Chapter 55 Dark Mountain Pack 

I have learned more about how to run a Pack in the past few hours than I have in my entire life and I know I will keep learning every single day for the rest of my life. No one is afraid to approach me and I know it has to do with how Amarah, Atlas and Pappi took care of this Pack during their reign. 
My Pack–members are going to be in for a shock, they will have to change a lot of their habits and I think I have to make ure that those that can’t or won’t change know they need to find another Pack to live in. Even my men look stunned from time to time, but it looks like they enjoy talking to the Pack- members. 
I keep my eyes on Amarah as she walks around, answering any question she is asked and even Joseph walks around as if he has always lived here. Pappi and Nanna returned about fifteen minutes ago for him to meet the Pack–members he would be living with from now on. 
I am grateful for Pappi keeping an eye on him and it makes me relax more as I talk to Pack–members, they don’t just ask questions they also offer their help, I smile as a little female asks me what color my. Wolf is and her eyes widen when I tell her that Linus is an all–black Wolf, she responds by telling me she likes his name. 
Her Mother is shaking her head with a smile on her face and I get a huge smile from the little female when I thank her on behave of Linus. “How are you feeling, Son?” I hear Anthea ask and I turn to her with a smile on my face, “I realize that my Father took a lot of knowledge away from me and my leadership. 
I am grateful I will have Amarah by my side and I hope I can talk to Atlas and Pappi if I ever have questions.” I answer her and she tells me they will all help me become an even better Alpha, she knows I already made a lot of difference after I took over from my Father. 
Once we are satisfied everyone was able to ask their initial questions Amarah and I say goodbye to our Pack–members, after we make sure Joseph and Inti are fine we head for the clearing. Nestor and Simon are talking with a few of the Warriors and I hear the same thing over and over again as I make my way over to our Gammas. 
“I never thought of it that way.” “This sounds so much better.” “Why were we never trained like that?” and I know they will do whatever it takes to get to the same level as their new Pack–members. Amarah and I tell them they will hear everything we have to say with the rest of Dark Mountain Pack 
As we walk away from the clearing Myles and Josh enter the clearing with their teams to go over everything with our Gammas and I know they will have the same questions. I call everyone to the Pack–house through the mind–link and quickly shut it down, not willing to answer any questions. 
It is clear that the older Pack–members have been listening to my parents and agree with them on some level, but most of our Pack–members are smiling and cheering as we approach the Pack–house. My Father is looking behind me and I know exactly who he is looking for, but I will not let him anywhere near Joseph right now. 
Nestor and Simon give instructions to their team through their mind–link and I see that every team is a combination of Warriors from both Packs. Just like a few hours ago we explain everything that happened at the Competition, but there is one thing they are not aware of and that is how Damien 
rejected his fated Mate. 
Once we are done I look at Eos and give her a nod of my head, every phone belonging to one of the members of Dark Mountain Pack starts buzzing and one after the other grabs it to see what is going on. Heads snap towards my parents and I can tell you none of them are happy faces. 
I turn to look at my parents, but I didn’t expect to see utter horror on their faces and I realize that Damien had never told them the truth. I doubt it will change their behavior towards Amarah, but at least now I know they were not behind this. 
“Just to inform you all, starting tomorrow you can have your meals at the old Pack–house of White Crescent as we will be remodeling this Pack–house into a Hospital. Your Alphas, Betas, Gammas and Deltas will be staying there until the new Pack–house is finished. 
We understand that it will not always be convenient to head to the new Pack–house, so we came up with an idea for that. Unmated and mated Warriors and any Omega that wants to can keep living on the second and third floor, the first floor will become part of the Hospital for Wolves that need more time to heal. 
The ground floor will get smaller offices for the Doctors to examine any injury and it will remain a gathering place and a place to get your meals during the day.” I say and I see a few Omegas looking relieved. Amarah steps next to me as Jeanet steps forward. 
“Alpha Theseus, first I want to say congratulations on finding your fated Mate. Second I want to thank you for what you did before you left for the Competition, it has made a huge difference for us. Simon and I would like to stay here and I know of a few other Omegas that would like to stay as well. 
We will also make sure patients get the correct meal, if the Doctors give us the right instructions.” She says and Amarah looks at me confused, “I will explain later, just know it has to do with my Father.” I say and she quickly tells me she doesn’t need to know. 
“Amarah, I think we may need to call the Council.” I tell her and she asks me why, “How were Doc and Asteria able to tell they are Mates? The days of the Full Moon are over.” I explain and she actually starts laughing out loud, “Sorry, Theseus. It is rare to find your Mate outside the days of the Full Moon, but it can happen if both of them had a fated Mate before and so far only if they lost their fated Mate through death.” She 
Everyone stares at her and she tells them she loves reading about Werewolf and Lycan history, “I always loved reading, but when I found out a Lycan family was living in our Pack I got more curious about the difference between Werewolves and Lycans 
I read every book there is in my office and Pappi has bought me numerous books over the years, all of them about Werewolves and Lycans. If any of you would ever like to read some you are more than welcome to borrow them or read them in the living room of the new Pack–house.” She says. 
From the corner of my eye I see my Father typing on his phone and I think he is sending Damien a message, but when I see an evil smirk on his face I know he just caused trouble. “I think my Father might have warned Khonsu that Asteria is here.“I say to Amarali through our mind–link. 
“Nestor, put two teams on Guard duty with Doc and Asteria and one team with Inti.” She says before she addresses the crowd, most of them have heard about what happened to her Mate and they all agreed with me something was off. Asteria looks at us with a worried look and I tell her not to worry, 
that we will protect her and Inri 
“Eos, is there something you can do about my Father’s phone and can you do it in a way that he isn’t aware of it, I want him to think every other message gets through.“1 ask her and I see her stepping behind Xanthos as she starts typing on her phone. 
Within a few minutes she links me with the news that it is done, “Asteria, I think it is best if you and Doc stay in White Crescent territory for the time being. Someone has informed Khonsu that you are here and this will be the first place he will come to.” I explain and I hear Doc roar as her face pales, but Nestor is quick in reassuring her she is safe. 
He guides Doc and Asteria towards his cottage to pack a few things before they head to White Crescent territory and I see my Father on his phone again, but this time he will be in for a surprise. Amarah and I walk around the crowd to answer any question someone might have. 
Our older Pack–members refer to her as Luna and instead of correcting them she just walks away after telling Eos to get their names. I have no idea what she is up to, but I can’t wait to find out what my Mate has planned for them and it is safe to say it won’t be a nice thing she has in store for them. 
The moment she walks away from one of them I get asked the question what that is about, but all I can do is shrug my shoulders and tell them I have no idea why she does what she does. “Strike one.” I hear Xanthos say in my head as he follows Amarah around the crowd. 
Most of our Pack–members show her the respect she deserves and I am proud of how accepting they are of my Mate. “Alpha Theseus, your Luna is a very disrespectful female. I don’t understand why you chose her as your Mate.” One of my Father’s most trusted Warriors says. 
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