Chapter 66 Change 

Something has been bothering me about Lilith ever since she arrived at the Pack, but I can’t put my second, her Mate really did a number on her and I believe if finger on it. I don’t doubt her story for he got is hands on her he would kill her. 
It is a good thing her Mate never showed up while she was in the infirmary or there would have been more than enough Pack–members willing to deal with him, but I doubt he knew where she had gone. Maybe now that the Pack–bond with Hollow Moon Pack had been severed that he might have an idea, but he would never be able to come anywhere near her. 
Lilith looked a lot better than when she got here and Cameron had informed me that she even gained weight while she was in the infirmary, not that she had been starved or anything but she was probably kept on the bare minimum of food she should have gotten. 
I also feel better knowing that the Royal Squads are here to protect her and with Lilith being part of the Royal Pack her case will end up on the King’s desk. Our Pack–phone ringing pulls me from my thoughts and I sigh before I pick it up, “White Mountain Pack, Alpha Amarah speaking.” I answer. 
“Put your Mate on the phone.” I hear and Theseus puts the phone on speaker after he motioned the others to stay quiet. After he says his name I find out it is Alpha Crios on the other end and my blood. starts boiling. “What can I do for you, Alpha Crios?” Theseus asks. 
“Send my Beta’s Mate home.” He grumbles and I see Linus pushing forward, “Who do you think you 
deal are? You don’t get to call out orders at me and next time Alpha Amarah answers the phone you with her.” Linus growls before he disconnects the call and I actually see a smirk on his face. 
“He will call back soon and you will answer the phone, if he asks for me again disconnect it, Little One.” Linus links me and I know he is probably right, the dumbass will call again. If he has a brain he will deal with me, but I truly believe that the Moron is incapable of using that tiny bit of brain of his. 
It takes a few minutes before the phone starts ringing again, but this time I place it on speaker immediately and it sounds like our bird–brained Alpha actually listened. “Alpha Amarah, I want you to send my Beta’s Mate home immediately.” He growls and I honestly believe it took a lot for him to do this the correct way. 
“Alpha Crios, Lilith has become a member of our Pack and as such I will ask her to come to my office to answer your request.” I say as I roll my eyes at the phone, it only takes her a few minutes to walk into my office as I had told her not to knock and I only did it to annoy the hell out of Alpha Crios. 
As she walks in she asks me why her presence was needed in the Alpha office and I see Theseus giving her two thumbs up, while the others have to keep themselves from laughing out loud. Alpha Crios is yelling through the phone at Lilith and I don’t think twice about it as I disconnect the call. 
Through the mind–link everyone starts betting on how long it will take before he calls back and I see Lilith smile as Alastor start counting back from five. The moment he says zero the phone starts ringing again and Lilith looks rather flabbergasted. 
He definitely learned his lesson as he asks me again to send his Beta’s Mate home, “Lilith, do you want to return to Hollow Moon Pack or to your Mate?” I ask her and I watch as she looks at Delia before she 
12:50 Sun, Aug 18 ti 
Chapter 66 Change 
+5 Pearls 
answers my question, “No, Alpha Amarah. I don’t want to return to either one of them.”“” 
Both males start cussing and sweari 
her answer and I link Alastor to guide Lilith out of my office, I don’t need her to hear what they have to say. I don’t hang up as Eos placed a recorder next to the phone and I want the Council to hear it if they make any threats towards Lilith or our Pack. 
“Alpha Amarah, you better send my Sister home or I will be knocking on your door soon. Lilith will return to her Mate and there is nothing you can do about that, unless of course you want to go to war with me.” He growls before he hangs up and I stare at the phone as his words sink in. 
“No wonder Delia took on the Luna position so easy, her Mother is an Alpha’s Daughter. Why did Lilith chose to become the Beta’s Mate? She would have gotten an Alpha as her fated Mate or at least a male from an Alpha bloodline.” I whisper and I know everyone is trying to figure it out. 
Minerva flashes me an image and I quickly grab the file Cameron made for the Council, looking for the pictures he took of her after she got here. I look through every picture in there and suddenly I understand why I had this feeling that something was off with Lilith. 
I turn the picture towards Theseus and he stares at it for a minute or so, before Linus roars loudly. “Lets wait until the Council is here before we address this, I have a feeling Joseph and Griffin might have figured it out as well. Theseus says through the mind–link and I tell the others we will let them know when the Council 
is here. 
Joseph wakes me in the middle of the night to point out what his Father and I already knew, he isn’t upset with me that I didn’t tell him and he even tells me he appreciates it that he was allowed to figure it out on his own. I fall asleep with my Son in my arms and my Mate holding me against his chest. 
Theseus wakes me by placing little kisses on my mark and I am about to warn him about Joseph when I realize that he is no longer in bed with us, he lets his hand travel along the side of my body towards my hip. He pushes his rock hard cock against my ass and he slowly slides a finger into my core. 
I push back as he slides two fingers all the way inside me and I feel his cock twitching against my as moan as I feel him picking up the pace of his fingers moving in and out of my pussy. Theseus and Linus know how to work my body into a frenzy and my first orgasm hits me as he pushes his cock against my backdoor. 
He slows down his ministrations as he slowly pushes his cock into my ass and I love how he slowly. builds up another orgasm, he moves his cock in and out of my ass as he keeps sliding his fingers into my core. “Theseus, please. I beg and he knows why I beg, he knows I want him to move faster and 

