Chapter 46 Accepted 

Minerva is still agitated about what Damien tried to do, she wants to rip him to pieces and I need Joseph and Theseus close to keep control of her. She is ranting and raging in my head as she keeps pacing back and forth, holding Joseph settles her a little but when Theseus wraps his arms around us she finally calms down completely. 
“Are you okay, my Alpha?” Theseus asks and I tell him I nearly lost control to Minerva. He sit down on a couch with me and Joseph on his lap and he just holds us close. I see Mom and Dad talking to Delia and I am thankful she was there to take care of those two Idiots. 
Theseus takes my mind of what happened by asking Joseph what kind of room he wants and I listen as they discuss the color he wants on his walls. He wants a silver gray wall behind his bed and the other walls in classic sand with tomahawk blue grey oak laminate flooring, with under his bed a rug with a leaf pattern in multiple natural colors. 
The rug has to be high–pile as he likes the feeling of it underneath his feet in the morning and we keep looking further for everything he wants in his room. He picks a black bed with a rounded frame as he likes the way it looks, there is a light running through the headboard and it looks as if the bottom is 
folded in two. 
He doesn’t want to choose any other furniture until he has seen his room, but Theseus tells him that it will take some time before the new Pack–house is done. Joseph isn’t bothered by it and tells us he will make further decisions on his room once the main structure of the building is in place. 
Theseus is showing something to Joseph as he asks if I might like that and I see the most disgusting look on his face. “If you do that Mom is going to make you live with Grandfather and Grandmother.” He grumbles and I see Theseus pale at his words, he seems to think Joseph might be right. 
I try to see what it is, but Joseph just shakes his head and I giggle as he tries to keep it away from me. “Is it that bad, my Little Wolf?” I ask him and by the looks I see on others faces I know I really don’t want to see it. A ding on my phone pulls my attention away from Joseph and Theseus, a smile appearing on my face when I see that Eos send me a picture. 
I open the image but immediately wishing I hadn’t, Joseph is right about Theseus living with his parents if he gets us this bed and I decide to get back at him for it. “I actually think it looks amazing, my Little Wolf.” I say and both of them look at me in shock, but I keep my eyes on the image 
“Brown colored laminate flooring, light grey walls and an off–white colored rug. Light colored sheets would look great with the different colors of the rocks.” I say as Minervar is rolling in the aisles and 1 keep my eyes on the image as I hear Theseus softly groan. Joseph is in stitches as he can see Theseus face and I guess my Mate looks horrified. 
“I was just kidding, my Alpha.” Theseus whispers in my ear and I turn to him with a pout on my face. “But if you really like it we can get it.” He quickly continues and I am rolling in the aisles with Minerva. Joseph is hiccupping as we both try to catch our breath. 
“I’ll keep this in mind, my Alpha.” Theseus says with amenacing voice, but I see the twinkle in his eyes. Not that I doubt he will get back at me for this, but it was worth it. Joseph has finally caught his breath again, but giggles every now and then as he looks at Theseus or me. 
Joseph is watching my match as we wait for dinner to be served and he comments out loud as he sees what is happening on the screen, he cheers whenever I connect with my opponent. When he sees that Alpha Claus tapped out he is jumping up and down in his seat, not even the growls coming from Black Claw Pack stop him from celebrating my victory. 
He stands up on his chair and everyone goes quiet as they look at the little five year old Wolf, “That is my Mom and she will win tomorrow.” He yells loudly and there are actually a lot of Wolves that start applauding, but not everyone is to thrilled with his announcement. 

Theseus chuckles as I get up to hug my Little Wolf, I pull him down with me to place him on my lap and I lean into Theseus as I sigh out of contentment. My life is complete for the time being and Theseus and I will concentrate on getting our Packs sorted out first. 
Our new borders have to be marked, our Warriors have to be integrated and–most importantly we have to get our border patrol sorted out. lone is already working on the plans for building our new Pack- house, we finished the blueprint for the remaining floors and Theseus and I had approved the final drawing 
Tonight we will make our list of things we need to do the moment we get back on Pack grounds, even though I think that Dark Mountain Pack will know about us being mated from Damon and I know he hopes they will be opposed to it. It doesn’t have me worried though, I think they will welcome it if Joseph’s remark about the Omegas is an indication towards Damon’s behavior towards Omegas. 
Some females still give me death glares, even though everyone knows that we are fated Mates. I am not. sure if I will ever understand a female like them, a female like Penelope that will chose a Mate over their fated Mate. Maybe if you never intent to stay faithful to your Mate it would be an explanation, but then again your Wolf or Lycan will always chose their fated Mate over a chosen one. 
Even after getting rejected we never considered a chosen Mate, I grew up surrounded by fated couples and I saw what a fated Mate can do for you. Even in the midst of pure anger and hate your fated Mate can calm you down, something a chosen Mate will never be able to do. 
Chances of having a Pup are far less for chosen Mates than for fated Mattes, I am not saying they can’t have Pups but usually it will take longer for them to conceive. If I were to give you a good thing about chosen Mates it would be that you don’t feel pain. 
Pain from your Mate cheating on you, pain from your Mate getting injured or pain when your Mate dies. You don’t feel their emotions and that is the main difference between a chosen Mate and a fated Mate, a major part of the Mate–bond is missing. 
Minerva pulls me a bit further into my head as she asks me what I felt when Damien had grabbed Joseph and I let my mind go back to that moment as 
back to that moment as I eat my dinner. I had felt happy with Theseus‘ lips on mine and I had not recognized the roar that pulled us apart. 
The moment I saw Damien reach out to Joseph I wanted to let Minerva take over, but I am glad Theseus turned me away from that scene and even though I couldn’t see it I had felt it the moment a hand wrapped around Joseph’s arm. I concentrate on Joseph and I feel his excitement running through him, I can feel that he is happy. 
“Theseus, do me a favor? Concentrate on Joseph and tell me what you feel.” I say through our mind–link and I watch his face as he does what I asked him to do. As I watch him I ask Minerva how this is possible, Joseph is not our Pup by blood and I shouldn’t be able to feel his pain or his emotions. 
His face changes expression before I hear him in my head and he confirms what I felt myself. Minerva tells me why we are able to feel his pain and emotions and for a moment I am flabbergasted, this was something I didn’t even know could happen. 
“Mom, what is wrong?” I hear Joseph ask and I turn to face him. “Joseph, why are you asking, my Little Wolf?” I ask him, but I think I already know the answer to that question and he confirms it when he tells me that he felt I was feeling strange to him and Griffin. 
Every conversation has stilled and I know everyone wants to know what we are discussing. “There is nothing wrong, my Little Wolf. Minevra just told me that you and Griffin have fully accepted us as your parents and that explains why I felt it when you had pain in your arm or why you could feel my emotions spike.” I tell him. 
“Oh, silly Mom. Of course Griffin and I accept you as our Mom, you love us and so does Dad.” He says and I nuzzle his neck as I pull him in my arms. I don’t want to think about what his words might mean, I will do that later but for now I will just enjoy the moment. 
Theseus thanks Joseph and Griffin for accepting us as his parents and I feel how happy this makes him, Joseph will always have our love, he will never have to doubt it and I will make sure he gets reminded of it every single day. Even when Theseus and I will have Pups of our own, he will always be our first Prip. 
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