Chapter 88 
After managing to calm Lily down, I couldn’t shake the feeling that she was more concerned about Stephanie than the jeopardy her career faced. Given Stephanie’s tenacity, I knew she wouldn’t let this matter rest easily. 
Sliding into my car, I dialed Angelo’s number, and he answered promptly. “There’s been an incident between Lily and Stephanie at the central mall parking lot. I need you to obtain the CCTV footage for the entire day, no mutter the cost. Secure a copy for me and ensure the original is deleted.” I instructed briskly. 
“Is everything alright?” Angelo inquired, his tone laced with concern as he attempted to grasp the gravity of the situation. 
Just follow my instructions, Angelo,” I replied tersely before ending the call. 
My plan at the moment is to make my way to the hospital, hopeful that a conversation with Stephanie would help resolve the escalating conflict before it spiraled out of control. 

As I reached to start the car, a gentle tap on the window startled me. Turning. I saw Becky standing there, her expression serious. Opening the door, I stepped out, concern etched on my face. “Is everything alright?” I asked. Lily already fell asleep before I left, so everything should be fine with her. 
Becky met my gaze with intensity. “How serious is the trouble she’s in?” she asked bluntly, her tone brooking no evasion. “And do you have what it takes to resolve it?” Before I could respond, she raised a hand, silencing me with a firm gesture. “Give it to me straight, Ryan. I’m not Lily, and I’m not fragile. Don’t sugarcoat the truth for my sake.” 

“We will know how deep of a trouble she is in when I see the footage from the parking lot.” I replied, “but even if she is in trouble, I am not letting Lily go to jail. I have been in jail, and I know how fucked up it is in there and I am not letting my woman to go through that 
“And her license?” she asked, still not convinced that I will be able to get Lily out of this unscathed. “You are dealing with a family of lawyers that clearly hates Lily. They will do everything to see her go through pain. Will you be able to save her license?” 
“I swear it, nothing is going to happen to Lily and her career. 
She exhaled with relief. “I am sorry to say this Ryan, but this is all your fault. If you had really stayed away from Lily, she won’t have Stephanie trying to confront her at any point and she wouldn’t be in this mess.” 
As Becky’s words sank in, I couldn’t help but acknowledge the truth in her assessment. “I shouldn’t have divorced her,” I muttered ruefully, the weight of regret heavy in my chest. 
Becky’s nod of agreement only served to amplify my remorse. “Yes, you shouldn’t have,” she affirmed softly, her forced smile belying the gravity of the situation. Tl trust you one more time, Ryan. Let’s hope you don’t let me down again.” With that, she turned on her heel and walked away, leaving me to grapple with my own thoughts 
Watching her vanish into the elevator, I lingered for a moment before finally returning to my car. 
From Becky’s house, I made a detour to the flower shop, selecting a delicate bloom for Stephanie as a token of goodwill. With the flower in hand, I proceeded directly to the hospital 
Parking the car, I took a deep breath to steady my nerves before stepping inside. Making my way to the front desk, I inquired after Stephanie’s whereabouts. They didn’t have to ask for my name because they already know who I am and I know I am in the visitor’s list. Thanking her for the information, I turned and headed towards Stephanie’s ward, my footsteps echoing. 
Stepping into the elevator, I punched the button for Stephanie’s ward. As the elevator ascended, I couldn’t help but notice my father’s security detail stationed in the hallway, their respectful nods serving as a silent acknowledgement of my presence. 
Passing them by. I made my way to Stephanie’s room, my footsteps echoing in the quiet corridor. Pausing at the door, I rapped twice before entering, finding Stephanie seated upright, her gaze fixed on me with scrutiny as I crossed the threshold. 

