Chapter 73 Unexpected 

That my Lycan and I were fuming was putting it mildly and I could feel through our bond that my Brother wasn’t doing any better. The Council is quick in telling Umayza she will not be sentenced for attacking her Luna and she releases a sigh of relief. 
I don’t understand why some Lycans or Werewolves can be this deprived, the leaders of Bright Moon Pack are really a fry short of a happy meal and I want to knock some sense into them. Knowing there will be an investigation makes me feel a little bit better, but not by much. 
Council–member Dayanah asks Umayza what she wants to do and Umayza tells the Council she wants to train to be an Assassin just like her Father, to help the Council to get justice for those that can’t get it themselves. 
“Umayza, the Council grants you your request. Please call your Father and ask him to report to the Academy as soon as he can, we can use someone with his experience here.” Council–member Dayanah says and soon after that we say our goodbyes to the Council–members. 
Umayza looks exhausted and Conri asks her if she wants to call her Father tonight or tomorrow when we are on our way to the Academy, she opts for the next day as she is struggling to keep her eyes open. Conri guides her to her bedroom as I get some sodas for Conri and myself. 
I am proud of Umayza to tell her story to the Council, I can only imagine what it was like growing up in a Pack like that and I am glad Conri and I grew up in Pack that values it’s my mind wander to White Crescent Pack Conri walks back into the room. 
members. Before I can let 
glad we grew up in was so sweet. I know 
“She was asleep before she hit the pillow.” He says with a smile on his face. “I am White Crescent Pack, Alpha Atlas was a good and fair Alpha and Luna Anth Amarah has some strong shoes to fill, but I know she will be an excellent Alpha.” 
Before I can reply Conri’s phone start ringing and when he sees the caller–ID he puts in on speaker, “Captain, to what do we owe this pleasure?” Conri asks and Captain Armand tells us he and the rest of our Squad will meet outside the Pack’s territory. 
“Knowing a male is after Umayza made Council–member Boaz contact me to come up with a plan to get her safely to the Academy and Theron has come up with a solid plan. We need clothes that smell like her to put in our SUVs before we all drive away. 
There is a fork in the road miles from the Pack that leads in four different directions and that is where we will all split up to see if we can get rid of him. We will keep in touch by phone and hopefully you guys can get Umayza to the Academy without further problems.” Armand says and Conri tells him he will take care of the clothes they will need. 
He walks out of the living room and after I have agreed on our meeting time I disconnect the call. I stand in front of the window, staring at nothing in particular as Conri walks back into the room and he tells me that he put her clothes under her sheets. 
“I left a set on a chair in her room for her to wear tomorrow and the rest will be divided over the other SUVs. I really hope this will work, I would hate for that idiot to get his hands on her.” Conri says and as my Lycan roars in my head his Lycan roars out loud. 
Chapter 73 Unexpected 
+5 Pearls 
“I am going to give Armand her little red dress.” He says with a smirk on his face and I groan as the image of Umayza in that outfit pops into my head. My Lycan has a smirk on his face as he says, Something to picture when you have to take care of yourself.” I groan again as I quickly block him. 
It is near midnight when Conri decides to go to the bedroom to get some shuteye and I will stand guard for the next few hours. I am still standing in front of the window when I smell the most delectable scent I have ever smelled and as I look outside I see the moon at its highest peak. 
“Mate, Mate, Mate.” My Lycan shouts in my head and I walk towards the front door to see if I can find the source, but Conri softly muttering “Fuck” pulls my attention towards him. He is standing in front of the room Umayza is sleeping in and I see him sniffing the air, indicating that our Mate is in there. 
Fuck, indeed, as Umayza is only seventeen and it will take a year before she can tell that we are her Mates. Conri walks towards me as he is shaking his head and I follow him into the living room, “Evander, what are we going to do?” He asks and I have no answer for him. 
“Evander, she is our Mate and she is not of age yet. I don’t know if I can control Kane and… What are we going to do, Evander?” Conri is in a real panic and I am right there with him. I know a few males that had found their Mate who was underaged and they had nearly lost it a few times before they could claim them, but they only had to wait a few weeks at most. 
“Conri, lets see what tomorrow brings before we make any decisions.” I say to him and I hope we can figure this out without exposing ourselves to Umayza. 
