Chapter 75 Accident 

The moment we stepped into the SUV her scent wrapped around me and I heard Conri groan as he was looking at the back seat. I regretted looking as my eyes fell on her little red dress and my cock hardened immensely, I groaned as well. 
We both knew we were screwed as we followed Armand towards the fork in the road and Mylo started whimpering in my head as we drove away from our Mate. Conri tells me that Kane is acting as badly as Mylo and we both know that it will only get worse as time will pass. 
The longer we are on the road the more erratic Mylo becomes and it makes me realizes that we will never be able to hide from Umayza that we are Mates if we stay with her for too long. I hate to admit it to myself, but it is probably for the best if we stay as far away from her as we can. 
Mylo starts howling the moment he hears my thoughts, but after going back and forth he reluctantly agrees with me and Conri roars as I word my thoughts to him. He doesn’t want to stay away from her and when I ask him how he wants to control Kane he is quiet for a very long time. 
He is debating with Kane on our situation and what we can and can’t do, only to sigh in frustration as they both come to the same conclusion as I did. We have to avoid Umayza as much as we can for the next year and make sure we see her on the first day of the Full Moon after she turns eighteen. 
“We will leave her a note, but we can’t explain to much in it and then we will make sure she gets invited to the Palace on the first day of the Full Moon.” I explain to him and slowly he nods his head as he reaches for her dress. With our windows closed her scent is still as strong as when we drove off and that is the reason for Mylo’s soft whimpers in my 
Mylo and I felt a lot better when we heard her voice and when I hear her talking to her Father I have a smile on my face. You can hear the love and affection she has for him in her voice and I feel relieved when she informs us that Dolion went after Callan’s trail. 
It means that we will be close to the Academy before he figures out she is in the last SUV and he will probably not get to them in time, but a part of me hopes that we will be able to catch him. I want to know why he is so determined to get Umayza. 
“Fuck, Dad just spotted him in front of him and Dad is following our route to the Academy.” Umayza mutters and Armand quickly tells us to get to their location as fast as we can. “He won’t give up until he has her and I will not allow that.” Armand growls as we all start to drive towards the read they are on. 
Even though our SUVs have a higher top speed than a Wolf, he has the advantage of being able to run through the woods and that might just be what will determent who gets to Umayza first. 
Armand will protect her with his life because he knows that she is our Mate and I know the same will go for Theron and Callan. Gray is right behind them and I know he has been speeding ever since he got on the road, that girl means the world to him and he will let anyone hurt her. 
Conri tells me the directions as I keep my eyes on the road and my foot down on the gas pedal, Mylo keeps shouting for me to go faster. I ask him if he wants us to end up in a ditch and he immediately slams his mouth shut as he realizes that I can’t drive faster than I already am. 
“I’ve got eyes on you, Captain.” I hear Theron say and both, Conri and I, sigh in relief. My heart jumps into my 
throat as we hear Umayza scream and then we hear the screeching sound of tires. We hear glass breaking and then everything goes quiet. 
“Theron, what do you see?” Conri shouts, but there is no response. I keep my eyes on the road as Conri keeps telling me where to go, when suddenly we hear a loud roar over the phone and I recognize it as Theron’s Lycan. “Fuck, Theron. Answer us, what is going on?” Conri shouts again. 
A few more minutes pass before we hear a car stop, but the footsteps become fainter instead of stronger and that makes me realize that our call got disconnected on Armand’s end. Suddenly we see that Armand’s phone gets reconnected to our call and Conri asks who is on the other end. 
“This is Gray, Captain is coming too. Umayza is still unconscious, but your friend has a hold on Dolion. Is there any way I can calm him down.” Umayza’s Father asks and Conri tells him how he can try to do it. “Captain, keep an eye on my Daughter for me?” 
“Theron, get your Lycan under control. I want the Council to find out why this piece of shit is after my Daughter and I won’t get answers if you kill him.” Gray growls at Theron. 
Kane is going berserk in my head as we hear Umayza scream and my heart actually stops beating for a moment before I start shouting at Theron. The longer it takes before we hear something the more anxious I become and when I hear Theron’s Lycan I just hope he can control him enough for Dolion to survive. 
