Chapter 54 Learning 

I suddenly see the expression on her face change to one of shock and at the same time I hear a voice. roar, “Mine.” Theseus turns towards the sound and steps in front of Asteria to stop the male that is running towards us, “Doc, take it easy. I need to explain something first and after that you can talk to your Mate.” He says as he walks towards the male. 
Pappi keeps an eye on Inti and Griffin as I talk quietly with Asteria, it only takes her a few minutes to decide she wants to give Doc a chance and Pappi offers to look after Inti while Asteria and Doc get to know one and other. Doc waits for Asteria to come to him instead of rushing towards her and I see a small smile on her face. 
“Asteria, this Pack will protect you and Inti. We will talk about Inti’s future in a few days.” Theseus says to her and she tells him she would appreciate that, before she takes hold of Doc’s hand. I watch them as they walk towards Doc’s home near the old Pack–house. 
Pappí is holding a pair of sweats for Joseph and Inti talks to him as Griffin releases control back to him. Joseph greets Inti as if he is an old friend and they talk as they follow Pappi back to the Pack–house. Theseus and I follow close behind them as I lean a little closer into his side and everyone that doesn‘ have to stay in the clearing follows us. 
Theseus had asked me to address White Crescent Pack first as he wanted to take Nestor’s team with us to Dark Mountain Pack, it was just a precaution. He wanted to make sure everyone would know that he would do anything for me and he was hoping it would keep Damon from being a pain in the ass. 
We both know that both our Pack–members saw Linus outburst at the Competition, but we doubt Dark Mountain Pack realizes that I will not become their Luna. We will deal with them in a few hours, but first Theseus wants to get to know my Pack–members. 
Once I have confirmed that all my Pack–members are present, those that are capable of being here that is, I raise my hand to silence the crowd and I see a strange look on Theseus‘ face when they quiet down in mere seconds. I look around the crowd and I see a lot of smiling faces. 
“Thank you for being patient. Some of you have already noticed that Asteria is not here, she found her second chance Mate in the Doctor of Dark Mountain Pack.” I stop talking as the crowd cheers and I see Inti looking surprised at the scene in front of him. 
Joseph steps a little closer to his friend to place a hand on his shoulder, “Inti will be staying with my Grandparents and I know you will all make him feel welcome. We have been informed that the threat isn’t gone and I am asking each of you to keep an eye on Inti.” A loud “Yes Alpha” is heard throughout the crowd. 
“I am well aware of the fact that you all know who the male next to me is and what he is to me and Minerva. Theseus was raised and trained in a very different way than I was and I ask you to help him wherever he needs it, the same goes for his leadership 
Which by the way, are all mated to my own leadership.” Cheers, howls and whistles are heard throughout the crowd. “We are going to build a new Back–house in the clearing as it is now part of our Pack, talk to lone on what you can do to help and I am sure she can find a task for each of you.” 
I hold my hand out to Joseph which he takes with a big smile on his face, “This might come as a shock to all of you, but you also know the kind of person I am and know that this is the best for everyone involved. Joseph is the Son of Damien and his chosen Mate Penelope.” I let that piece of information 
settle in. 
“Joseph is a smart young Wolf that has learned to fast that not everything is what it seems, Joseph hates it when you are not honest with him and I ask you to tell him the truth for as far as you can tell him the truth. If you can’t tell him the truth, than please explain to him why you can’t. 
When Joseph found out what his Father had done to me it caused his Wolf to come out and most of you have already seen Grillin in the clearing. The Council has decided that his birth parents are not fit to raise him and Theseus and I have adopted him.” I can’t say anything else as the crowd becomes so loud in their cheers that it is deafening. 
Once the crowd has calmed down I explain a few more things about Joseph and what happened at the Competition that wasn’t broadcasted. I hear them laugh and cheer as I mention a few of the things that occurred and I see many of them looking at Joseph from time to time. 
Theseus takes a step forward and the crowd quiets down again, “Thank you for making us all feel welcome, I never knew what happened and if I had I would have kicked his ass myself. Even though this was much more humiliating for him than anything I could have put him through.” He says and everyone laughs. 
“We also found out that with both of us being Alphas the Luna position is still in the hands of our Mothers, I have no problem with Anthea still holding that position but I wouldn’t want to hand you over to my Mother. Amarah and I talked about what to do with this predicament. Elder Ezra told us we could ask someone to take the position. 
We know who we think is very suited for the position and we hope that she is willing to at least think about accepting our offer.” The crowd is deadly quiet and eagerly waiting for Theseus to continue with his speech. I look at the crowd to see if anyone might have an idea who he is talking about and the moment I lock eyes with Alastor I see him beaming with pride. 
“During the Competition she showed us that she thinks of others and isn’t afraid to take action when it is needed. Will you consider taking the Luna position for our Pack, Delia?” He asks and everyone can see pure shock on her face at his question. 
She looks at Alastor for a moment and I know she is talking to him about this offer. Everyone keeps quiet as they are talking through the mind–link and as she turns to us Mom steps next to her, whispering something in her ear. She looks at Mom in surprise and I have a feeling that know what she said to Delia. 
“Alpha Theseus and Alpha Amarah, it will be my honor to take the Luna position. I know I will have the best tutor I could ask for and I know Alastor will be beside me during all of this.” She says and the crowd once again erupts in cheers and howls. 
“Then I have one more thing I would like to address. With combining our Packs we need a new name and we want all of you to help us pick a 

e. Write down your suggestions and hand them to one of the leadership, we will place a board in the dining room. 

Give your opinion about a name if you think it isn’t suited for our Pack and we will take it all into consideration. We are hoping to find a new name for our Pack soon, but with combining two large Parke it will take time. We will take all the time we not even if the Council starts breathing down our 
+5 Pearls 
necks.” He says. 
After that we walk through the crowd and we talk to as many Pack–members as we can. Joseph and Inti have left with Pappi and Nanna and many of my Pack compliment me with the decision we made regarding Joseph. Theseus was a bit stiff as we walked around, but the more Pack–members approach him the better it goes. 
“Alpha Amarah, where is Gamma Melia?” One of my Pack–members ask and everyone stops talking as they want to hear my answer, but Theseus answers the question for me, “I found out that there is a lot wrong with how my Father trained us and we decided to divide our Warriors in three teams. 
Each team from Dark Mountain Pack gets paired with a team from White Crescent Pack and together they will work on training each other to get better, I also know that my Father kept a lot of things hidden from me and my leadership. 
With the help of Amarah and her leadership we will get better and become the leadership our Pack needs and deserves. I hope you will be patient with me as I know I have to learn a lot and I hope I am not to set in my ways.” I squeeze his hand to let him know he handled it perfectly. 
“Alpha Theseus, thank you for being honest. I know we all appreciate it and we will help in any way we can to make it easier for you. You have already shown us that you are a good Alpha and you will become a great Alpha with Alpha Amarah by your side. 
The two of you will be great parents to Joseph and any Pup you have in the future. You will learn from the past to do better in the future and you will learn that you are never to old to learn to change your ways.” Ione’s Father says and I know that he is right.. 
As long as we keep talking about everything we will be able to learn from one and other. 
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