Chapter 87 
After watching movies with the boys, I decided to take them home so we could spend more time together and also give Lily some time 
to herself. 
Of all things to cook, we chose to bake a cake; a very bad decision I must tell you because I know for a fact that it is going to turn out bad and the fact that the boys are looking forward to it makes me feel even more bad for not knowing how to bake a cake. 
While they circled the kitchen island, standing on the stool and munching on the bowl of fruit salad placed on the island right in front 
of them. 

While they kept themselves busy with the fruit, I browsed for cake shops that were willing to deliver uniced cakes ASAP so I could swap. the atrocity placed in the oven for cake. 
I place a million dollars on the fact that that thing inside that oven isn’t going to bake. 

While I was scrolling through, my phone rang and I frowned a bit when I saw my father’s name on the screen. My father does not call for leisure; whenever I see his call, I know that something is definitely wrong. 
Swiping the receive button, I placed the phone on my ear, turning to face the boys so my attention would equally be on them in case of a home accident. “What do you want Dad?” 
“Should I even be worried about this?” he asked cryptically and I frowned, failing to understand his words. 
“What are you talking about Dad?” 
“I am talking about your ex–wife.” He snapped. “I shouldn’t even be worried about her right now but judging from the fact that she is the mother of my grandchildren, I think I owe her this. 
Frowning, I walked over and balanced Noah properly on the stool. “Are you going to explain what you mean by that?” I asked through gritted teeth, trying not to snap at him in front of the kids for beating around the bush. 
“Lily pushed Stephanie.” He revealed and my frown only deepened. 
How is that even possible? Lily isn’t a violent person. “What are you talking about?” 
“Where are you?” he asked instead of answering my question. “I think you should be at the hospital because Stephanie lost the baby” 
Okay now this is getting serious. “Lily pushed Stephanie and Stephanie lost the baby, I think you should explain yourself properly.” 
He took a deep breath, a very deep one before explaining. “There is a video of Lily shoulder–bumping Stephanie which led to her fall and due to the impact of the fall, she lost her baby, and her uterus is damaged badly, Ryan,” 
How did this happen? I only left her for a few hours. “How is Stephanie? I asked, knowing that if what Dad said was the truth, then she wouldn’t be letting Lily off the hook that easily. 
“How do you think she is?” he retorted, clearly upset with what happened. “I have always known that woman will be nothing but 
“Don’t be quick to judge until you hear both sides of the story,” I advised him, knowing that Lily would have a very good explanation for what happened. 
“what could she e possibly have to say? He bit out, “Well, whatever her excuse or explanation might be, I hope the judge will listen to her and sympathize with her, or else she is done for 
Tensing instantly, my jaw clenched. “what is that supposed to mean?” I very much understand what he just said, but I hoped vehemently that I misunderstood him. 
“It means Stephanie is planning on suing her for aggravated assault and 1 forbid you from getting involved.” He cussed at someone in the background, clearly frustrated with the situation of things too. “you just came out of a murder and stolen design mess, do not get yourself involved in this too. 
“I believe you know me far too much to actually believe that I will do that.” How can’t I get involved when it clearly involves Lily? 
“Ryan!” he snapped. “For once in your life, listen to me. You have appeared in the face of the public in a negative light far too much, do not get involved in this, it will never end up in your favor no matter whose side you take. Let both ladies handle this their own way.” 
Chapter 67 
“That’s not going to happen.” there is no need to paint the truth for him. 
“Can’t you see what I am seeing” he snapped. “If you support Lily, yo 
you are going to be accused of never caring about Stephanie and the baby which you never did just because you now have the attention of your ex–wife, and if you take Stephanie’s side, you are going to be accused of taking the side of the woman you have clearly and publicly broken up with and not your ex–wife who went through childbirth without your help!” 
“Not helping Lily isn’t an option I deadpanned, brooking no room for argument. “the kids are here with me, I am going to take them back home then head over to the hospital.” Without waiting for his response, I disconnected the call. 
“Are you taking us home?” Liam asked. Clearly, he was paying attention to my phone call. 
Smiling apologetically at him, I walked over to the island and leaned on it. “Daddy has to rush to work, but I promise you, we will bal again next weekend.” And this time we will get it right. 
Kissing their temples. I rushed upstairs, grabbed my car keys, and carefully locked the boys in their baby seats before heading back to Becky’s place. ****** 
When I arrived at her place, I already met Lily pacing the living room. She rushed towards me the moment she saw me walk through the door. I told the nanny to take the boys upstairs before giving her my attention. 
“Is she okay?” she asked in a rush. “Have you spoken to Stephanie? Her security won’t let me go to the hospital with her and I wasn’t even allowed up her ward.” 
It’s really true. Something did happen to Stephanie and Lily has something to do with it. “What happened Lily?” I asked, needing to hear her side of the story.” 
Tears rolled down her cheeks. “she cornered me at the parking lot of the store we went to grab some groceries. Yes, we exchanged words, but I was never aggressive towards her. I was only heading for my door when I accidentally shoulder–bumped her and she fell on her stomach and then held onto her stomach as she cried.” 
Her shaky finger reached for me and I pulled her into a hug. “Please tell me her baby is fine.” She choked out, “I would never live with myself if something should happen to the baby.” 
Exhaling, I patted her back gently. “This isn’t your fault Lily, it was just an accident” She needs to have that mindset to be able to convince the prosecution, if it gets to that that it was nothing but an accident” 
Lily pulled back. “You’ve heard from her, right? How is the baby?” 
I shook my head, unable to lie to her at the moment or let her live in her fantasy. She needs to know the situation of things. “Steph lost the baby, and her uterus was affected a bit by it.” 
She gasped and covered her mouth as more tears rolled down. “I should have been more careful.” She mumbled and I quickly grabbed her shoulder and shook her. 
“That baby was mine too Lily and I am greatly affected that it is no more, but this was an accident,” I stressed, my eyes hard with conviction, hoping to influence her thoughts. “Repeat after me Lily, it was an accident.” 
She continued to watch me with wide eyes. “Say it!” I yelled, snapping her out of her truce. 
“It was an accident.” She repeated and I nodded in agreement. 
“you need to put your thoughts together Lily.” I pleaded, my gaze moving briefly to Becky who was watching our exchange in silence. “Steph is planning on suing you for aggravated assault, and if you are found guilty Lily. I will make sure you don’t go to jail, but I can’t 
that you aren’t found make any promise for your license as a medical doctor. You will lose it, Lily, which is why we must make sure 
guilty at all costs.”