Chapter 6 Females In Control
Amarah Someone clearing their throat pulls my attention away from the document I am reading and I look into the face of one of my best friends. They know how to read my face and right now they can tell I have found something that has made my day. When I took over from my Father five years ago, a lot of Alphas had been shocked and one Alpha never acknowledged the change in leadership. Not that I would have been pleased if he had contacted me and I don’t know how I would have reacted. Most High-ranking Wolves give their position to their Sons even if they have a first-born Daughter. In the history of my Pack there have been two other females that could take over the Alpha title from their Father, but both decided they didn’t want to. I on the other hand have always known that I wanted the title when the time came and with my Father’s Beta, Gamma and Deltas also having first born Daughters all our Highest-ranking positions are filled by females. Five years ago, my Father stepped down as Alpha and when the Elders had sent out the notification to every Pack some Alphas had torn up the alliance we had with them. It didn’t bother me as it was something my Father and I had expected. Of the nine alliances we had four that were broken when I took over, but the other five stayed loyal as each of their Alphas had seen me grow up and they knew I would be as good an Alpha as my Father had been. One of those Packs lives to the south of us and together we keep an eye on the no-mans land between our Pack territories. That clearing is used by anyone that wants to travel from one side of our Pack territories to the other side and most of those travelers have no ill intentions, but some are Rogues that will try to get onto our Pack territory. They only get one warning, if that doesn’t scare them off, they die. I know that not all Rogues are bad and the ones that have no ill intentions are also the ones that only need one warning, the others don’t care whether they life or die as long as they think there is something to gain. However, history has taught us all that at a certain point they all become lose cannons. No matter how hard one tries, if you are without a Pack to long you lose your Human side completely and those are the dangerous ones. There are various reasons for someone to become a Rogue, most of them end up as Rogues because they were banished from their Packs for crimes they committed and some of them become Rogues because they had no other choice. My Father and I have both taken in Rogues on a trial period and all of them became a full Pack-member after their trial period was over. Those that didn’t get a trial period because of the crimes they committed were told to leave or be killed. My Beta is the one that pulled me from the document and she is looking at me with a questioning look in her eyes, I smile at her before I decide to answer her. Melia, Rhea and Eos are as curious as Ione is and experience has taught me that if I don’t answer them they will keep nagging, until I give in. My Beta Ione, my Gamma Melia and my Deltas Rhea and Eos are also twenty six, the five of us were born within the same week and joined at the hip from birth. We slept in the same room until we turned sixteen, but now we have our own room in my Quarters on the top floor of the Pack-house. Once one of us finds her Mate, depending who it is, that person will move out of my Quarters into their own. If I am the first one to find my Mate they will all move into Ione’s Quarters and so on and so on. We know one and other better than we sometimes know ourselves, just a look from one of them is enough to tell me what is on their minds and I know that I am an open book to them as well. Which sometimes is a blessing in disguise, but in other situations it can be a pain in the behind. I quickly tell them what I have uncovered and they all have a smirk on their face, knowing I will knock them down a few nudges. “You need to start training, not that you don’t train enough.” Eos is quick to say and I know exactly what she means. Male Alphas are bigger then I am, they also think they are faster and stronger. I will prove to them that I am faster and because of that I will be able to get punches in before they can see them coming. A knock on the door interrupts our meeting and Melia is the one that walks over to open the door, “Hello Alastor, what is it?” She asks the moment she sees my baby Brother on the other side of the door and she steps aside to let him in. “I heard an Elder dropped by and I hoped to find out if you were finally invited.” He says as he looks at me. I nod my head and a smile crosses his face. Unlike me, he doesn’t want to partake in the competition, but he has his reasons for wanting me to go. Alastor sits down in the armchair opposite of mine as if he belongs in this meeting, he doesn’t but it doesn’t stop him and I don’t mind if he sits in on this one. The bond between the two of us is very strong and tight, as it has been since the day he was born. Mom sometimes asks us what will happen if either of us doesn’t like the others Mate and Alastor and I always say the same thing, “I will reject my Mate” which always makes Mom growl and Dad laughs his ass off every single time. Neither one of us will ever reject our Mate, it is not the way we were raised and we both understand the importance of our Mate. It is one of the reasons why we are the largest and strongest Pack there is, every male and female in our bloodline were fated Mates and that only makes a bloodline stronger. “How much time do you have?” he asks and I tell him that the competition is three weeks from today. I will increase my training and I know that every Warrior in my Pack will help me in any way they can. “Do you have any idea which other Packs have been invited?” Rhea asks and we all know why she asks, we are all hoping that two certain Packs will be there. Two Packs that for different reasons are on our shitlist. I grab the envelop with the invitation and with it is a list of all the Packs that are invited this year. At the top of the list is the first Pack that is on our shitlist, Dark Mountain Pack and halfway down the list is the other one, Hollow Moon Pack. “It looks like this is our lucky day, both of them are on the list. Let’s see what the rest of the rules and regulations tell us about how this works.” I say as I grab the document of my lap and I start reading through it once again. “On the first day there will be three matches at the same time, each Wolf fights two matches and with the ratings of those matches it is determined who will drop out of the competition. Knock out will give you the highest score in a match. Two knock outs in the first round means you skip the fights on the second day, while the rest has to determine that day who else will drop out. On the third day only one match at the time, tap out or get knocked out during those matches and you drop out immediately. If the amount of participants is insufficient to fill the third day, there will be a one hour break before the next rounds start. If you lose the match you are out of the competition and the rounds will continue until one Alpha is left standing.” I say after I have read the document. Alastor starts counting the amount of Wolves that could participate in this competition, he writes down the number of males and females per Pack that are of an Alpha bloodline and if all of them will enter the competition this could last the entire week the Elders have picked. “Ready for dinner, Baby Girl.” Dad asks through the mind-link. “We will be there in a minute.” I reply and as I look at Alastor I already know Mom has linked him at the same time. The six of us stand up as one and Melia bursts out in laughter. I sit down at the head of the table as Ione sits down to my right, the chair on my left stays empty and Melia sits down in the chair next to it. Rhea takes her seat next to Ione as Eos sits down next to Melia. Mom and Dan sit next to Rhea, while Alastor sits down next to Eos with the chair next to him staying empty. Officially the chairs to the left of Melia and Eos should stay empty, just like the chairs to the right of Ione and Rhea. The empty chairs symbolize the lack of a Mate by our side and after discussing it we decided to only leave two chairs empty. Omegas walk into the dining room with plates filled with food, while others places dishes on the table filed with even more food and by the time we are done every plate and dish will be empty. Once everyone has a plate the Omegas sit down at their own table.