’t feeling very social myself. 
Emma’s eyes lit up with an idea. “Isabel! Let’s go together!” 
“Me? I’m not used to these kinds of occasions,” I protested. 

“Come on! Just accompany me. You don’t want your friend to be lonely, do you?” 

Reluctantly, I agreed. Her excitement was infectious. She dragged me to her spacious closet and began picking out dresses. After selecting a stunning outfit, she helped me with my makeup and hair. 
I stood in front of the mirror, barely recognizing the woman staring back at me. Emma had truly worked her magic. She had chosen a stunning dress for me. It was both sexy and tasteful. 
The deep navy fabric clung to my curves in all the right places. The plunging neckline hinted at allure without being 

Delicate silver embroidery adorned the dress, catching the light and adding a touch of sophistication 

My hair, usually limp and lifeless frn the chemo, was now a cascade of soft curls framing my face. Emma had applied my makeup with a deft hand, in a way that accentuated my natural beauty My eyes appeared larger, more luminous My lips were painted a subtle, rosy hue that complemented the dress perfectly 
“You look beautiful! Emerson must be regretting everything if he saw you now,” Emma said, admiring her handiwork 
As I gazed at my reflection, I felt a pang of sadness. This beautiful facade was temporary. Chemo would soon take its toll on my appearance. My thoughts were interrupted by Emma’s voice 
“It’s just like back in the day, isn’t it?” she said, walking up to stand beside me. “Remember how we used to go out together and conquer the dating world?” 
I smiled at the memory. Emma had always been the vibrant one. The life of every party. Tonight was no exception. 

She looked stunning in an emerald green dress that hugged her athletic frame. The color made her skin glow. The dress had a 
daring slit up one side, revealing her toned legs. She paired it with strappy heels that added to her height. Her red hair was styled in a long wavy bob, 
“Yeah, those were the days,” I said, trying to match her enthusiasm.” You always knew how to make an entrance.” 
“And you always knew how to leave an impression,” she replied with a wink. “Tonight will be no different,” 
She looped her arm through mine, and we faced our reflections together. We looked like we were ready to take on the world. Just as we had in the past. 

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For a moment, the weight of my illness, my divorce, and all the heartache seemed to lift. Emma’s infectious energy had a way of making everything feel possible. 
“Let’s go show them what they’ve been missing,” she said, her eyes sparkling with excitement. 
‘I nodded, taking a deep breath. “Let’s do it.” 
We left the apartment, Emma’s confident strides guiding us out the door. I tried to absorb some of her determination. I hoped it would sustain me through the night. 

As we made our way to the club, I couldn’t help but feel a flicker of hope. Maybe, just for tonight, I could forget about the pain and the struggles. Maybe I could reclaim a piece of the carefree girl I used to be. 
When we arrived, Emma’s crush, Alex, greeted us warmly. The atmosphere was lively and intoxicating. I was a bit tipsy and found myself surrounded by several men. One of them draped his arm over my shoulder. Though I knew I should push him away, the alcohol dulled my reactions. 
Suddenly, Emma grabbed the microphone and shouted, “Let’s 
celebrate my best friend Isabel being single again! Happy divorce!” 
The room erupted in cheers. Amidst the noise, a furious shout rang out, “Isabel!” 

I turned to see Emerson, his face a mask of anger. Alex, looking surprised, greeted him, “Hey, Emerson, what took you so long?” 
Emma frowned, clearly displeased. “You two know each other?” 
“Yes, we’re old friends,” Alex replied. 
Emerson strode over to me, pushing away the man with his arm on 
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my shoulder. He grabbed my wrist, dragging me outside despite my protests. 
“Why are you here? Are you seducing other men?” he demanded angrily. 
“It’s none of your business. We’re divorced, remember?” I shot back. 
Ignoring my words, he forced me into his car. As we drove, my eyes caught sight of a familiar vehicle involved in an accident. It was Robert’s car. Panic surged through me. 
“Stop the car! That’s Robert’s car!” I yelled, slapping the window. 

Emerson’s cold voice cut through the panic, “It’s just a small punishment.” 
“What?! You did this?” I asked in shock.

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