Chapter 57 Lycans 

I want to kill that fucking Idiot for endangering the lives of Asteria and Inti, but also for endangering the lives of our Pack–members. Does he really think we will hand over Asteria without putting up fight? She is mated to one of our Pack–members for Goddess sake and he just betrays them. 
Melia tells me through the mind–link to inform the Council and hope they are willing to send some 
help our way. Well, if they don’t I might have to call in a favor from Evander and Conri and I have a 
feel they will come running. They always kept in touch with Dad after they joined the Council and I hope that when they settle things with their Mate they might decide to settle down here. 
Ademus is talking to Theseus as we walk towards the Pack–house and I use that opportunity to call the Council. I explain everything to them and they thank me for keeping them safe, Council–member Armas tells me he will send Captain Armand and his team to help out. 
I am grateful we get the chance to have dinner in peace and even enjoy a nice talk among friends, a few hours after Delia took Joseph upstairs I get a link from one of my Warriors. Khonsu is at the gate of Dark Mountain Pack and demands that we hand over Asteria. 
We run at full speed back to Dark Mountain territory and even though I can’t see them I know Evander and Conri are close by. Theseus is growling at the male near the gate and I place my hand on his back to calm him down, “I am Alpha Khonsu of Little Crescent Pack and I demand you give me my Luna back.” He shouts. 
I look at the male in front of me and I know one thing for sure, he is no Alpha. “I am Alpha Amarah and this is Alpha Theseus, we will not give into your demand. Asteria has found her second chance Mate and they have marked one and other.” I say, causing Khonsu to roar. 
“I also know that Inti is the rightful heir to Little Crescent Pack and I doubt any of his Pack–members will accept you as their Alpha. You don’t even feel like an Alpha to me, so why do you call yourself Alpha?” I ask him and he roars again, looks like I am annoying him. 
“You are no Alpha, you are a female.” He growls in my direction and Linus roars as he steps in front of me, “My Mate is an Alpha and if you insult her again I will rip your fucking head off.” Linus takes a small step back, but not enough to allow me to see Khonsu. 
I step to the side to be able to look around Linus and Khonsu takes that as his cue to lunge at me, but he hadn’t counted on Linus keeping his word. He grabs Khonsu by the throat and tosses him against a tree a few feet away, Linus stays within our borders to make sure it is clear that Khonsu is provoking us. 
He doesn’t have many males with him, but they seem determent to help Khonsu get what he is after. I see movement behind them and for a moment I fear there might be more of them, but then I see Evander stepping from behind some bushes with his Brother. 
Six bulky Lycans stand next to one and other as a young female shoves two of them aside, they quickly move behind her and it looks like they are ready to kill anyone that looks at her in the wrong way. Khonsu tells them he has every right to claim his Mate back, but the female just shakes her head. 
“What my Little Mate is trying to tell you is that you will never lay a hand on Luna Asteria again.” Conri growls and she looks up at him with a pout. “What is it. Little One?” He asks and she says that she had 
hoped he would have asked her why she was shaking his head. 
Evander decides to humor their Mate and asks her the question she had been hoping for, “I was shaking my head, because I know that you will not breath long enough to get out of here. That is what I was planning on telling him.” She says as she looks up at Evander. 
Khonsu looks at her and asks her if she has lost her mind, she knocks on her head before she says, “No according to Yade it is all still in there.” I see a few more males appear from the bushes and soon Khonsu and his men are surrounded. 
It looks like he has a death wish as he charges at me again, but this time Linus has really had enough of the Idiot and before anyone can respond Linus rips his head off. The males try to get away by attacking everyone around them, but it is of no use and soon all of them are dead. 
I see Conri and Evander checking the female over and she gets a very annoyed look on her face, “I already told you I am fine, I have no injuries. Which fucking part of that sentence was unclear to the two of you?” She growls at the two Lycans, 
Theseus gasps as she is growling at them and I have to stifle a smile, “I might be pregnant, but that doesn’t mean I lost my brain. I can take care of myself and if you keep annoying me like this I will ask 
JoMom to kick your asses.” Both males pale as she mentions their Mother and I am laughing my 
“Hello, Alpha Amarah. I am Umayza and unfortunately those two Morons are my Mates.” She says ast she winks at us and then she turns to Theseus, “Alpha Theseus, you have one hell of a Mate, lets hope you don’t piss her off.” She says before she looks over her shoulders at her Mates. 
“What, did all of you leave your good manners behind at Silver Lotus Pack?” She says and I hear Linus” deep laugh as Theseus shakes his head. By the time I turn my attention towards the bodies there aren’t any to find and I see six Wolves emerged from the bushes. 
One of them shifts back to tell Umayza that the bodies are taken care off, she nods at her as she turns back towards her Mates and the both wrap their arms around her. All of us start laughing as she mumbles, “Watch the Pups, Giants.” Conri introduces the others to me and Theseus and tells us they would like to talk to us as soon as we have time for them. 
“Conri, first thing in the morning we will make time for you. Right now, I want to go home and kiss our Son goodnight before I am going to crash in our bed. It has been a long and tiering day with more. downs than ups and I want to call it a day.” Theseus says. 
I feel more relaxed the moment I step into our Quarters and I smell the scent of my Little Wolf. Delia asks if everything worked out fine and she sighs in relief as we tell her Khonsu will never bother anyone again. I watch as Theseus kneels down next to Joseph’s bed and places his head on his back near his neck to inhale his scent. 
Joseph stirs a little but he doesn’t wake up and I cuddle him after Theseus has gotten up of the floor. I wrap my arms around him and lift of his bed to take him with me, “Sorry, my Alpha. I just need him close right now.” I say and I can tell he is glad I grabbed him, 
“I wanted to do the same thing, but wasn’t to sure if you would appreciate it.” He answers and I tell him when it comes to our Pups he can never go wrong. Theseus is the first to head for the bathroom and I hold Joseph in my arms until he comes back. 
I places our Son next to his Dad and make my way over to the bathroom to get ready for the night. Once I am done I walk over to the bed to find my Mate fast asleep with our Son in his arms, I quietly crawl into bed to snuggle close to my Son and my Mate. 
Someone placing feather light kisses on my face pulls me from my sleep and I slowly open my eyes to meet those of my Son, “Goodmorning, Mom. Did Griffin bring me here? He doesn’t remember if he did.” Joschp whispers and I tell him I took them here. 
“I needed you close after last night. I am not going to tell you the details, but I will tell you that no one will come for Inti and his Mom ever again.” He nods his head before he snuggles into my side and I look at my Mate over his head with a smile o 
my face. 
“Goodmorning, my Alpha. You were asleep fast last night.” I say to him and he tells me he only sleeps this good with me or the both of us in bed with him. He wraps his arms around both of us and as we just lay there my mind starts to wander. 
How did I get so lucky to find this amazing Mate of mine or this little male that is snuggled up between us? I never thought I would get this after Damien rejected me, especially not after all the years that had passed without finding my second chance Mate. 
I know Theseus waited for a second chance Mate longer then I did and he never gave up hope, I am not sure if I could have waited that long. I know that years from now I will look back on this time with a smile on my face, I will never be able to forgive what Damien did to me and I hope I never have to see him again. 
Theseus pulls me from my thoughts as he says it is time to get some breakfast before we meet with Evander and Conri, “I want to talk to them before I have to talk to my Father and I want to thank them for their help last night.” He says and Joseph asks me who they are. 
“Evander and Conri grew up in this Pack and with their Father the only Lycans we had in our Pack, but they work for the Council now.” I answer him and I hear him whisper “Lycans” in excitement. 
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