Chapter 74 Almost 
Captain Armand 

When Council–member Boaz called me and told me about the girl two of my Squad–members had to bring to the Academy I had growled, no one deserves to be treated that way and certainly not a female that is underaged. He had asked me to help them out as he feared that the Wolf that had attacked them might try again. 
Theron suggested going in separate SUVs and before I contacted Conri he had explained his plan to us. Theron was right, splitting up without him knowing in which SUV she was would be the best course of action. After the three of us had gotten some sleep we headed towards the Pack they were staying in. 
Conri’s ID shows up on my phone as they drive towards us and I patch him into the call I have with Theron and Callan, as Evander parks the SUV where Theron wants it I hear Umayza explain why she should get in a different SUV. I smile as it had been Theron’s plan to put her in my SUV and Theron just looks at me with a face that says, I told you so. 
“Evander, what the fuck are you two growling for?” I ask through our mind–link and for a moment I think I have to order him, but it is Conri that answers the question, “She is our Mate, but she just turned seventeen.” Oh, bite me is on the tip of my tongue, but I manage to keep it in. 
“I understand you want to keep her close, but it will be best if I take her with me. I swear I will keep her safe, I need the two of you to be able to focus on that Wolf and with her in the SUV with you, you will worry more about her than about yourselves.” I tell them and they know better than to argue with me on this. 
Conri suddenly looks around in fear and we all realize that Umayza is no longer in the center of the SUVs with us, Theron starts to smile as he looks into my SUV. Umayza is laying on the backseat as she is reading a book I bought a few weeks ago, through the mind–link I tell everyone we will meet in the underground garage of the Academy. 
“Did you bring a phone as I asked you last night? She needs it to call her Father.” Evander asks me and I tell him I did, “I will give it to her once we are on the road, it will give her something to do.” After those words I walk to my SUV and get behind the wheel as the others get into their SUVs. 
We have barely been driving for five minutes when Theron’s voice over the speaker of my Umayza cusses underneath her 
phone, “Movement to the left and it looks like it is just one Wolf s 
breath as she lifts her head just enough to be able to look out of the window. 
It will take us a few more minutes before we reach the fork in the road and then we will be able to tell after which SUV he is going. I hate to admit it, but I believe Umayza might be right with her assumption that he will follow Conri and Evander. 
Theron takes the first road on our left while I take the second one on the left, Callan takes the first road on the right while Evander takes the second road on the right. It takes ten minutes before we hear Conri tell us that th Wolf is following them and I tell him to give me an hour before they make it known that Umayza is no longer with them. 
“We will pull over in a minute.” Evander states an hour later and shortly after that we hear car doors open. Suddenly we hear a growl, just before Conri asks him to shift to his Human form. It is quiet for a few moments before we hear a voice over the speaker of my phone. 
+5 Pearls 
“Where is Umayza?” the voice asks and Evander replies to his question, “She is on her way to the Council, you will never catch up with her.” A ferocious growl can be heard before we hear the breaking of bones and Umayza puts her hand in front of her mouth to keep a scream from coming out. 
“He ran back the way we came, I have no idea what he is going to do.” Conri says and I ask them if he tried to attack them, but Evander tells me he had turned and shifted midair before taking off. Umayza sighs in relief and for a moment I wonder if she knows that she is their Mate. 
I shake that thought from my mind, because I know that neither one of them will be stupid enough to tell her and if they accidentally let it slip they would have told me. I think she is just relieved no one got hurt by the Wolf that has an unhealthy interest in her 
Umayza sits up straight to look behind us, but there is nothing to see as we are the only vehicle driving on this road and I doubt the Wolf will be able to catch up with us. After another hour of driving I grab a bag from the passenger seat to hand it to Umayza, “Evander asked me to get this for you.” I say as I hand it to her. 
She smiles as she pulls the box from the bag and she thanks me for getting it for her. She gets the phone out and I hand her a car–charger for it, so she can have full access to it for the trip ahead of us. 
“Dad, it’s me.” She whispers and I see tears forming in her eyes as she is talking to her Father. I know everyone can hear her conversation, but I can’t risk disconnecting the call with my Squad and I think she will understand that. She tells him that she spoke to the Council because Dolion attacked her 
Her Fater cusses and swears at Dolion, I can tell he is not happy with the actions of the Wolf and I don’t blame him as he came after his Daughter. “Dad, the Council decided not to sentence me and I am allowed to train as an Assassin for the Council. Council–member Dayanah also asked how fast you could get there, they could use someone with your expertise.” She says. 
she tells her Father that she is going to put the 
I can hear him replying that he will leave in an hour and I clear my throat to make Umayza look at me, 
phone on speaker. The moment she does I introduce myself to him and inform him that the rest of my Squad can also hear us. 
“Sir, we have no idea where Dolion went after he found out that Umayza was not in that SUV and I want to ask you to keep an eye out for him. If you happen to run into him call Umayza back on this number and we will help in any way we can.” I say. 
“Thank you, Captain Armand. My name is Gray and you can leave the Sir at the door.” He says and Umayza giggles as I look at her in surprise. She pulls the phone from speaker to talk to her Father a little more before they disconnect the cal. 
After talking to my Father I feel a little bit better, but I wish I could have talked freely with him about what I discovered and ask him what I am supposed to do with what I know. Yade is right though I can not let them know I know, because they will want to know how I found out and Dad made it very clear that my gift can be used for evil. 
It took me years to master it with the help of Dad and now I can use it at will. I understand that some will use this for evil purposes, but I want to use it for good and hopefully at the Academy they will be able to explain it to me as Dad has no idea where this comes from. 
Chapter 74 Almost 
+5 Pearls 
Dad would sent me outside to play and he would sit in one of the room in our cottage to talk out loud. After an hour he would call me back in and ask me to go to a certain room to report back to him. I always was able to tell him what he had said and he would write done the date, what he said and in which room. 
Eventually we found out I was able to use my perception on events as long as ten years ago and during my time at the Pack–house I practiced there, but I never heard anything about the plans our Luna and Alpha had for me. They probably only talked about it in the Alpha’s office and that was a place I had no business being in. 
Theron’s voice comes over the speaker of Armand’s phone again and he tells us he is now being chased by Dolion, “Theron, open the windows and let him see I am not in there. He still has two other roads to chose from and just hope he is dumb enough to take the wrong one.” Armand says. 
A few minutes later we hear another ferocious growl and we know that Dolion will be coming for the next SUV, the only question is will it be ours or Callans. We have been on the road for over two hours, so it will take him at least an hour and a half to catch up with us. 
I am hoping we will be nearing the Academy by that time and that he will fail at his attempts to get me. A ding from my phone pulls me from my thoughts and I quickly grab it from the seat next to me, it is a message from my Father and I start to laugh at what I am reading. 
“My Dad just saw Dolion take the route Callan took, looks like he is dumb after all.” I say and I hear the I others chuckle as Callan says that he will open his windows the moment he sees him. Armand tells 
everyone to step on it, because he wants to get me to the Academy as fast as they can. 
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