I want that poor excuses of a Wolf in front of the Council, I want to know why he is after Umayza and then I want to rip him to pieces. Kane shows me how we are going to do that, in very vivid details and he has a devilish smirk on his face. 
Kane relaxes a little when we hear Gray’s voice over the phone and when I hear him addressing Theron I know he will get through to our friend, Theron knows that those words came from me or Evander. He knows that we want our Mate to be safe and we need to know that no one else will come after her. 
We are still fifteen minutes away from Umayza and I am surprised when I hear Callan’s voice, “Captain, I will get her out. You get yourself out of the SUV and help Gray with calming Theron’s Lycan.” We hear metal scrapping over the road and we can only guess as to what Callan is doing. 
“Umayza, Sweetheart. Can you open your eyes for me?” He asks, but we don’t hear anything else and Kane is back to pacing around in my head. 
uys, she is still unconscious. Once I get her out I will take her and Gray to the Academy, she is losing a lot of blood and without her Wolf she needs help from a Doctor. 
I can’t wait for the two of you to get here, I am sorry.” Callan says, but Evander and I tell him not to wait for us and to get her to a Doctor as fast as he can. Armand informs us the moment he has Umayza and Gray in Gray’s car and I sigh in relief, knowing that Callan will get her to a Doctor. 
Ten minutes later Evander pulls to a stop behind Theron’s SUV and as we get out of our SUV Callan’s SUV pulls to a stop next to us with an Army vehicle right behind it. “He ran here in his Lycan form. I mutter as I realize why a Warrior of the King’s Army gets out of his SUV. 
I am also grateful that Callan ran here in his Lycan form, because that might make the difference for 
Ilmaura The Warrior grabe hold of Malian and Armind evnline to him who ha hag to hạ brought to 
Chapter 75 Accident 
+5 Pearls 
the Council, “See if they can get Ynanna to do the interrogation, We need answers and we need them yesterday.” 
We all know that if someone can get answers out of this moron it will be Ynanna and I almost feel sorry for Dolion to get subjected to Ynanna’s form of interrogating, almost. By the time we have gotten everything out of Armand’s SUV there is a tow–truck to get it out of the ditch and Armand decides to ride back in Callan’s SUV. 
I offered to drive, but he was adamant in driving himself and we continue our route to the Academy. Evander is quiet as we follow our Captain and I don’t have much to say either, our thoughts are with Umayza. Callan hasn’t contacted us yet and I don’t expect him to within the next hour or so. 
Kane is lying in the back of my head with a pained look on his face and from time to time I hear him softly whimper. We both need to know that Umayza will be fine before he will stop his behavior, but it might take a few days if the injuries are minor and it can take up to weeks if her injuries are bad. 
By the time we get to the Academy Callan has informed us that Umayza was taken away by a Doctor, but other than that he nor Gray had any information on how she was doing and it made me and Kane feel on edge. Kane had already threatened Dolion a few times and I know I will have a hard time stopping him. 
We see Gray pacing up and down the hallway, while Callan sits on a chair with his head against the wall and his eyes closed. “Captain, you look a bit better than last time I saw you.” Gray says as he shakes Armand’s hand. “Thank you for keeping my Daughter as safe as you could.” 
Any injuries Armand had were already gone by the time we got there, it is the perk of being a Lycan as we heal faster than a Werewolf. Even wounds that are fatal to a Werewolf can be healed if a Lycan is given time to rest and doesn’t sustain any other injuries. 
Evander and I have found ourselves and our Squad–members in that situation a few times and we are all still breathing. In all the years that I have worked for the Council we have only once lost a Squad- member and that still doesn’t sir right with any of us, we never found much other than his necklace and a few pieces of his skin. 
At first none of us wanted to believe Darius was gone, even though our bond was broken and it was seeing the piece of his skin with a tattoo on it that made it real for all of us. That and the necklace he never took off, no matter what. It had been gifted to Darius on his eighteenth birthday by his Mother. 
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