Chapter 69 Umayza 

My name is Umayza. You already know that I am mated to Evander and Conri, the Royal Squad members and later they brought me back to their birth Pack and we settled down in Alpha Amarah’s territory in the end. 
But before that, before I ever found my mates and went to the Council Academy, my father and I have been living in Bright Moon Pack for years. 
Mom and Dad had been running from her parents who didn’t agree with her accepting her fated Mate. Mom didn’t make it and Dad barely escaped with me and when we came to this Pack I was only a year old. Dad took the position of Assassin as it was his birth right. 
We were happy until I turned fourteen, and he was told I had to move into the Pack–house, waiting to be chosen by unmated males. Every female over fourteen in this pack had to follow this rule. If my father had known, he would have never joined this pack–he would’ve kept running with me, 
In the almost three years since I had to move into the Pack–house I have been working in the kitchen, something I will keep doing after my Mate selects me 
“Umayza, I need you to- Luna’s voice trails off as she frantically searches the kitchen, not realizing I’m standing right behind her. I step forward and clear my throat. 
Startled, she spins around. “Where did you come from?” 
“I’ve been at my station since my shift started, Luna.” I reply, noticing she brought another young female to replace me in the kitchen. 
This is the day I’ve been dreading for the past three years–the day I get fitted for the outfit I’ll wear in six months, a day I fear even more. Nearly every female in our Pack dreads that day, except maybe the High–ranking ones. 
Like me, every girl in the Pack gets fitted for an outfit when she turns seventeen, then has six months to learn a dance to perform in front of all the unmated males. On that night, any male can inform the Alpha if he wants you as his Mate 
High–ranking females perform for a much smaller audience since there are fewer unmated High- ranking males left. In my case, I should be performing for the Highest ranks as well, but for some reason, our Alpha decided I’d have a better chance if perform for the general unmated males instead. 
Most of them are fine, but there are a few I wouldn’t describe as okay and with me most females feel that way. I have tried to get out of this performance, but our Alpha wouldn’t hear of it and Dad pleading with him didn’t work either. 
Dad doesn’t like the way this Pack chooses their Mates, and Dad doesn’t participate in the process, he told me that he is working on a plan to get out of here. He doesn’t want me to have to go through this process and according to Dad it is even illegal. 
Until Dad can find a way out of this, I will play along with their charade, and as an Assassin’s Daughter I have mastered looking innocent to perfection, not that I am innocent at all. I have seen enough since 1 
Chapter 69 Umayza. 
+5 Pearls 
was moved into the Pack–house and if I ever get the chance I will take the Alpha and this Pack down. 
Our Luma is waiting for me to step into the room where this whole ordeal will start and I look around at all the fabric and drawings in the room. One outfit more revealing than the other and I want to run as our Luna holds the drawing of my outfit in front of me. 
“They designed this especially for you, Umayza. It will be in scarlet red, made from lace and silk.” Luna explains as I take a closer look. It looks more like a nightgown and I don’t think it is suited for a girl my 
That evening. I finally see Dad for the first time in three days and I tell him I had my measurements taken for my outfit. “It is knee length with a flaring silk skirt and a lace top. 
The V–neck is almost down to my waist, and there are triangles of fabric behind the lace where my breasts will be. Two little buttons will fasten the lace on my back, and other than that, it is a bare back.” 
Dad looks disgusted as I describe the dress to him. 
He tells me he has a few more things to take care of before we can leave this Pack, but he will make sure it happens in the next few weeks and I tell him he has at least six months until we have to leave. 
Weeks pass as I continue working in the kitchen, fitting my so–called dress, and rehearsing the dance. 
Today, I have a sinking feeling that something bad is about to happen. 
We have to eat in the dining room with the unmated males, and we always have to sit in the same seat, the only thing that changes is the males we sit in between during a day. 
As I place bowls of fruit on the tables, I realize my fears were right: I’m seated next to the cruelest male 
in the Pack. 
Every female avoids him due to the rumors about his previous two Mates. It’s said that he kept them locked up in his cottage, isolated them from their friends and the rest of the Pack. 
Rumors also say that he is abusive, both physically and mentally, and that either he killed them or they took their own lives–stories vary with every person who tells them. 
I’ve noticed him glancing at me from time to time, and today I have to sit right next to him for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I hope he’ll ignore me like most males do, but I’m afraid I won’t be thar lucky this time. 
Our Alpha instructs us to take our seats, and I reluctantly sit down. As unmated males sit beside me, I keep my eyes on my plate. When the signal is given to start eating, I notice my nightmare placing a bowl of fruit in front of me. I quietly thank him as I take the bowl from his hands. 
Neither male speaks to me during breakfast, and I feel relieved when I return to the kitchen. I spend my break in my room, reviewing everything Dad and I discussed over the past two weeks, before heading back to work. 
Lunch is similar to breakfast, and as I make my way to the ballroom, I hear our Luna is already present. Over the years, I’ve learned to distinguish her laughter, and this one signals trouble for whoever is involved. 
12:51 Sun, Aug 18 
Chapter 69 Umayza 
+5 Pearls 
I stop beside the door, which they left ajar, unsure if they expect me yet, as I usually arrive ten minutes. 
“Does Umayza suspect this is a setup?” One of the other females asks, and I want to scream, “No.” 
“Of course not. She’s as gullible as her father was when he arrived here. They have no idea he requested the Alpha to put her in the other group, and he’ll make sure she never finds out. He’ll have his fun with her, but I hope she’ll last longer than the others did. 
His first Mate disappeared within a year and his second Mate within two years. But you know, I don’t care–he only picks females not born in this Pack,” Luna responds. I quickly walk away until I am out of hearing range. 
My heart races with a surge of dread and revulsion. To feign ignorance, I put on a light expression and start humming as I walk towards the ballroom again. 
“Hello, Euna,” I greet as I walk into the ballroom, only to stop deart ou a light expression and 
called dress ready. 
my tracks when I see my so- 
“Umayza, today you will rehearse in your outfit,” Luna says, holding the dress out to me. There’s something in her eyes that tells me she’s up to something. 
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