Chapter 33 Making The Call 

I quickly took a shower before getting dressed for dinner and now I am sitting in an armchair in my room, thinking about the events of the day. If anyone had told me this yesterday morning I would have been in stitches, I never would have believed I would find my second chance Mate today or that I would be adopting my Nephew. 
Linus and I still get pissed off thinking about what Damien did to her, but for the most part it has to do with how he did it and then claiming that Penelope is his fated Mate. Linus was the one that came up with the punishment for Damien and Penelope, because he didn’t want to see that conniving female ever again. 
Now I am grateful for Linus‘ solution as it will mean that Amarah won’t have to face him unless she chooses to face him. “If Dad knew I want him gone too. say to Linus. “Hell, if he puts up a fight because she is my Mate I am going to send him in Damien’s direction.” 
I am going to show her every single day that I want her, need her and love her, she will never doubt that she is the one for me and Linus, If anyone gives us trouble I will make sure they know not to mess with me or my Mate, even though I have a feeling she will be capable of doing that all by herself. 
“Dad will need to leave our floor once we get back, ask Amarah if we can stay in her Pack–house until he is moved out. I don’t want to deal with him anymore and I sure as hell don’t want Amarah to deal with him, he will make snide comments every chance he gets.” Linus growls. 
I know Linus is correct, Mom and Dad will take every chance they get to make it known they don’t like her and knowing their history with Amarah’s parents I know they will stop at nothing. However, I will make sure they know the consequences of crossing the line. 
Amarah surprised both me and Linus when she asked the Council what we had to do to adopt Joseph, but I heard the sincerity when she said she couldn’t hold his parent’s actions against him. Joseph was always more willing to accept something I told him and that goes for my men as well. 
If Joseph doubted an answer he got he would ask me or one of my men and he would always take our answer for truth, after all we had no reason to lie to him. I still remember the day he asked me about fated Mates and looking back I think he suspected something when it comes to his 
Damien wasn’t too happy he asked me that question directly or that I shot him down when Damien told Joseph they would talk about it in their room. I think it was his way of trying to control an already unstable situation with his Son, but in the end it backfired as Joseph told him he wanted me to answer his question. 
Linus tells me to point this out to Amarah as Joseph will ask her questions, just to see if she would lie to him and I guess it is only fair to give her a heads up on this. I never thought much about Joseph asking me for answers, but with the knowledge I have now I start to understand a few more things. 
Minerva is still in the dreamy state she has been in ever since Theseus kissed us and i hear her softly sigh as she relives the memory. I had only kissed one male before Theseus and that had been more of a dare than anything else. It hadn’t been earthmoving or down right awful, but it was nothing compared. 
to what Theseus made me feel. 
I had been very reluctant to let him go, but Dad was right when he said we needed to change for dinner. I think back on the times Mom would complain about Dad not being around or if he had been in long meetings and I think I finally understand just a little of what she felt at those times. 
It is almost as if I am incomplete without Theseus nearby. I didn’t feel this way when I helped Mom and Delia with clearing the table after lunch. Maybe it has to do with not being able to hear him or smell him, whatever it is I hope I will have this feeling as less as possible in my life. 
I am thinking about the question Eos asked, part of me wants to be with Theseus as much as I can and a small part of me is still scared he might reject me. I know he is nothing like Damien, but that doesn’t mean he won’t reject me in private and I think a small part of me fears he might. 
Amarah, he wants us. Just as much as Linus wants us. Talk to him and you will find out for yourself he will never reject us.” Minerva says and the doubt I have in my head becomes a little smaller. I grab my dual colored suit before I head in to the bathroom. 
I know it is not a suit anyone expects me to wear, but then again I have quite an unusual taste when it comes to my clothing and I hope Theseus will like this particular one. As I stand under the shower I close my eyes and let the water cascade over my back, while I let the events from this day run through my mind. 
By the time I have showered and dried myself off I have made up my mind, I see that lone is no longer in the room and a small bag is laying by the door. I call Mykel and ask him if he can grab the bags from the rooms while we are at dinner, he doesn’t ask why when I tell him where to bring them. 
I pull on the tight pants with a tight long sleeved shirt, before I pull on the vest and blazer. I really love the checkered look and that half of it is grey, white and black, while the other half is black and blue. I remember the shocked look on Mom’s face the first time she saw it 
Once she saw me wearing it she knew why I loved it so much and everyone that sees it for the first time compliments me on how good is suits me. Everyone is waiting for me when I finally emerge from the bedroom, “You look sharp as always, Sweetheart.” Mom says as I walk towards the elevator. 
We are waiting on the ground floor near the elevator for our Mates, all of us are pacing back and forth and I have seen a few unmated females look our way. Luckily none of them has come our way yet and I hope it stays that way, because I know Linus will throw a fit if one of them approaches us. 
Midas taps me on my shoulder to let me know the elevator is on its way down and I can feel Linus slowly calming down, but I know he will stay agitated until we have her in our arms. Just like this morning the door opens way to slow for us and Linus is softly growling in my head. 
My heart skips a beat the moment she gets of the elevator and for a moment I don’t know if she looks hotter in this outfit or the one she wore last night, but Linus tells me she looks hot no matter what she wears. She smiles up at me as she walks into my open arms and I wrap my arms around her as I kiss her. 
The moment our lips touch the rest fades away around us and I pull her closer to my body as we deepen the kiss. “Looks like they already found their dinner.” I hear Alastor mumble and a second later 
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My eyes stay on Amarah as I catch my breath and I see from the corner of my eyes that my men are holding their Mates as well. “Okay, let’s get something to eat and get the rumors started.” Delia says and I hear Amarah groan, but we both know that Delia is right. 
The moment we step into the dining room everyone will be talking about us and most of it won’t be pleasant. I know Amarah can handle herself, but I know Linus will react to anyone bad mouthing her and for once I will not stop him from reacting to their disrespect. 
Most of the Alphas and their Pack–members don’t know how to behave themselves when it comes to what is appropriate to say or do and I know Linus hates anyone that acts that way, so I will let him handle this. I pull my phone from my back pocket and I see a smile appear on her face. 
“Luna Meave, can you bring Joseph to the Competition site tomorrow?” I ask her the moment she answers my call, for a moment she is silent and from the sounds I hear I understands she is walking away from someone. “Sorry, Alpha Theseus. I had to go to my office, Jane arrived half an hour ago at the request of my Mate. 
He wants her to explain why she convinced Penelope to take a chosen Mate, she knows her Father and I never understood why she took a chosen Mate and we warned her not to get between Penelope and her fated Mate. I will make sure I get Joseph to you in the morning, I don’t know if my Mate will come with us or he has to be a distraction for Jane.” She tells me 
“Thank you, Luna Maeve. I will explain everything to you in the morning.” I say before I disconnect the call. Amarah had her arms around my waist during the call with Luna Maeve and I kiss her forehead as I put my phone into my back pocket again. 
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