Chapter 11 – Unbearable Moments 
Isabel’s POV 
Emerson let go of my shoulders and hurried downstairs. He left me in the storage room. I stood there for several minutes, trying to compose myself before following him. 
I was confused about my own feelings. Why did Emerson care so much about Robert? He had a new family now. And why did I still feel attracted to him after all he had done to me? I took a deep breath to clear my mind, then walked out. 
I walked through the corridor filled with pictures of Emerson’s forefathers. They looked down on me with stern and serious expressions as I walked by. It was as if they were silently judging 


“I know I no longer belong here…” I murmured. “I’ll be gone from the Williams family soon enough.” 
Although I knew it was the right decision, the thought of divorcing. Emerson still hurt. I had loved him so much. A future without him felt terrifying. Especially with my medical condition, and my father’s uncertain future… 
When I finally came downstairs, I saw a crowd gathered around Lilith and the baby. The little one was crying uncontrollably. 
Emerson was barking orders at the housekeeper, “Contact our private doctor, right now! And hurry up!” Because of his fever, the baby couldn’t stop crying. Lilith looked pitiful. Her eyes were red and wet with tears as she cried for Emerson’s comfort. 

Emerson looked genuinely worried. He was comforting Lilith while crooning to their baby boy, Liam. 

Even though I wasn’t Liam’s mother, I felt heartbroken seeing him in 
pain. I couldn’t help but step forward. “If you don’t mind, I can help. I did a baby first aid course during my pregnancy. I know how to handle this,” I offered. 
“No! Anyone but her!” Lilith cried out, fiercely rejecting my offer. Emerson looked at me suspiciously. But Andrew Williams, concerned for his grandson’s health, agreed. “The baby’s health is of .uttermost importance. Personal quarrels shouldn’t get in the way,” 

he said firmly. “Go ahead, Isabel.” 
First, I asked everyone to make space. Having too many people around was overstimulating the baby. I took the baby in my arms as I ordered a maid to get a wet towel. As soon as she brought it, I gently placed it on Liam’s forehead to help cool him down. 
I cradled and rocked the baby, humming a soothing lullaby. 
Gradually, he stopped crying. Everyone around us was shocked. Little Liam stared at me with his beautiful blue eyes. He grasped my finger with his tiny hand. 
“Hello, little one. It’s all right now. You’re safe,” I said softly. Liam. looked at me as if he understood. A little smile played on his lips. 

“Oh, what a little angel you are,” I crooned, gently stroking his head. He was so soft. So sweet. 
Lilith’s expression soured. She quickly took the child away from me.” My baby needs a quiet environment to wait for the doctor. Emerson, find us a peaceful room,” she ordered. Emerson, still looking concerned, took them away from the crowded ballroom. 
I stared at my empty hands. Liam’s little hand in mine was now just a memory. For a brief moment, I had imagined I was comforting my own child. But reality crashed back. Reminding me that it wasn’t my baby. I lost my baby. Tears started streaming down my cheeks. uncontrollably. 
Robert appeared by my side. He passed me a tissue. His presence 
felt comforting. “Are you okay?” He asked gently, putting a hand on my shoulder. 

“I’ll get over it,” I whispered, though wasn’t sure if I believed it myself. 
Suddenly, my phone rang, I quickly wiped away my tears before answering. It was a call from the court. The voice on the other end ‘informed me: 
“Goodday, ma’am. I hope you can assist me. Unfortunately, your father owes the bank a significant amount of money. The creditor sued him, but we can’t get hold of him. Do you have his updated contact details please?” 
“Oh no,” I said, trying to hold back a new flood of tears. Of course they couldn’t contact him- his condition wouldn’t allow it. 
The news hit me like a ton of bricks. How could things possibly get 


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