Chapter 45 Ouch 

I saw the confused look in Damien’s eyes when he saw Amarah behind me and I really enjoyed the look on his face when I told them she is my second chance Mate. Dad said nothing after my warning and I know him well enough that he will try to get away with disrespecting Amarah, but I am going to enjoy 
the show when he tries. 
The rgoment she closes the door behind her a shitstorm kicks up and I just sit back as I ignore what they are yelling and shouting about. After about five minutes Linus has had enough and in our Alpha voice he shouts, “Shut up.” I get out of my seat as Linus backs down just a little bit. 
“I don’t care what you have to say, I don’t care how you feel about this and I sure as hell don’t give a damn about your opinions. Amarah and I will be raising Joseph, we will build a life together and our firstborn will take over the Pack.” I say and when Dad says it Joseph’s birth to take over Dark Mountain Pack right Linus roars. 
“Dad, you seems to forget something. With me and Amarah mated our Packs will become one, there will be no more Dark Mountain Pack to take over. Then there is the matter of Joseph not wanting become an Alpha and I will honor his wish.” I say and I think it will take a while before my Father will understand that Dark Mountain Pack will cease to exist. 
“I want to three of you out of here before Amarah’s next match is over and with the way she is going that will be within a minute. Dad, I will talk to you at home and as for the two of you I suggest you go to your new Pack. If I find out you set foot in Dark Mountain Pack I will come for you.” I say before I walk out the door to find my Mate. 
She wraps her arms around me the moment I stand in front of her and I bury my nose in her neck to inhale her scent and to allow Linus to calm down. We both hated being in the room without her, but we also understood her need to get away from them and she needed to prepare for her match. 
Joseph is in Anthea’s arms and I see that the others are not far away from her, “He knows they are here, this is just our family showing him that he will be safe with them.” Amarah says through the mind–link and I smile at her before I kiss her deeply. 
Her next match starts in a few minutes and I can’t wait to see how she will take down the Alpha of Black Claw Pack, he is an Alpha that treats his Pack as personal slaves. I believe that only his Beta and Gamma get treated normally and I know that there are those that have tried to escape his Pack, but not many make it past the borders of his Pack. 
An Elder is keeping a close eye on the Alpha and I wonder what that is about, because normally Elders. keep away from Alphas. If only to make sure they don’t look biased or offend an Alpha from another Pack, so this in it self is rather unusual and I ask Midak through the mind–link to keep an eye on it. 
I don’t have to wait long for an answer as one of his Warriors gets worked to the ground and Elder Ezra steps onto the stage to inform us that word had gotten to them that the Alpha wanted to cheat, “Alpha Amarah, we can postpone the match until after a Doctor has looked him over to make sure he is clean. The choice is yours.” Elder Ezra says. 
Amarah choses to postpone the match and I hadn’t expected another answer from her. She really wants to show these Alphas what she is made of and that with the right training a female can take down 
any male. Atlas and Anthea can be proud of the female they raised, she is an excellent fighter and I am damn glad she is my Mate. 
We talk through the mind–link to pass the time and to keep her mind of what could have happened. We talk about a new name for our Pack, we talk about the plans for the new Pack–house and we keep coming back to the same conclusion, we will address it once this Competition is over. 
Joseph fell asleep in her arms as we were talking and Anthea gently takes him from her arms before. Amarah gets up to enter the Arena. I ask someone to tape the match for Joseph as I keep my eyes on Amarah and that asshole of an opponent, because the Doctor might have given the all clear but it doesn’t mean I will trust him. 
This will be the last match of the day and whoever wins will be facing the Alpha of Black Stone Pack tomorrow. I see a less than confident look on Alpha Claus‘ face and I know he is well aware of the fact that he is going to lose. He has two strikes against him now, the first one was when he tore up the alliance and the second when he tried to cheat in this Competition. 
Amarah decides to show him that she is the better fighter by dodging every attempt he makes at connecting with her body and she makes it look so damn easy, but I know it takes a lot of practice to be able to pull this off. She slowly tiers him out as she makes him angrier every time she avoids his punches. 
Every punch or kick she throws his way connects with his body and I see a very determent and evil look in her face, that Mate of mine is up to something. He is staggering around the Arena, but as long as he is still standing or conscious the match keeps going and that is when I figure out what my Mate is going for. 
The ultimate way to humiliate an Alpha like Alpha Claus, she wants him to forfeit the game, she wants him to admit defeat and I think she won’t stop until he gives up. He tried to win this match by cheating and now she is going to force him to tap out, a humiliation he will never recover from. 
I look around the Arena and I see that I am not the only one that has figured out her end game, every Alpha is watching intently as she dodges him again while her fist connects with his side. She side steps to avoid his fist as she shoves her knee into his groin and I am grateful it is not my groin. 
Linus is sitting on his hindlegs with his tongue out of his mouth and he watches in aww as our Mate avoids another one of his attempts to hit her. Looking back on her training with Midas and Apollo I realize she had been holding back and I promise myself I will become her sparring partner, she needs someone that can hold his own against her. 
Every member of Black Claw Pack is looking worried at their Alpha as he receives another punch to his side and I really hope he will tap out before she accidentally knocks him out. “Too bad Joseph is asleep. he would have loved to see this match.” I hear a voice next to me say. 
“Yes, Atlas. He would have been up on the bleachers yelling for Alpha Claus to tap out.” I state and he asks what I mean by that, so I explain that this is one of the rules in regulations. This match has been going for over an hour now and I start to wonder how much longer Amarah can keep this up, but it is not something I have to worry about. 
Alpha Claus finally taps out after her heel connects with the back of his head and Amarah gets announced the winner after tap out. I lift her in the air as I spin us around and she is laughing as I slowly let her glide down my body, “That was an amazing match, my Alpha.” I say before I slam my lips. to hers and she wrans her legs around my waist 
I forget that we are standing inside the Arena, I forget that there are a lot of Wolves watching, I just forget about the rest of the world as I am kissing my Mate and I don’t give a crap if someone thinks it is inappropriate to show this in front of the world. 
A loud roar pulls us apart and I see Minerva pushing forward as Amarah sees over my shoulder what is going on. I hold onto her as I turn around, but I nearly lose control to Linus as I see Alpha Crios holding Anthea by the throat and Damien is trying to pry Joseph out of her arms, 
I step froward with Amarah to intervene, but Damien and Crios get taken care of by Delia. She first punches Damien straight in his face before she turns her attention to Crios and I groan at the sight in front of me. She is standing behind Crios and without thinking twice she puts her hand between his legs to squeeze his groin in her hand, her Wolf lending her extra strength. 
He screams on the top of his lungs, but she is not releasing him. “Delia, Sweetheart.” Anthea says. “Joseph and I are fine. I think it is safe to let go.” However she isn’t listening and it takes Joseph to put his hand on her other arm before she actually looks at Anthea. 
After everyone settles down a bit I look at Amarah, she is holding Joseph tight and I don’t think she will be letting go anytime soon. My men and I had guided everyone back into the Hotel to let others deal with the aftermath of things, I made sure everyone was safe before I wanted to deal with my baby Brother. 
Amarah stays close to me and I realize that every time I take a step away from her she follows me, but I don’t think she is aware of what she is doing. I wrap my arms around her and Joseph before I bury my face in her neck. 
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