Chapter 5 
As the sun rose the following morning. I parked my belongings shortly after Ryan’s departure for work. Climbing into my car, I embarked journey to Becky’s place. The night before, I had phoned her to share the distressing news, and she graciously offered her home as a sanctuary until the divorce proceedings concluded. 
Becky’s sacrifice to remain home today was solely on my account. Upon arriving at her residence, I spotted her standing in the driveway, patiently. awaiting my arrival. 
Bringing my car to a stop, I stepped out and walked into Becky’s embrace. Tears streamed down my face, mirroring the heartache of a child who had just lost her favorite treat. 
my hudand 
Well, maybe my tears is justified, seeing that I just lost my 

Becky signaled her housekeeper to retrieve my bag from the trunk, then guided me into her home, leading me straight to the guestroom she had arranged for my stay. “I’m sorry, baby girl she murmured softly as she patted my back. I am really sorry.” 
My tears dampened her shirt, but she didn’t seem to mind. “All I did was love him,” I sobbed. “All I did was dedicate my time and affection to him. and this is what I get in returni 

Becky gently pulled my shoulder back and cupped my face, her thumb tenderly wiping away my tears. “You are going to be fine. Lily. You are a strong woman, and I believe you can overcome anything” 
Feeling utterly lost, I confided, I don’t even know what to do right now, I know this happened because of Stephanie. I am sure of this.” 
Letting out a heavy sigh. Becky eased back, leaning against the sturdy bedframe, her hands folded in front of her. “Let’s not dwell on the reasons behind Ryan’s decision to file for divorce. It won’t change anything at this moment. We should focus on planning for your life after the divorce,” she suggested, her gaze steady as she looked at me. “Are you considering accepting the divorce settlements?” 
Just the mention of divorce threatened to bring tears to my eyes. “Of course, I’m taking it. I deserve it after leaving my job and devoting four years of my life to him” 
“You shouldn’t have listened to him and quit your job, Becky murmured softly, her tone tinged with regret. “But that’s not our concern right now.” 
I couldn’t help but regret my decision. If only I had known that our marriage would end like this, I wouldn’t have sacrificed my career to be the perfect wife to Ryan. Tm considering going back to work,” I admitted. 
Becky’s expression shifted to one of exasperation. “Of course you should go back, Lily. You’re a medical doctor, and a very astute one at that,” she emphasized, her tone tinged with conviction. Licking her lips, she leaned in closer. “You were the brightest in our class. I was genuinely disappointed when you mentioned quitting your job to focus on starting a family with Ryan.” 
“I know,” I admitted with a heavy sigh. I realize now that it was a foolish decision. I may not have recognized it back then, but it’s crystal clear to me 
Becky extended her hand, gently clasping mine. “Returning won’t be an issue. All you need to do is have your credentials reviewed, engage in ongoing professional development, and complete a few necessary steps. Then you’ll be back on track, she reassured me with a reassuring smile. 
“I don’t want to stay in New York, I reflected, a sense of unease settling over me. “I don’t think I can handle the thought of running into Ryan or seeing him with that woman at events,” 
Becky’s eyes lit up with a glimmer of hope. “I know someone in Canada who could help you secure a job at a hospital,” she disclosed, her voice filled with assurance. “Mrs. Georgina is a remarkably affluent widow. Her late husband owned one of the largest hospitals in Canada, and upon his passing, he entrusted its operations to her. She’s been successfully managing the hospital ever since, and I’m certain she’d welcome you to her 
“And how did you come to know this remarkable woman?” I inquired, curious about the connection 
A shy smile graced Becky’s lips. “We met at a conference, and we’ve been friends ever since 
Becky had always possessed an infectious charm and a warm demeanor that drew people to her effortlessly. It was such a meaningful connection with Mrs. Georgina. 
no wonder that she had formed 
I would truly value the recommendation; I expressed gratefully. The idea of moving to Ganada seemed increasingly appealing, offering a tresty start far away from Ryan and his family. 
11:28 AM 
Chapter 5 
Three weeks later, the divorce was finalized. I was presented with five apartment complexes in New York and a compensation package of five million dollars. It appeared to be a reasonable arrangement, so I accepted the money, intending to invest it for the future of the baby. 
In my perspective, this was not merely compensation 
ion for a failed marriage. Instead, it was securing a portion of my child’s entitlement to his father’s wealth. While Ryan might view it as compensation, to me, it was ensuring my child’s rightful share in his father’s legacy. 
As soon as the legal seal was affixed, I swiftly grabbed my purse, rose from my seat, and made my way out of the office. Stepping into the elevator, I anticipated a moment to gather my thoughts, but to my surprise, Ryan entered just before the doors closed, accompanied by his lingering shadow, Luke 
I chose to ignore him, fixating on the descending floor number. “I’m truly sorry that things had to end this way, Lily,” Ryan apologized, “We both had our moments during the course of this marriage, and I’m sure you wouldn’t label it a failure, considering the substantial fortune you’ve gained 
from it.” 
Finally shifting my gaze from the numbers, I stared at him, starting from his shoes and moving upward. “I made a fortune?” I questioned incredulously, “Do you genuinely believe this money can compensate for the heartache you’ve put me through!” 
Ryan’s smirk persisted. ‘Oh, it will. A week in Paris or Miami will make you forget about this divorce,” he asserted, slipping his hands into his pockets. “It didn’t work out. Lily. Suck it up and move on with your life.” 
As the elevator pinged, signaling our arrival, I responded evenly, “You don’t owe me anything, Ryan. At least I no longer expect anything from you, and when you don’t have expectations of someone, you don’t become disappointed or heartbroken by their words or actions. 
“Cut to the chase, Ryan interjected, his tone impatient. 
“Stephanie is the real reason why you ended our marriage, isn’t she?” I confronted him directly, refusing to dance around the truth any longer. “I’ve reiterated this countless times, and I’ll repeat it again for clarity: Stephanie had absolutely no bearing on the dissolution of our marriage, Ryan maintained firmly, his tone unwavering “Cease attempting to attribute blame to someone else for your perceived shortcomings.” 
His denial provoked a scoff from me “This marriage isn’t solely my failure, Ryan. It’s a collective failure.” I asserted with a hint of bitterness, striding purposefully out of the elevator and towards my awaiting car. 
As I was about to ignite the engine, the arrival of another vehicle interrupted the moment I observed as the car pulled into the parking lot, and to my dismay, Stephanie emerged from within. She hastened into Ryan’s awaiting embrace without hesitation. Right before my eyes, she carefully rose on her tiptoes, planting a tender kiss upon his lips, and Ryan made no move to deter her advances. 
For someone who vehemently denied any involvement with Stephanie, who insisted she wasn’t the reason for the divorce, he seemed all too comfortable receiving and indulging in her affectionate gestures. 
Chapter 6