Chapter 51 Aother Fight 

I look at the Wolf that is laying unconscious on the ground, I keep a straight face as Minerva is doing a happy dance in my head and the moment I get announced as the winner I turn towards my Mate and my Son. I wrap my arms around both of them as I slowly let my victory sink in, I know not everyone was expecting me to win. 
Joseph is nuzzling my neck as Theseus keeps placing feather light kisses on my face, my family and friends are cheering and I smile as I enjoy this moment. I did what I came here to do and I couldn’t have asked for a better outcome for this Competition. 
The Elders don’t waste time in holding the end ceremony and just moments before the ceremony starts Alpha Ajani regains consciousness, he gets to witness that I will be announced as the winner of this Competition. Alpha Ajani and his Wolf are pissed off about the fact that they lost to a female and a small part of me wants to do what Minerva is doing in my head, she keeps chanting “Nah nah nah nah. nah.” 
I thank Elder Ezra as he hands me a piece of parchment and I already know where it will go, next to the parchment Dad received years ago. Both of them will be hanging behind my desk as a reminder to every Alpha that will be sitting across from me that I am very capable of taking them down. 
As Elder Ezra thanks every competitor for entering the Competition he also reminds everyone that this is the first year a female entered and that this is also the first year a female has won, I see the glint in his eyes that tells me he is mentioning this on purpose. 
The Council and the Elders had been surprised when Dad announced he would turn the Pack over to me, but none of them ever gave me crap about it as it was my birth right to take over and it hadn’t taken long before they realized I was as good and fair as my Father had been. 
I had always been interested in how Dad ran our Pack and during my training to take over he had been. surprised to find that I already knew much of how our Pack was run, I would even ask Grandpa. questions whenever I had the chance to. He and Grandma started to travel after Dad had found Mom and they returned for a few years after Alastor and I were born. 
Grandma had called me just before we left for the Competition and she promised they would visit the day after we get home. Grandpa would send me a message after every match, telling me how proud he is of me and I wouldn’t be surprised if he called this time. 
Theseus and Joseph are waiting for me next to the stage and they both wrap their arms around me the moment I get of the last step. I look towards Dad as I get kissed on both cheeks and I giggle the moment Joseph starts blowing raspberries, Theseus decides to join him as I try to get away from Joseph. 
I know I can break free if I want to, but seeing the huge smile on Joseph’s face causes me to act as if I am trying to break free and his giggles make Theseus blow raspberries in my neck. “Okay, young Alpha. That is enough, let me hug my Granddaughter and my great Grandson.” I hear my Grandmother say. 
“Nanna, when did you get here?” I ask as I pull away from Theseus to hug her and Jospeh giggles as Nanna kisses his check. “You actually think your Grandfather would watch the final match on a screen 
if he can see his Granddaughter kick the crap out of an Alpha in real time.” She exclaims. 
I lift my eyes to meet Pappi’s eyes and I can tell that he is proud of my accomplishment. Nanna takes Joseph from me as she steps towards Theseus and she says, “You better call me Nanna and don’t expect me to call you Alpha, Pup.” 
Pappi wraps his arms around me as he tells me he is proud of me, Pappi had trained me every time he and Nanna had been home and he was the one that had trained me to fight a Wolf in my Human form. “Pappi, I am glad you got to see this match in real time. Can I ask you to train Joseph when he is old enough?” I ask. 
Pappi looks from me to Joseph and I see his eyes widen as Griffin pushes forward, “That is very unusual, Little Wolf.” Pappi says and Joseph says, “Mom calls me Little Wolf too.” Pappi says he would like to meet his Mom and Joseph looks from Pappi to me. 
I tell Pappi what happened in regard to Joseph, knowing Nanna probably kept him in the dark to annoy him and I wonder what he did or said for Nanna not to tell him anything. Pappi smiles as he looks from me to Theseus, “Good decision. The two of you will create a strong Pack together, I think I might like to stay home for the rest of my life, just to see your Pups get born and to see them grow up. 
Pappi and Nanna take Joseph up to see my parents and Theseus and I are heading to our own suite pack up. Theseus told me last night he wanted to head home as soon as possible. He wanted us to mark the north and south border of the clearing as soon as we could, because he wanted Asteria to get her freedom back. 
Elder Ezra had confirmed that Khonsu was still looking for her after all these years, but hadn’t left Pack territory for over three years. Theseus and I know that the moment someone informs him she is still alive he will come for her, but he will find a huge Pack that is willing to protect her with their lives and I have no problem in taking him down. 
It is a noisy chaos in the suite as we are busy packing our stuff and I giggle as Theseus looks annoyed at his Beta, who is currently running around the suite holding his Mate’s phone out of her reach. “Get used to it, my Love.” I say. “It will only get worse the more at ease they get with one and other.” He grumbles something under his breath, but I pay no attention to it as I start packing Joseph’s clothing. 
“Ajax, hand that phone back to your Mate. How old are you, four?” Theseus asks and I giggle as I see Ajax looking at Theseus with a pout on his face. I think Thèseus will be in for a surprise once we get back home, he doesn’t seem to realize that this is the way we always act and I have this feeling that Ajax picked up on it. 
He is just showing us that he is relaxed enough around us to act the way he wants, not the way some think a Beta should act and I decide that during our drive back home I will explain a few things about how I interact with my leadership. However, there will be a few things I will leave for our conversation with Damon and the others. 
Theseus is still looking annoyed as everyone is running around the suite checking every room to make sure we packed everything and I grab the pillow of the bed to slam it against his head, “Did you just hit me with a pillow, my Alpha?” I hear Linus growl and Irun from the room holding on to the pillow, Ajax looks at me with a twinkle in his eyes. 
I jump behind him as I hear Linus running out of the room, Ajax wasn’t prepared for Linus swinging a pillow in his direction and he gets hit dead center in the middle of his face. Lsee a pillow flying through the air from the comer of my eur hitting I inus against the hack of his head and he turns to look at 
who did it but there is no one there. 
I only know one person that is capable of throwing a pillow that accurately and I giggle as I realize that my Gamma is hiding behind the curtain. Ajax has pulled out of his state of shock and with a pillow from the couch he stalks towards Linus. The others rush into the hallway to see what is going on and that results in a full blown pillow fight. 
Theseus gets help from his Deltas, but their Mates know better than to fight against me and it becomes an uneven battle as my leadership and his Beta side with me. The only one that just enjoys the show from the sideline is Apollo, but that changes the moment his Mate tosses a pillow in his face. 
Like Theseus he didn’t see who threw the pillow, but he decides to stick to his Alpha’s side in this battle and he tries to figure out which of us hit him. Linus finally realizes where my Gamma is hiding, but I warn her in time for her to get away and I am laughing my ass off as he looks surprised at not finding her behind the curtain. 
I start laughing even harder when I see the surprised look on his face as another pillow hits his head and this time it was his own Beta that threw the pillow. “You think this is funny, my Alpha. Linus growls as he stalks towards me and I shake my head as I try to keep myself from laughing, but I can’t seem to stop myself. 
Minerva is not helping either and I squeal the moment Linus wraps his arms around me, “You are going to pay for this, my Alpha.” Linus whis