Chapter 65 Puzzeled 

It has been a week since Lilith and Roan arrived at our gate and Cameron has finally released her from the infirmary. He needed to document all of her injuries and he told us he had to walk out of her room on a few occasions, her Mate had beaten her in an inch of her life a few times. 
After we had made sure that Lilith was looked after we told Roan and his men to follow us to our office, they had followed us without 
waiting for us in our officesitation and they didn’t even flinch when they saw our leadership 
Roan told us that the males had been his best friends since young Pups and that he trusted them with his life. 
No one in the Pack had known why they had gotten home so pissed off, but it was clear to everyone that something had happened at the Competition. “I asked our Brother about it, but at first he didn’t want to tell me and it took awhile before he finally told me what had happened. 
He is like our Father and he was beyond pissed when he learned that Delia had found her fated Mate, that she was living within a Pack that is run by a female. He said as he smiled at Amarah. “However I think is was the fact that this female was able to kick our Alpha’s ass that had our current and future Headership more worried. 
Ever since Delia managed to escape the Pack our future Alpha has been on a war path, he believes there is no way Delia could have gotten out of the territory without someone helping her and in a way he is correct in that assumption.” Roan said and one of his men stood up at that point. 
“I was on patrol that morning when my Mother linked me to tell me what she overheard, but she also knew there was nothing we could do against it. I didn’t know what to do with the information until I saw Delia sneaking towards the border and she was heading for a Warrior that is like our Alpha. 
I linked her to make her change directions and I helped her cross the border at a safe location, I kept ari eye on her until she was out of sight.” The male said and Amarah thanked him for helping her Sister in law get to safety. He told us how everyone on patrol had been punished for her escape, but that he had gladly taken the punishment. 
Roan kept telling us that he had gone in search of their Mother after hearing about Delia, but their Father had refused him entry to the Beta floor and that was when he had started to worry. No one in the Pack would stand up against their leadership, but that didn’t mean they approved of what they did. 
It had been Omegas that had informed him of what their Father and their Alpha were doing to their Mother and with his friends he had come up with a plan to take Lilith out of the Pack. Knowing where his Sister was made the choice easy, they would come here to get Lilithto safety and they would find another Pack if we wouldn’t accept them as members 
“I don’t care where I end up as long as I know that Mom is safe and I know that this is the safest pace for her to be, even though it will be the first place Dad will come looking for her.” He had said and just one look around the room was all I needed to confirm what I had already suspected. 
Roan, you and your friends are more than welcome to join our Pack. There is something you need to know before you make a final decision, we are a Royal Pack and that means that our first loyalty lies with the King. I had said and none of them had hesitated in accepting us as their new Park 
12:50 Sun, Aug 18 
Chapter 65 Puzzeled 
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lone had contacted the Council to inform them of what had happened to Lilith and I was glad the males had taken time to take pictures of how they found the rooms on the Beta floor. Each of them had made a written statement about what they had seen and what Lilith had told them. 
The Council will be coming to the Pack tomorrow to talk to Lilith and to see if there is something that can be done against Hollow Moon Pack, their Alpha or their Beta. I know one thing for sure if the Moron shows up here to demand his Mate back, Minerva is going to rip him to pieces. 
There was only one thing we didn’t tell them, because we believed it was Delia’s place to inform her Mother and Brother about it and we knew she wanted to wait until her Mother got released from the infirnfary. Anthea had taken over Luna duties in the meantime and I know she will be glad to hand. everything back to Delia. 
We are waiting in our office for Delia to show up, Roan and his men had informed us they would wait for their initiation until Lilith could get initiated as well and I actually like the fact he didn’t want to do it sooner. Joseph is also there because he asked if he could see how the ceremony worked up close. 
Delia opens the door without knocking and I see a confused look on Roan’s face, he probably thinks it is rude for her to just walk into the Alpha’s office like that. “Mom, I believe you remember Theseus and Amarah.” She says and I see their jaws drop as she talks to her Mother. 
“Roan, shut that yap.” She orders and he has no other choice but to do as she said. Her Mother actually smiles as she looks from her Son to her Daughter and I think we might finally get an answer or two in regard to Delia. She turns to the male that helped her cross the border and smiles at him. 
“Alastor, this is Jake. He is the one that guided me across the border.” She says and he thanks the male for putting Delia on his path. I can feel that Amarah is bothered by something, but I have learned to let her think about it and she will confide in me the moment she has figured it out. 
After everyone is settled down Roan asks his Sister how she was able to tell him to shut up, “That is because I am White Mountain Pack’s Luna.” She answers and I see a huge smile form on his face. We get everything ready for the initiation and Joseph closely follows his Mother around. 
Lilith comments on his behavior and I burst out in laughter, “Lilith, my Mate is an overbearing and overprotective ass. I can barely move or he hovers over me, but I can guarantee you it is nothing. compared to our Son. You will soon notice that it isn’t just around me that he acts that way and soon learn that he is a very smart Wolf.” Amarah says as she gets everything set up. 
you will 
Joseph growls softly at her and all of them stare at him as his eye color changes from time to time, Griffin finally pushes forward as he says, “Mom, we told you to get used to it. We will keep you and our baby Sister safe.” Amarah slowly get down on one knee to pull him into her arms. 
Her baby bump is starting to show and Griffin places one hand on it as he nuzzles his Mother’s neck, they really are protective of their baby Sister. But Amarah is correct about Joseph and Griffin not just showing this behavior around her, Alastor smiles as he tells Lilith about the first time Joseph had followed Delja around the Pack–house. 
“He annoyed the hell out of her, she was glad I wasn’t following her around and now she had Joseph on her tail all day. The both of them are very protective of their Sister and Nieces and I truly believe when they start drawing male attention those males have more to fear from them than from us.” He says and I have to agree with him on that. 
After the ceremony is done we have lunch in the main dining room and one of the Bevel Ca 
Chapter 65 Puzzeled 
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recently settled in our Pack is keeping an eye in Lilith, but I am not sure why. “Council–member Armas asked us to keep her safe. All Squads in your territory were put on high alert, we will protect her from her Mate.” The Squad Captain informs mTIC. 
Lilith asks Delia why those males are staring at her and I explain to her the orders of the Council. She gets up from her seat to walk over to the Squad, “Thank you for keeping an eye on me, I am not sure if he will come for me but I know I will be more at ease knowing someone is watching my back.” She says. 
“That is what a Royal Squad is for, Lilith. We protect those that can’t protect themselves, we get justice for those that are no longer able to and we will never allow someone to take their rage or anger out on someone just because they are stronger.” Umayza says as she walks into the room. 
Lilith looks at her baby bump and the two Lycans standing behind her, She is quickly informed that Umayza is expecting triplets and still has a long way to go. She smiles when she sees Joseph approach and he asks Umayza when they can practice again. 
“How about after lunch, Little Wolf? Right now I need some food.” She says before she sits down in a chair at our table and Joseph rushes of to get her a plate filled with everything she likes. Joseph sits down next to Lilith and I can see him in a discussion with Griffin, “Something on your mind, Son?” I ask him 
He tells me they are not sure yet, but that he will come to me when he has figured it out with Griffin and I know he will do as he says. Ever since the Competition he has told us everything that went on his mind, but only after he and Griffin had figured out what was bothering them and I know this won’t be any different. 
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