“Hey I greeted softly, offering a tentative smile, unsure of how to approach a woman who had just suffered such a profound loss. Extending the bouquet of flowers towards her, I explained, “I brought these for you.” 
Her eyes flicked from me to the flowers, her expression unreadable. “I never imagined it would take me ending up in the hospital for you to bring me flowers,” she remarked dryly. 
Setting the bouquet on the bedside table, I took a seat beside her on the bed, my concern evident in the furrow of my brow. “How are 
you feeling I inquired gently, hoping to offer some semblance of comfort. 
Tfeel like I need a lung, she murmured, her voice choked with emotion. “It feels so surreal that there isn’t any baby growing in me 
Without hesitation, I wrapped my arms around her, offering what little solace I could in the face of her profound loss. “I’m sorry. Steph,” I whispered, my heart aching for her. “If I could, I would bring the baby back and take away this pain from you” 
Her tears sakes through my shirt as she buried her face against my chest, and I held her close, allowing her to release her grief in the safety of my embrace. I gently stroked her hack, offering silent reassurance as she let her emotions run their course. 
After a few minutes, Stephanie’s tears subsided, and she pulled back, wiping her cheeks with a trembling hand. T’m sorry I ruined your shirt,” she apologized, her voice barely above a whisper. 
“It’s fine, I reassured her, though my concern lay far beyond the state of my clothing 
Tu going to ste her, Ryan, she declared, her gaze fixed on her fingers as she spoke. “She’s going to face legal consequences for making me lose my child” 
Taking a deep breath, I met her gaze with a solemn expression. “What really happened?” I asked, eager to understand the events that had led to this tragic outcome. 
“She pushed me, and I fell, resulting in the loss of my baby and damage to my uterus as they tried to remove the rest, she recounted bitterly, her gaze narrowing as she awaited my response. “Did you come here because you genuinely don’t know what happened, or are you here to make excuses for her and take her side?” she spat, her tone laced with resentment. 
Taking a moment to collect my thoughts, I licked my lips, acutely aware of the delicate nature of our conversation. “Steph, I’m not here to make excuses for anyone, I began carefully, my voice measured. “But if Lily did push you, there must have been some interaction between you two that led to that moment,” 
Her scoff echoed in the rooms, disbelief etched on her features. Seriously, Ryan?” she exclaimed, her voice tinged with incredulity. “Tve just lost our baby, and that’s all you have to say? Brushing a stray strand of hair from her face, she continued, her tone laced with anger. “Well, news flash, I did nothing to her, and screw you for even suggesting otherwise. 
“She’s geminely remorseful,” I insisted, meeting Stephanie’s gaze with earnestness. “And her primary concern is the loss of your baby. not the prospect of being sued. That should give you some insight into hoor deeply she regrets what happened. 
Stephanie’s expression darkened as she processed my words. “Are you implying that I shouldn’t sue her she demanded, her voice dripping with skepticism. “Because if that’s the case, I swear I’ll kick you out of this room right now.” 
“There are alternatives to litigation,” I reasoned, hoping to defuse the tension. “You both could sit down and have a conversation, find a way to resolve this without escalating it further,” 
Nodding slowly. Stephanie’s lips tightened into a thin line. “I have a condition, she declared Leaning in, 1 awaited her condition 
“I want Lily to give me one of her babies, Stephanie announced, her words chilling me to the bone. “And I want her to watch as I take the life away from him. That way, we’ll be even.” 
Has she fucking lost her mind?! “Steph, you can’t seriously mean that, I protested, my voice tinged with disbelief. 
Her response was swift and cutting. The same way you can’t seriously expect me not to sue that woman,” she shot back her tone biting with resentment. Just because you never cared about that baby doesn’t mean I didn’t she spat. “I was looking forward to holding that baby in my arms, and that woman robbed me of that joy” 
Before I could interject with a defense of Lily, Stephanie pressed on. “Do you even realize that my chances of bearing children are now low?” she demanded, her voice laced with anguish, 
I sighed heavily, unable to meet her gaze. 
You know the truth, and yet you expect me to drop the case?” Stephanie retorted, her tone laced with incredulity and 
disappointment. “Get out.” 
“Steph, please.” I pleaded, reaching out to her. 
out of this place before I call security on you!” she exclaimed, her voice trembling with emotion. 
Recognizing that further discussion would only escalate the situation, I reluctantly acquiesced to her demand. Standing up, I made my way to the door and exited the ward, closing the door softly behind me.