I can feel that Linus is present and Minerva and I enjoy these moments when the four of us are enjoying each other like this. It will be the only way Linus and Minerva can enjoy time together until I give birth to our Daughter and I have no intention of stopping them from joining us when we have sex. 
Theseus lets Linus take more control and with every thrust he slams harder into my body, picking up the pace every few thrusts. I push back on his fingers and cock as he slams into my body and I feel the heat build inside my body, I am getting closer to my orgasm. 
I feel his cock twitching in my ass as he thrusts faster and I moan loudly as he slams his fingers deep in to my core, before he pushes his cock deep in my ass as we both moan 
the others name as we come undone. He slows down his ministrations as we both come done from our orgasm and I let my eyes 
eloce to eniou my Mane’s warmth and comfort 
Chapter 66 Change 
+5 Pearls 

st have dozed off in Theseus‘ arms, because I get woken up by my Little Wolf whispering in my ear. “Mom, you have to wake up. In an hour the Council will be here.” I grab him in my arms and tell him I want to stay in bed all day long, he giggles before he asks if Dad would mind to hold the meeting in here. 
“No way in hell. Get out of bed, my Alpha.” He growls as Joseph and I giggle. I know I can’t stay in bed all day long, but sometimes I wish I could just do what I wanted to do and not think about anyone else but myself. 
By the time we walk into our dining room breakfast is served and our leadership is waiting for us to join them, talking about everything that doesn’t have to do with why the Council is coming to our Pack. This is our time to relax before we start our day dealing with Pack business and what not. 
We also do it because of Joseph and our unborn Pups, we want this to be family time and we need to take this time out of our busy schedules to relax. If we get used to it now it will be easier after our Daughters are born and I know that especially for Theseus and his men this will be difficult to get used 


There are still things they have to get used to that are so normal for us to do, but that has to do with the way we were both taught by our Fathers and I know Theseus talks to Dad and Pappi about the things he needs to change. It is getting easier for him, but I also know that sometimes he has trouble letting certain things go. 
Theseus and I have already changed a lot of things he hadn’t been properly trained in and every time he is surprised to find out how much easier or better things are the way I was taught. He never holds it against me when I point those things out to him and talking through them makes him understand why certain things are better the way I was taught. 
There is one thing I took from Theseus and when I talked to Dad and Pappi about changing this one particular thing they agreed with me. Ademus has become a part of our leadership and he takes care of the financial business for the Pack, something that has never been my favorite part of Pack business. 
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Alpha Aharah