Alpha Amarah 

+5 Pearls 
Chapter 71 Evander 
“Gentlemen, we just received a call from Bright Moon Pack. One of their members was accused and convicted of assaulting their Luna and we need you to go pick her up. We weren’t given many details, but the caller did mention that we needed to act quickly. 
She sounded pretty fearful and she told us not to trust the Alpha and Luna on what happened, that we needed to hear her story as well.” Council–member Boaz says and Conri and I nod our heads as we get up from our seats and we waste no time getting to our SUV. 
“Evander, any thoughts as to why this person was asking the Council to react fast.” Conri asks me and I let the little information we have pass through my mind. It is not much and I understand why Conri is asking me this question, considering the past. 
My mind travels back to another assignment we did for the Council, a young woman had been accused and convicted by the Pack and a Warrior had called the Council to inform them. When we arrived at the Pack the Alpha had sworn up and down it had been a misunderstanding and we contacted the Council on how to proceed. 
We were told to head back to the Academy and leave the punishment up to the Alpha as it had been a minor incident according to him. A month later a neighboring Pack had contacted the Council that a female had asked for asylum, she was more dead then alive at that time. 
When the Council was informed of the circumstances they had realized it was the female we had been sent for and Conri and I had been sent back to talk to the female. During our conversation we found out that if we had talked to her that day, we would have taken her with us. 
Till this day we regret not talking to her, for not saving her and she made us promise with her dying breath that we would never walk away until we had heard both sides of the story. The Council allowed our Squad Captain Armand and the rest of our team to join us and we were joined by Investigator Harlyn. 
Together we had managed to find the evidence against the Alpha, Beta and Gamma. Turns out that the female had been the Alpha’s Daughter, but he had never treated her as such and his Beta and Gamma had taken liberties with her for years. 
The Warrior, who had called the Council, had accused her on purpose, he had hoped to get her out of the situation she was in before it would kill her and if we hadn’t listened to the Alpha he would have succeeded in rescuing her. 
Conri pulls me from my thoughts as he asks again if I have any idea why the Council was asked to act quickly. “We know it involves a female and there are a number of reasons why a female would attack a Luna. Most of those reasons are enough to get convicted by the Council as well, so we can assume that it is not a standard reason.” I let him think on my words as we drive towards Bright Moon Pack. 
By the time we get there we still haven’t narrowed down the answer and I am afraid we may never find out the answer as we will not be there when she has to face the Council, maybe we will get the chance to ask her on the way back. 
The Alpha is not too pleased with our presence, he actually looks really uncomfortable and as we 
Chapter 71 Evander 
+5 Pearls 
follow him to the dungeons I hear Conri through our mind–link, “I think the caller was right, it is a good thing we came this soon.” and I believe he is correct in his assumption. 
The girl in the cell is gorgeous and I can see that the male with her is related to her. I see an 
uncomfortable look on her face after I tell her to leave the sheet behind, once she realizes we don’t 
understand her concerns she turns her back on the others and reveals what she is wearing. I quickly understand her discomfort and I order everyone out as I tell her to get changed. 
The girl is wearing a dress that barely covers her and the top is mostly see–through, I groan inwardly as I take in how she looks. “Fuck, Evander. What the hell is she wearing? There is no way I will let her walk out of here dressed like that.” Conri says. 
As we are waiting outside the Alpha orders the Warriors to follow him to the Pack–house, her Father looks around before he turns to us and hands me a piece of paper. “Give this to my Daughter once she is safe and the Council gives you permission.” I peak inside to see a number written down. 
I nod my head before I push it into my pocket, Conri walks back into the dungeons after ten minutes to take the girl to our SUV and I see Pack–members gathering as Conri guides her over to the SUV. 
One member looks murderous while another has a small smile on her face and I think I just found out who the girl’s guardian angel is, but I don’t understand why the male looks as if we took his Mate away from him. Unless of course she is his underaged Mate, that would explain his expression. 
But if she is his Mate than why didn’t he say anything or why was he not with her in the dungeon, I only have more questions than answers and I need to talk to Conri about this. I also need to inform the Council about my thoughts and I hope they will be able to help her. 
The Alpha pulls the idiot out of the way so I can drive off with the girl in the backseat and as I look in the rearview mirror she closes her eyes, within minutes she is fast asleep. It gives me the chance to tell 
h an er 
email. Conri my thoughts and he quickly relays everything to the Council through 
“What do you think that piece of fabric was about?” Conri asks me and I think back on the miniscule, red dress she had been wearing, cursing at Conri for putting that picture back in my head. I thought she had been gorgeous with that sheet wrapped around her, but seeing her in that dress…. 
I shake my head as if I can get rid of the image that way and from the corner of my eye I see that Conri isn’t doing much better, the sight of her in that dress affects both of us. We both softly chuckle as we adjust ourselves and I keep an eye on our passenger. 
A movement on the right side of the SUV pulls my attention away from her and Conri is on high alert as he looks out the window, but there is nothing to see out there. I curse as something flies over the hood of the SUV and Conri follows whatever it was into the forest. 
A moment later I curse loudly as I pull the steering wheel hard to the left, a Wolf jumps out of the way in the nick of time and a moment later the Wolf is back again. “A rogue on a suicide mission.” Conri mumbles as we swerve across the road, trying to avoid the Wolf. 
Conri is shouting at me to keep my eyes,on the road, but he can’t watch both sides of the SUV at the same time and I don’t want to ram this SUV into a Wolf. “Left” I hear from the backseat and I manage to avoid him once again, but her next words freeze the blood in my veins. 
“He won’t give up until he has me or until he is dead. It is a whisper, but it is a very clear whisper and 
Mon, Aug 19 
Chapter 71 Evander 
+5 Pearls 
comes to this idiotic Wolf and we need to keep this girl safe at all costs. 
Council–member Boaz orders us to go to the nearest safe–house and I sigh in relief the moment I start to recognize my surroundings, it won’t be long before we are at the cottage. I am glad we have been here before, because now no one knows who we brought with us. 
It is a one story cottage surrounded by tall trees and a whole variety of wild flowers. There are two bedrooms at the back and that is more than enough to accommodate us tonight. As Conri stands next to her I realize that she isn’t tall and we both tower over her. 
She hasn’t lost her sense of humor as she tells us what ran through her mind and I chuckle as I try to imagine her running away from us, my Lycan starts to chuckle at that image. Conri guides her into the cottage as I grab the bag from the SUV, her Father gave it to me after Conri left us to get her from the dungeon. 
My Lycan has been acting strange for the past two days and he is starting to annoy the hell out of me, Conri told me that his Lycan was no better. Neither of our Lycans are able to tell us why they act the way they do, nor can they explain what it is they are feeling. 
Tomorrow will be the first day of the Full Moon and I have a suspicion our Lycans are hoping to find their Mate, we have been waiting long enough for her. We have been waiting for her for thirty years and Conri and I are close to giving up hope. 
With every year that passes my Lycan starts to get more depressed, but every time I bring up taking a chosen Mate he blows up in my face and it takes days before he talks to me again. Conri’s Lycan is the same when it comes to our fated Mate and a chosen Mate. 
We sometimes talk about it and have a good laugh at their attitude towards a chosen Mate. Conri’s Lycan refused to talk to him for a week when Conri once suggested to me that we each take our own chosen Mate, not that he was being serious. 
Rummage in the kitchen pulls me from my thoughts and I see Conri in the doorway with 
crossed in front of his chest. 
his arms 
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