I wake up in a tangle with almost all of my clothes and that also includes the dress I had hoped I would never ever see again, but there it was wrapped around my left leg. As I slowly sit knock on the door and slowly it opens to reveal Evander. 
straight I hear a 
“Goodmorning, Umayza.” Evander says and he has a rather strange look in his eyes before he tells me why all my clothes are in my bed. “That was smart thinking on Conri’s part.” I say with a smile on my face, but he barely looks at me as he informs me that breakfast is ready. 
“Conri and I will be outside. It is best if you handle the clothes so it smells of no one else.” He mumbles before he closes the door and I quickly get ready to grab some breakfast before we leave for the Academy. I put all my clothes back into the bag my Father packed for me and I quickly check if I have the 
paper in my pocket. 
A plate of food is waiting for me on the kitchen counter and I decide to eat it in the living room. After I place the plate and my cup of coffee on the table I sit down on the couch and for a moment I close my eyes to take in the room. I have done this a few times in my young live and I have learned to use it on command. 
If Lam in a room, no matter how small or big, I can recall the last events that occurred there, at first it would happen at random until I learned to control it and now I can call on it whenever I want. 
I see shocked looks on the faces of Conri and Evander, I hear them talking about me and I hear Conri say that I am their Mate. Evander tells him they can decide at the end of the day what they will decide to do. 
My eyes fly open as the meaning of my vision, as I call them, sinks in and suddenly I understand why Evander had been looking so strangely at me. This is not going to be easy for them as they have wait almart Wear hefore they can claim maand I feel end as there is nothing I can do for them 
14:03 Mon, Aug 19 G G B 
Chapter 73 Unexpected 
+5 Pearls 
“Just act as if you are not aware of it.” A voice in my head sounds, making me jump from the couch and I start looking around me. “Silly, I am in your head.” The same voice says and for a moment I am stunned into silence, before I realize that it has to be my Wolf talking to me. 
“Hi, what is your name?” I ask her and she tells me her name is Yade, but that I am not to tell anyone yet that she is there. I promise to keep it to myself until she tells me it is fine to tell anyone else and as I eat my breakfast we talk about everything and nothing. 
I clean the plate and my coffee cup and put them back in to the cupboards before I grab my bag to head out the door. Conri and Evander are standing near the SUV and I hear Yade say “Yummy, Yummy” before she retreats to the back of my head. 
“Ready when you are.” I say as I walk towards the SUV and I put the bag next to me on the backseat before I close the door. Evander gets behind the wheel again and Conri takes the passenger seat just like the day before, but I know that today is very different from yesterday. 
The three of us are a little wiser than we were yesterday and I am not sure if it for the better that I know. I am not even sure what will happen at the end of the day, what they will decide on me being their Mate and the words from my former Luna seep into my head again. 
She had told me on my sixteenth birthday that I would never have a Mate, that my fated Mate would reject me when he found me and that I would spend the rest of my life alone. Maybe she was right, maybe they didn’t want me and they would reject me at the end of the day. 
The SUV starts to slow down as we approach three other SUVs and three Lycans approach our SUV as one of them points Evander where to park our SUV. “Umayza, you need to get out of the SUV and walk around the front to the center between the SUVs, we are hoping he is watching. 
All the backdoors will be opened at the same time and will stay open for a while to give you time to place your clothes in the other SUVs, once that is done you will enter the SUV from within the center. Than all backdoors will close at the same time and we will all drive off. 
At a fork in the road we will all take a different route to the Academy and we are hoping he will follow the wrong SUV.” Conri explains and I ask which SUV I have to get into before we leave. Evander says they will drive me to the Academy, but I disagree with him. 
“There is a big chance he will follow your SUV as you are the ones that picked me up, it will be better if I get into another SUV and that will make the chances of him following me smaller.” I say and a voice over the phone tells Evander and Conri that I am correct. 
I get out of the SUV to walk around the front as Conri had instructed me to do and the three other males step towards me as Evander stands behind me. The man’s voice I heard over the phone and he introduces himself as Captain Armand, than he introduces Theron and Callan to me. 
“Captain, I will join you.” I say softly as I walk past him to put some of my clothes in the other two SUVs and I swear I could hear Evander and Conri growl. 
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