Chapter 83 
The following morning. I took it upon myself to prepare breakfast and carry it up to the guestroom where Lily had spent the night. Pausing outside the door. I knocked gently before pushing it open. Lily glanced up from her phone, hastily tucking it beneath her pillow with a guilty expression. 
Raising an eyebrow at her suspicious behavior, I couldn’t help but chuckle. “Please don’t tell me you’re watching porn in my house,” I quipped, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of my lips. Not that I would object to it, though. 
Rolling her eyes in mock exasperation, Lily retorted, “What? Can’t a lady indulge in a little excitement every now and then?” 
I knew she was merely teasing, and I couldn’t resist playing along. Setting the tray down carefully on the bed, I lifted the cover from the plate. “I made breakfast, I announced with a grin, hoping to distract her from any lingering embarrassment. 
Left momentarily speechless, Lily glanced down at the plate before meeting my gaze with a hint of concern. “You should be resting,” she insisted softly. 

“I am resting.” I countered, my voice gentle as I reached out to brush a stray strand of hair from her face. “You are my resting place, Lily.” 
A faint blush colored her cheeks, swiftly hidden by the fall of her hair as she busied herself with the toasted bread. “You should spend time with the boys,” she suggested, changing the subject. “They’ve missed you.” 

Til see them later,” I assured her, my attention fixed on her as she ate. Watching her brought me a sense of contentment unlike any other. “But for now, let’s go for a walk,” I proposed suddenly, the idea springing to mind in a moment of spontaneity 
“A walk?” Lily echoed, surprise flickering in her eyes. 
“Or any fun activity” I elaborated, eager to spend more time with her. “We could see a movie, get ice cream, anything you’d like.” 
Her eyes narrowed slightly as she studied my expression. “Are you asking me out on a date?” she ventured, her tone teasing yet tinged with curiosity. I merely shrugged in response, a faint smile playing at the corners of my lips. Leaning forward, she scrutinized my face with playful scrutiny. “What did they do to you in there?” she teased, her eyes sparkling with amusement. The Ryan I know would have wanted to be in the office.” 
Folding my arms, I propped one leg up on the bed, tucking it comfortably beneath the other. “While I was there, contemplating the possibility of losing my freedom, I reflected, my tone turning more serious, “the only thing on my mind was how I hadn’t spent enough time with you and the kids.” 
“You don’t have any reason to want to spend time with me,” she murmured softly, her gaze locking with mine. Despite her words, I could sense the longing in her eyes, the unspoken desire for companionship and connection. Deep down, I knew she was conflicted, the pain and betrayal she had endured at the hands of men, myself and Jake included, still lingered, casting a shadow over her heart. 
“I know you think so, Lily, and you have every reason to feel that way,” I admitted earnestly, meeting her gaze with sincerity, “but it’s not the case for me. You may not feel the need or desire to spend all your time with me, but I do 
Her frown deepened slightly, though it was barely perceptible unless one looked closely. “What’s with the emotional talk this early in the morning?” she interjected with a soft chuckle, attempting to diffuse the tension that had settled between us. 
Deciding to lighten the mood, I flashed her a smile before stretching out on the bed, my gaze drifting upwards to the chandelier above. “So, are you up for a fun day out with me?” I asked casually, hoping to shift our focus to something more lighthearted. 
“Sure,” she replied with a soft giggle, her eyes twinkling with anticipation. “I haven’t had fun in a while.” 
“It’s a date then, I declared with a playful wink, slipping out of bed and making my way to the door. “Once you’re finished, just leave the tray. I’ll have someone come collect it. Take your shower, and I’ll do the same after making a quick call. With that, I flashed her another grin before stepping out of the room and closing the door behind me. 
Returning to my own room, I retrieved my phone from the bed and dialed my secretary’s number. I informed her that I wouldn’t be coming into the office today and asked her to cancel any meetings my father had arranged for me. 
It was Saturday, after all–I shouldn’t be working. But then again, love has a funny way of making you forget about such things. 
After a quick shower and a change into casual attire, I emerged from my room to find Lily still wearing the same outfit from the night. before, holding the empty tray. 
“Would you like me to drop you off at Becky’s so you can change into something else?” I offered, but she shook her head. 
Chapter 83 
“It’s fine.” she reassured me 
Approaching her, I gently took the tray from her before she could protest. “Didn’t I tell you I would send someone to pick it up!” 
“I was heading downstairs anyway, so I didn’t see the big deal in carrying it down,” she explained with a shrug. 
Passing the tray to the first staff member I encountered, I then guided Lily towards my garage. 
We settled on ice cream because Lily had already eaten breakfast and didn’t want to put anything else in her system. Pulling over at the other end of the street, we leisurely crossed the road together, the sun casting a warm glow as we strolled towards the ice cream stand. Suddenly, a familiar voice pierced the pleasant atmosphere. 
“What are you doing here?” Jake’s voice rang out, his tone laced with disdain as his eyes flicked between Lily and me. 
Lily, ever composed, faced him with a calm demeanor. “Shouldn’t I be asking you the same question?” she retorted, her voice steady despite the surprise of running into him. 
Jake’s reply was smooth, almost too smooth, as if he had rehearsed it. “A client of mine needed assistance with a property in Canada but resides in New York, so I came to meet him, he explained, his demeanor cool and collected. “And what about you! What are you doing with an ex–convict?” 
I stepped closer, my fists clenching at my sides. “What the hell did you just call me!” 
Lily swiftly intervened, positioning herself between us and urging me to refrain from escalating the situation. “Don’t engage in a street fight with him, Ryan,” she whispered urgently, especially with the possibility of paparazzi showing up.” 
Suppressing my urge to retaliate, I took a deep breath and tried to maintain composure. “Get out of here, I warned Jake, my voice low and menacing “you have no right to speak to her.” 
But Jake refused to back down, insisting on his claim. “Yes, I do,” he argued, a smug grin spreading across his face. “She’s mine, and that gives me every right.” 
Frustration boiled within me as I struggled to contain my anger. “She’s done with you, I spat back 
Jake’s laughter grated on my nerves. The joke’s on you, man. She took me back,” he taunted, his words like venom. “While you were in prison, we were out on dates” 
My frown deepened into a scowl as I turned to Lily, my voice low and intense. “What is this fool talking about?” I demanded, my anger Wering beneath the surface. 
Lily’s hand tightened around mine, her eyes pleading for understanding. “Let’s go home and I’ll explain everything she urged, her voice tinged with desperation. 
I scoffed, my frustration mounting. “Why aren’t you denying it?” I pressed, my gaze piercing into hers, searching for any sign of deception. 
As Jake took a step closer, my fists clenched involuntarily, my patience wearing thin. Take another step and I’ll make sure you regret it,” I warned through gritted teeth, my gaze shifting back and forth between Lily and Jake. “And you,” I directed my anger at Lily, “you’re coming with me.” 
Without waiting for a response, I pulled Lily back towards the car, my grip firm as I ushered her inside. I drove home on full speed, fuming with anger,