Chapter 48 Not Your Luna 

I panic the moment I hear Amarah say that Griffin is about to shift and I am grateful for Atlas to make the decisions, because I can’t think straight right now. Linus is whining in my head at the thought of what Joseph has to go through and I panic even more 
What if Joseph can’t handle his first shift? What if he gets to exhausted to finish his first shift? Will I be able to help him enough? Do I need to shift into Linus or will Minerva be the better choice? I am so caught up in my thoughts I don’t notice that Atlas has guided me to the elevator, but I get pulled from my thoughts as I smell my Mate. 
Amarah places Joseph in front of me as she starts to take her clothes off and I understand that Minerva wants to guide Griffin through his first shift. “Holy Fuck. Our Mate looks amazing.” Linus says and I stare at the most beautiful Wolf I have ever seen. 
She is almost as big as Linus and her fur is such a dark grey color that it comes close to black, Joseph wraps his arms around her as best as he can but she is to big for him. I give him sometime to bond with Minerva before I tell him to take his PJ’s off, “We will be here every step of the way, my Little Wolf, We will guide you through your shift, stay close to me and Minerva.” 
The moment his bones start to crack Minerva steps over him and I feel a bit better knowing she is that close to him, I keep talking to him as Lstroke his back Linus is whimpering in my head every time Joseph screams in pain, I feel tears running down my cheeks and I will be glad once this is over. 
I see light yellow fur sprouting from his body as time passes and I see that his eyes are fixed on Minerva as she nuzzles him with her snout. The moment Griffin stands next to Minerva I just stare at the two of them, his golden fur looks amazing next to her dark fur and I chuckle when I see him pushing against Minerva’s legs. 
Griffin follows Minerva around the garden as Atlas steps next to me and I see that he is on a videocall with the others to show them what Griffin looks like. Minerva and Griffin walk towards me and I know he will release control back to Joseph, so I get down on one knee to cuddle with him before he shifts. back. 
“You did great, Griffin. You are a special Wolf and I will guide you every step of the way, so you can become an amazing grown Wolf.” I say to him, he shifts back to Joseph and I hold onto him until Amarah takes him out of my arms to dress him. 
We walk back towards the back entrance of the Hotel when I see that Elder Ezra and Mykel are waiting for us and as I listen to Amarah asking Elder Ezra questions I hear Joseph in my head, “Thank you, Dad, Mom told me it will get easier, that it won’t hurt this bad next time. Griffin enjoyed running around with Mom and he can’t wait to meet Dad.” He says. 
I know Linus wants to get the chance to run around with Griffin as well and I feel proud that I get to raise this amazing Wolf with my Mate. I want to reply to Joseph but he is already fast asleep and I smile as I watch him snuggling closer to Amarah. 
After we put Joseph to bed we head back to our own suite to find one female missing and one look at Xanthos tells me why his Mate is unaccounted for. Everyone is talking about Minerva and Griffin as we settle in our seats, before we start to discuss the important issues at hand and I know we won’t be able 
to cover everything tonight. 
Apollo and Melia take the lead in our conversation on border patrol, they point out that the first thing we need to do is make sure that our Warriors get integrated, “They need to start working together if we want the border patrols to work and Melia pointed out that our patrols lack in efficiency, Theseus.” Apollo says. 
He had discussed our patrols with his Mate and she showed him that our patrols weren’t working to the best of their ability, that there was a lot that needed to be improved. She had taken a map of both our Pack territories and pointed out how their patrols work compared to ours. 
“I am surprised we didn’t have more Rogues entering our territory when she showed me the difference. in our patrols. We discussed how we should integrate our Warriors and we need to do it the moment we get back.” Apollo says. 
We agree that I will have Josh, Neill and Simon take a group of Warriors with them to the clearing. splitting our Warriors in three teams and Amarah will do the same with her Warriors. Nestor, Hector and Myles will be in charge of those teams and we will merge the six teams into three teams. 
Apollo and Melia will explain to the Warriors what will be happening as Amarah and I will mark the borders at the north and south of the clearing, before we will remark the remainder of the borders. It will allow Asteria to come out of hiding and enjoy freedom for the first time in five years. 
Once the marking of the borders is done and the Warriors know how to run the borders, the rest of the Pack–members will be called to the clearing where we will inform them that Amarah and I are fated Mates. That we will combine both Packs to one Pack, that we want their input on a name for our Pack and that we will have a new Pack–house build. 
Joseph will be with us the entire time and I will announce that we have adopted Joseph to insure that Joseph and Griffin will get the guidance they need. We will make sure that everyone knows that Damien and Penelope are no longer welcome on Pack territory unless they have my approval and that they are aware of the reason why. 
“Theseus, there is one thing we need to discuss before calling it a night.” lone says and her tone tells me this is necessary, I turn my attention towards her as Amarah snuggles deeper into my arms. I wrap my arms around her a little tighter as I kiss her temple. 
Before she says anything she hands me her tablet to show me the plans for the Hospital and I am surprised to see that she used the blueprint from our Pack–house, “Why did you chose this blueprint? I ask her and a smile appears on Ajax’s face as she tells me it is pointless to build a new building if we can remodel the interior of the Pack–house. 
The ground floor will stay much the same as it will be used as a gathering place for those that are still living near our eastern border, Omegas get to chose where they want to live and those that stay at the Hospital will still cook for our Pack–members. The offices will be made smaller for Doctors to check out injuries sustained during training. 
The first floor will be remodeled to accommodate those that need to stay overnight or need longer to heal, the second and third floor is for Omegas and Warriors that want to stay there and the other floors will get remodeled to accommodate guests. 
“Ajax and I put our Pack’s finances next to one and other to see if it is possible to build the new honce and remodel the Rack–house to a Hoenital or the came time I will take some adinting for 
everyone if we start remodeling your old Pack–house immediately, but most of the work will be done on floors that will barely get used. 
That is if we all stay at the old Pack–house located in White Crescent territory and everyone will be using their meals there as well for the time being. Our only challenge will be the Alpha floor in your old Pack–house.” Ione says and we all know who she is talking about, she doesn’t have to spell it out to us. 
Even the financial budget is worked out into detail and I call Ademus to inform him he will receive an email from his Brother that he needs to look at, to make sure he can clear the budget with our finances. After I disconnect the call I see Ajax counting down on his fingers from five to zero and the moment he is at zero my phone starts ringing. 
I see that it is Ademus so I pick up quickly, “Alpha, I might have an issue here. It says in the oversight that our Pack–house gets remodeled to a Hospital, I don’t think we need such a big Hospital for our Pack. He says and I ask him if he has heard anything from my Father about his visit to the Competition site. 
“Fuck, the old Idiot was telling the truth.” He exclaims and I chuckle at the words he uses to describe my Father. I tell him what has happened in the past few days and he tells me that my Father isn’t to friendly with what he tells our Pack–members, that both my parents are talking trash about their new Laina. 
“Ademus, Amarah is not your new Luna. She is the Alpha of White Crescent Pack.” I say and I hear him. cuss and swear underneath his breath, making me wonder what the hell my Father told everyone.. “Ademus, I want to hear exactly what he has been saying about Amarah.” I demand and as I listen to him I wish I hadn’t asked. 
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