Chapter 86 
The gentle touch of sunlight streaming through the window roused me from slumber. Turning to my left, I beheld Ryan, still deep in sleep, his hand resting lightly on my waist. 
I couldn’t help but admire his handsome features. How could one person be so stunning! His nose, perfectly contoured, and those long, enviable lashes stirred a hint of envy within me. 
Reaching out to gently trace my fingers along his face, I was interrupted by the ringing of my phone beside me. With a sigh. I reluctantly rolled out of bed and reached for my purse where my phone had been resting since the previous day. 
Ryan certainly wore me out yesterday, I mused, a faint smile tugging at my lips. His stamina was something I had almost forgotten, but he made sure to remind me. 
As I retrieved my phone from my purse, stifling a yawn, I answered Becky’s call. However, instead of her voice, what assailed my ears were the piercing cries of Noah, echoing relentlessly through the phone. 

My frown deepened, a surge of panic coursing through me. “Why is he crying? What’s wrong?” I blurted out, startling Ryan awake. 
“I don’t know what’s gotten into him,” Becky replied, her voice fraught with concern. “He woke up this morning screaming his lungs out He’s been calling for you, and I think he misses you.” 

Damn. I’m heading home,” I declared, swiftly ending the call, my mind racing with worry. Leaning into Ryan, I felt his presence behind. 
“I need to go back, I murmured, feeling his lips press against my neck. “Noah’s been crying since morning” 
His concern evident, Ryan pulled away slightly. “Is everything alright?” 
Shaking my head, I straightened up and retrieved my dress from the floor. “I have to go, I insisted. 
I’ll come with you,” Ryan offered, already moving towards the shower, Pausing, he flashed a playful grin. “Want to join me? 
Chuckling, I shook my head. “we won’t be coming out anytime soon. Agreeing to what I said, he winked and walked into the bathroom, intentionally leaving the door open. 
While he bathed, I wore my cloth and fixed my hair. Few minutes later, he walked out of the closet which he must have entered through the co–joining door in the bathroom. 
He grabbed phone from the pocket of his pants which was lying on the floor then moved the dirty clothes on the floor to the hamper. “Are you ready?” he asked and I nodded. 
Ryan outstretched his hand which I accepted and followed him out of the house. 
It took us a while to get to the house due to the distance. Pulling over, we walked into Becky’s house together. 
The boys tore their attention away from the television the moment they heard the front door swing open. Spotting Ryan, they bounded to their feet, racing towards him with unrestrained excitement. 
Smiling at the heartwarming scene, I stepped back, granting them a moment alone, and wandered further into the house. Taking a seat beside Becky, I was met with a scrutinizing gaze that quickly shifted to Ryan 
With a scoff, I shrugged off my jacket. “What’s on your mind?” I asked, feigning nonchalance. 
Leaning in closer, Becky lowered her voice to a whisper. “Did you and Ryan.. you know? Her words caught me off guard, causing me to nearly choke on my own saliva. Her eyes widened in realization. “You did.” 
Flushed with embarrassment, I glanced at Ryan, only to find him watching me with a knowing smile. “Can we not discuss this right now?” I requested, my lips drawn into a tight line, eliciting a chuckle from Becky. 
Ryan approached us, Noah cradled in his arms. “Hi, Becky,” he greeted, his tone warın. 
“Hello,” Becky responded politely, though her smile had vanished, a subtle indication of lingering tension stemming from Ryan’s past actions towards me. “Can I get you something? Wine? Tea?” 
Chapter 36 
Ryan declined with a shake of his head. I’m good, thanks. His gaze shifted to me, a faint smile playing on his lips, and I couldn’t shake the feeling that he was privy to the conversation I had just shared with Becky. 
“I was thinking of taking the boys to the cinema,” he suggested, his eyes lingering on me. “Would you like to join us?” 
Considering the events of the morning. I weighed my options. I needed to shower, catch up with Becky, and strategize how to handle Jake in light of recent developments. “I think I’ll pass,” I replied, meeting Ryan’s gaze with a tilt of my head. “You guys have fun without 


“Are you sure?” he asked, attempting to coax me. And I nodded in response. He said goodbye to Becky and I helped him get the boys. into the car. 
The moment I walked back into the living room, Becky dangled her brows at me. “I want you to tell me everything.” 
Chuckling. I plopped down the sofa. “So we ran into Jake and he found out that I am dating Jake again and he lost it. We got home, got into an argument and one thing led to the other.” 
Becky’s eyes widened with amusement. “I am going to ignore the part where you said you got back together with Jake and focus on the part where you had make–up sex with Ryan” Licking her lips excitedly, she leaned forward. “So how was it?” 
I struggled to suppress a grin but failed miserably, the euphoria of the recent encounter with Ryan evident in my demeanor. “It was great, I admitted, unable to contain my satisfaction 
Becky clapped her hands excitedly, her enthusiasm contagious. “So, spill the beans. What’s the deal with you two! Are you officially back together?” she probed eagerly. 
Frowning at her forwardness, I rose from the sofa. “I think you’re jumping the gun a bit,” I replied cautiously, stifling a yawn as I glanced towards the kitchen. “Did your staff prepare any food?” 
She scoffed at my deflection. “What? Ryan didn’t whip up a post–marathon meal for you?” she teased, struggling to suppress her laughter. 
“What the hell, Becky?” I shook my head in exasperation, swiftly retreating to the kitchen in search of sustenance. 
Later that evening, Becky came into my room with an invitation. “Want to join me for some retail therapy? I’m in the mood for some shopping. 
“Sure, I agreed, rolling off the bed. “I could use a change of scenery 
Becky excused herself to inform the nanny of her departure, while I waited by her car. A few unus 
we set off for the mall. 
It took 
later, she joined me, and together, 
us a good two hours to gather everything Becky needed for the house. As we loaded the groceries into the trunk, she suddenly realized she’d forgotten to pick up diapers for her baby. Instructing me to finish loading while she dashed back inside to grab them. I complied, closing the trunk and turning around, only to come face to face with Stephanie 
Clicking my tongue in annoyance, I attempted to walk away, but her words halted me in my tracks. “You are fucking Ryan, right?” she demanded bluntly. Letting out a long exhale, I continued walking, hoping to avoid further confrontation. 
“What will it take for you two to stay away from each other?” Stephanie’s voice trailed after me, laced with desperation and frustration. “A scandalous sex tape? A suicide attempt on my life?” 
I turned to face her, regarding the troubled young woman before me. “Why are you putting yourself through this for a man who doesn’t want you?” 
Her response was swift and cutting. “There’s only one reason he doesn’t want me, and she’s staring at me right now? 
“I’m glad you finally acknowledge that,” I retorted. “But what you fail to grasp is that even if I weren’t in the picture, Ryan still wouldn’t. choose you. Whatever allure you once held for him has long since faded, so stop shadowing me like a petty schoolyard bully, trying to provoke a reaction.” 
“I’m not trying to provoke you. Lily,” Stephanie insisted, her approach cautious as she circled around me. “Running into you here was purely coincidental, and I genuinely want to understand what it will take to keep you away from Ryan. Do you need money?” 
Throwing my head back. I erupted into laughter, the absurdity of her suggestion hitting me like a punchline. “Get lost, Stephanie.” I snapped, attempting to sidestep her as she blocked my path. Inadvertently bumping her shoulder as I tried to pass, she stumbled, her